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Ecopia:Shadow on Perrep

An ongoing, secret war rages throught the planet Ecopia. In the region of the Sano Ocean, the war has triggered a great darkness to emerge from the depths of an island known as Perrep. If this Great Darkness isn't stopped, it would lay claim of all life on the planet. An orphan Herp named Chameleon is sent to the island of Perrep to investigate a mysterious signal. What started out as a simple reconnaisence mission turns into a long struggle for the future of the planet Ecopia. Can this evil power be stopped before it gets out of the Island? Can Chameleon's SuperPowers be enough to stop this evil force?

Take that, evil villain!

Ecopia:Shadow on Perrep was made using the O.H.RPG.C.E., a program made by James 'Spam man' Paige. You can download it at his website theHamsterrepublic.

Questions? Comments? Anything else? E-MAIL