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Every time you turn your head the world changes and, likewise, the words that proclaim it change, too. But still, each word, each sentence, or letter, or line break means far more than memories or dreams. They are each, in their own right, a breath, a spring rain, a chance to travel the road less taken, an opportunity to life life to the fullest measure of the word.
Literature holds within it, above glory and pride, the passion fo the human race. Therefore, it is not as a writer, but as a human being --a liver of life-- that I urge the members of the community to take a the greatest of all journeys; to breathe, to feel, to experience, to live, and above all else, to write. For without passion, we would all be truly dead.

So, I know what you're saying to yourselves, "I wonder if there's another way that I can end up dead." Well, the answer is YES. You see, everything on this site is my property. My own personal ideas. So, if you steal it (and that it what you will be doing if you take it off my site without my knowledge and put it somewhere else and say "Look what I did.") I will hunt you down, tear you limb from limb, and feed you to a cow. Do not think I'm am just saying this. I am serious. However, that is just my personal belief as to why you shouldn't steal from me. For the legal reasons, (ie, my lawyer, your lack of lawyer, my copyrights) just go [here.]