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The Werewolf looks similar to the Dire Wolf when in their beast form, but that is their only similarity. The Werewolves look more feral with closer observation, because they are ruled more by instinct than emotions or thought process. If they perceive you a threat, you'll know it. They can blend in with others in a human form one moment, then be attacking you with teeth and claws in their bipedal beast form the next. They are unpredictable, and favor the wolf's more aggressive traits than the Dire Wolves do. Werewolves also have a different anatomy and origin, so comparing the Dire Wolves to the Were in anything more than appearance often results in a flare up of anger and insult, as the Were find the Dire's to be weak and pathetic and nothing like the Were.
Culture & History

Requirements For Play


  • Blank

  • Blank

  • Blank

  • Blank



Age Ratio

(HY indicates physical appearance, AY is how long they have lived.)

1 HY : 1 AY
HY ceases around 60

Race Perks

Doubled ___

+8 in Traits

Race Drawbacks



To Procreate, Partner Must Be:
Humanoid. Age of maturity is considered 18 AY.

On a d100 roll (pregnancy):
90-100 Unsuccessful
40-89 One Child
1-39 Twins

Gender (d2 roll):
1 = Female
2 = Male

Child’s race:
If parents are same race, the child will be that race.

If parents are each a different (but full blooded) race, the child will be half of each race.

If one or both parents are a half-race, the GM will have each parent roll d2 to determine which half from each parent they’ll be.

Race Skills


Natural skills will be available to your character upon registration and don't need SP to unlock, but SP can be used to make some stronger.

Skill 1 -
Skill 2 -


Spend SP to unlock skills or make them stronger.

Eagle Vision (Sight): Double the distance seen when flying if nothing obstructs view.
Detect Poison (Scent): You can taste it on your tongue just by smelling it.