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Written in scrolls from the days that there were just Humans openly in the world, tales told of men and women who could 'shift' into various animals. They didn't know at the time that they had seen an actual ShapeShifter. Since then, they've mixed in to the animal kingdom where they live as the creature they portray, until the day comes when they find the need or desire to venture into the humanoid world. Everything about these creatures varies, from their appearance, to their personalities. It is hard to know too much information about them due to this, making them very unpredictable.

Your perks and skills will fall into the following categories, and your skills given accordingly after registration depending on the animal you select as your primary (first) form.

Type: Flyer, Non-Flyer, Aquatic.
Size (*Example*): Huge (Elephant), Large (Gorilla), Medium (Hyena), Small (Hawk), Tiny (Mouse).
Culture & History

Requirements For Play


  • Humanoid form will resemble that of normal humanoids, with a few exceptions. Some humans might have odd colored hair based off their primary animal if the player chooses (e.g.: pink hair for a flamingo.)

  • Animal forms must be natural, except for the Master Class choices. Smallest can be a mouse or lizard; largest an elephant or whale. No insects.

  • When in animal form, they cannot be told apart in appearance or scent from other animals.


Common, Communication w/ Collected Animal Forms.

Age Ratio

(HY indicates physical appearance, AY is how long they have lived.)

1 HY : 1 AY
Lifespan of about 100 AY.

Race Perks

  • Doubled INF at Registration

  • +1 Sight, +1 Smell, +1 Hearing
    +2 Swimming (Aquatic), +2 Flying (Flyer), +2 Running (Non-Flyer), +5 Timidity (Small/Tiny), +5 Charisma (Medium), +5 Intimidation (Large/Huge)

  • You get 1 human or elven form. Some human forms will have strange colored hair or eyes, but otherwise have all human like features. Elf form looks like a half elf.

  • You gain 1 new animal form every 5 levels if you choose to have them.
    That is a total of 5 forms which includes your starter, with 2 extra special ones if you Master Class; or 10 regular forms if you Dual Class.

    Master Class: At level 25, you gain 1 animal-like form (can be legendary such as a griffon for example) of your choice and color. You can be a pink giraffe if you like.

    Master Class: At level 30, you gain the appearance (but not the abilities) of another race of your choice, like a doppelganger.

  • With each form, you may obtain one of their natural abilities. Your first form will have all its natural abilities because its your strongest. You get the choice with each new form, to gain a new natural attack, natural defense, or natural skill based off that animal. Then the game will decide what you get based off your pick. Not everyone will be the same even if they pick the same animal/ability.

  • You gain the following with each new form: Its natural appearance. Its language. Its movement. Its size.

Race Drawbacks

  • You do not gain with new forms: Its instincts. Its anatomy. Its abilities (w/ exception of the 1 picked.)

  • Cannot use magic.

  • Cannot use items or non-natural weapons in animal forms; armor must be realistic and is GM discretion.

  • Considered a beast race, not humanoid.

  • Cannot use natural weapons/abilities in humanoid form.

  • Anything worn on the body will be destroyed while shifting; remove items in official events if you wish to keep them intact. There is a destructive warp of magic when shifting to protect the shifter from being injured by items on the body from constricting or crushing the shifter, thus the items are destroyed.


To Procreate, Partner Must Be:
Humanoid form or animal form. Age of maturity is considered 18 AY.

Pregnancy forces a shifter to stay in humanoid form to protect the fetus, as shifting would harm it. Child will be born in humanoid form, and stay that way for the first year of it's life. Afterwards it will have sporadic shifting into it's first form until maturity at which age it will gain control to shift at will.

On a d100 roll (pregnancy):
80-100 Unsuccessful
30-79 One Child
10-29 Twins
2-9 Triplets
1 Quadruplets

Gender (d2 roll):
1 = Female
2 = Male

Child’s race:
If parents are same race, the child will be that race.

If parents are each a different (but full blooded) race, the child will be half of each race.

If one or both parents are a half-race, the GM will have each parent roll d2 to determine which half from each parent they’ll be.

Race Skills


Natural skills will be available to your character upon registration and don't need SP to unlock, but SP can be used to make some stronger.

Skill 1 -
Skill 2 -


Spend SP to unlock skills or make them stronger.

Eagle Vision (Sight): Double the distance seen when flying if nothing obstructs view.
Detect Poison (Scent): You can taste it on your tongue just by smelling it.