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She requested: poetry; chocolate; and an unusual use for an everyday household item. 



The boys first Valentine's Day together.

The poem used is found in full at the end of the story.

Weekend Project


  2   3   4

Part One

William finds just the right man for the job

William stood in the aisle, staring up in fear and awe at the towering piles of wood in every cut and size he could imagine. He glanced down at the papers in his hands, then up at the wood again. Oh dear, I’m really in over my head this time.


Masculine laughter sounded behind him and he stiffened in embarrassment and anger, it was most likely directed at him, he was so out of place here in the hardware store, a duck out of water. A poet out of his element.


“Can I help you find something?”


William turned towards the voice, ready to defend himself against a condescending salesperson, only to immediately relax at the boyish face with its warm smile and mischievous brown eyes.  “H…hi. Um, yes, I’m afraid I don’t quite know where to start.”  He handed the sheaf of papers to the rugged brunette standing in front of him.




Xander eyed the overwhelmed man in the aisle. He was gorgeous, and obviously had no idea what he was doing in the hardware store. Shorter than Xander by a few inches, slender, honey blonde hair, he was wearing black slacks and a deep blue button down shirt, and glasses. He looked like an intellectual or possibly a fussy artist, just Xander’s type. He laughed at whatever joke his coworker was telling and quickly excused himself, making his way over to the man before one of his coworkers got to him.


“Can I help you find something?”


The man turned towards him and Xander was momentarily awestruck by pale skin, chiseled features and bright blue eyes. Belatedly Xander realized the man was talking, so he yanked his mind out of the gutter it was quickly crawling into and accepted the papers from the man, glancing down at them.


“Bookshelves, this should be easy enough.” Then he really looked at the blueprints. “Huh, these are weird dimensions.”




As the man accepted the papers and looked at them, William took a moment to assess his helper. He was tall with dark brown hair, a golden tan, and warm brown eyes.  He was ruggedly handsome and William fought down the first stirrings of desire. It was ludicrous, such a man as this, especially one who worked in such an environment, was most assuredly straight. Besides his last relationship had only recently ended, and quite badly at that, to so quickly court a new one was surely folly. He heard the man, Alexander as his nametag read, comment on the dimensions of the shelves.


Pulling himself out of his thoughts, William nodded. “Yes. I have quite an extensive rare book collection, and I’m afraid that many of them tend to be odd sizes.”


The brunette looked back at the blueprints. “What kind of space do you have? Do you rent or own, ‘cuz if you can help it, these should really be built in, more protection that way.”


William was puzzled. “Protection from what?”


“Earthquakes. This is California after all.”


“Oh. You’re quite right, of course. I just recently moved to town and such a thing never occurred to me.”


Xander nodded and began walking towards one side of the aisle. “So, if you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t you bring bookshelves with you when you moved?”


William winced. “I’m afraid it was a case of two bibliophiles attempting to divide up five years worth of collecting. My…ex and I had quite a hard time of it, in the end they got the flat with the custom shelves and I got much of the collection.”


Xander smiled to himself as he heard the pause before ‘ex’, it was the same pause he used when talking to his coworkers about his love life. The pause, followed by the use of ‘they’ as a pronoun, just screamed ‘I’m gay and not sure if it’s okay for me to be out in this environment.’. At lest it did to someone who used that tactic himself.


“Well, I think it’s safe to say I can help you with this.” Xander held out his hand. “I’m Xander, by the way.”


William paused momentarily before accepting the man’s hand. Xander’s hand was warm and strong, and briefly William found himself enjoying the way his smaller hand was enfolded before jerking his thoughts back to safe territory. “It’s very nice to meet you, Xander. I’m William.”


Xander brushed his thumb along the back of William’s hand before releasing it. “So, Will, once we get all the wood for this, do you have someone to put these together and install them?”


William blinked, momentarily taken aback by the familiar nickname. “Um, no, I intend to do it myself. In fact, perhaps you can direct me to the tools next.”


Xander laughed. “No offense, Will. But you don’t seem like you havr a lot of experience with this. Besides, it’ll cost you close to a hundred to get all the tools you’ll need to put these together.”


William couldn’t find it in himself to be offended by Xander’s observation when it was crouched with such a friendly and generous smile and obviously wasn’t meant in a mean manner. “Nevertheless, I can’t afford to hire a carpenter, I’m afraid I’ll just have to muddle through.”


Xander loaded the last of the wood onto the cart. “I’ll tell you what, I’m not busy this weekend. Why don’t I come over and put these together for you? I can bring my own tools, save you the cost of those, and I wouldn’t charge as much as a carpenter for hire.” I’ll do it for free if I can talk you into going out with me.


Momentarily taken aback by the offer, William could only stare at the man. “Oh, no, I wouldn’t want to bother you. I’m…I’m sure you have better things to do with your weekend. I’m quite sure I can manage.”


Xander grinned. “Come on Will. It’s no bother. I need a good weekend project anyway.”


William smiled at Xander. “Well, I suppose that they would turn out much better than if I tried to build them myself.”


Warmed by Xander’s open manner and put at ease by his friendly banter, William allowed himself to be lead around the store as Xander gathered the last of the supplies they would need. Once they had everything, Xander walked him up to the front of the store and tallied William’s purchases himself. Xander then walked him to the truck he’d borrowed and helped him load up all the supplies. A quick exchange of information and William was driving off, feeling lighter of heart than he had since his and Wes’ break up.


Xander waved as William drove off, his other hand clutched protectively around the paper containing William’s address and phone number. He grinned to himself, he was really looking forward to his new weekend project.

Part Two

The boys get started on their project.

William was up far earlier than he needed to be, pacing the rooms of his home and cursing himself for every kind of fool. He had been imagining things, he must have. There was no way that this man, Xander, was gay, and even if he were, someone like him would certainly not be interested in someone like William.


William paced through the living room, avoiding the piled boxes of books awaiting their new shelves, barely glanced at the library, empty except for the stacked wood and nails, and headed into the kitchen. He checked to make sure he still had everything needed to make coffee, then double checked that the plate of pastries he’d picked up at the bakery on the corner was still in the refrigerator. Satisfied that he could offer the carpenter breakfast when he arrived, William resumed his pacing of the house.


The knock, when it came, was almost anticlimactic. Xander was right on time, exactly 9am. William paused and took a few deep breaths before opening the door slowly. Wouldn’t do to seem too eager.

“Good morning, Xander. Please, come in.”




Xander smiled as William opened the door. The man’s honey blonde hair was again pulled into a tail at the nape of his neck and Xander wondered briefly what it would look like loose and what it would feel like to run his fingers through it.  William was dressed down today in blue jeans, though neatly pressed blue jeans, and a plain gray tee shirt. He was actually quite well muscled, to Xander’s surprise, and the brunette quickly wrenched his eyes up to William’s face before he began to contemplate the possibility of glancing William’s nipples through the worn cotton. William was motioning him inside and he entered, turning his wandering eyes to the house instead. William lived in one of the older, Victorian style houses near UC Sunnydale, it was a nice place, but the previous owners had obviously allowed it to fall into a state of disrepair.


William preceded Xander into the living room, watching as the brunette took in the house. “Nice place.”


Xander’s smile was the same warm and friendly one he remembered from the day before, and William found himself relaxing, his fidgeting hands calming slightly.


Xander took in the piles of boxes, clearly marked ‘books’ and some furniture in the corner that still had padding wrapped around it. The paint on the walls was still bright and crisp, obviously recently done. “How long have you lived here?”


William glanced at the boxes sheepishly, “Nearly a month. I’m afraid the house needs several repairs done and I’m rather slow with them.”


William led the way into the library, watching as Xander took in the space and then feeling his eyes widening as Xander bent over to set his toolbox down. “I like the colors you chose.”


William wrenched his eyes away from Xander’s ass.  “Oh, ah, thank you.”


Xander took in the room: it was small, maybe 10 feet by 10 feet, with a wood floor, chair rail, crown molding and a small stone fireplace. William had painted the walls a deep forest green and it set off the dark cherry of the wood nicely.  Xander paced the space, mentally planning where the shelves would go, how tall they would be, and immediately planned to stop back at the store and pick up some crown molding to match what was already in the room, making the shelves look more built-in.


William’s hesitant voice broke through his thoughts. “Can I offer you some coffee, something to eat perhaps?”


Xander smiled. “That would be great, thanks.”  Then followed William into the kitchen.




They sat around a small kitchen table, enjoying the early morning sunlight and sipping coffee. Xander happily bit into a pastry and eyed William. “So, where did you move here from?”


“Isn’t it painfully obvious?” William’s soft smile took any sting out of his words. “England, London actually.”


“Do you mind me asking why Sunnydale?”


“Not at all. I accepted a teaching position at the university in town.”


“Wow, what do you teach?”


William flushed slightly, “Poetry. My class this semester will be on Modern English Poetry.”


“Again I say ‘Wow’.”


“I’m sure that must be terribly boring to you.”


“No! Not at all. I’m just impressed. I barely got out of high school alive, so anyone who not only went to college but also is smart enough to teach there impresses the hell out of me. “


“You seem like a very intelligent man Xander, I’m sure you have many hidden talents.”  Almost of their own accord, William’s eyes drifted down to Xander’s large, work roughened hands as they cradled the coffee mug. Blushing slightly he forced them back up to Xander’s face.


Xander noticed where William’s eyes had wandered to and tried to hide his grin. “Well, I am very good with wood.” He lost the battle with his grin and hid it in his coffee cup instead. 


William drew in a sharp breath and started to choke on his coffee. Xander took pity on the obviously shy Brit. “I’m trying to get my own carpentry business off the ground. So, you know, if the shelves turn out okay, tell your friends.”


“O…oh, of course.”


They finished their coffee and headed back into the library.


“So, where do you think you want the shelves?”

“Um, I was thinking that they would look best flanking the fireplace.”


Xander eyed the wall and nodded, “That’s my opinion too.”  He turned to look at William. “Well, I guess I’d better get to work.”


“Oh, of course. Do you need anything?”

Xander let his eyes sweep William’s lean body. “If I do I’ll let you know.”



William busied himself around the house with little chores while Xander worked. He repeated tried and failed to not think about the tall, muscular brunette that was working just rooms away. He was sure that Xander had been teasing him, flirting with him, so now William had to decide if he wanted to flirt back. He really didn’t know much about Xander, other than he worked in a hardware store, could build bookshelves from scratch, and was very kind, kind enough to help a complete stranger on his days off.  Don’t forget the breathtakingly handsome part. And he was, very handsome, and so different from Wesley.  Dear sweet Wesley. William had trusted Wesley, and had paid for that trust with a broken heart. So I guess I need to decide if I’m ready to trust someone again. Xander seems so kind, his smile is so open, it would be easy to trust him.  William sighed, threw down the dishtowel and put away the plate he had been methodically drying for the last ten minutes. I guess I’ll just have to see how things go this weekend. Maybe, if I’m still feeling this attraction by the end of this project, I’ll ask him out for drinks.


Finally noticing that the buzz of the saw that had been a constant for the last hour had stopped, William wandered back into the library.  He was stopped short, breathless by the sight of Xander, who had stripped off his work shirt and wore only a skintight wife beater, standing sweaty and flushed in the center of the room.  “Oh, um, h…how is the project going?”


Xander turned to him and grinned. “It’s going pretty good. I’ve got everything measured and cut, I just need to sand it all, then slap it together.”


William looked at the jumble of wood stacked all over the room. “If you say so, it looks much more complicated to me. Um, I was going to run out and pick up something for lunch, do you mind terribly?”


“No, not at all, if you don’t mind leaving me alone in your house?”


William met Xander’s open, friendly smile and returned it. “I believe I can trust you on your own for a while. Besides, I know where you work, I can find you again.”


William left, taking the unexpectedly warming sound of Xander’s laugh with him.


William returned an hour later with lunch, to find one shelf looking put together and another almost there. “Well, this is coming along nicely.”


Xander looked up with a smile. “Yeah. I’ll get them put together before I leave today. Tomorrow I’ll stain them and install them.”


William felt a small thrill at the conformation of at least one more day in Xander’s presence. “Stain them?”


“Yeah, I’ll pick up a stain on my way here tomorrow. It’s to make the wood of the shelves match the wood in the rest of the room.”


“Oh, of course, how silly of me. I never even thought of that.”


“Well, it’s lucky I’m here then.  You can help with the staining part. It’s a lot like painting, and by the looks of these walls, you’re a pro at that.”


William blushed. “Thank you. I am rather proud of the results.” He suddenly remembered the bags in his hands. “I brought lunch. Are you ready to take a break?”


“Gladly, I’m starving.”


They headed back into the kitchen and William set out the containers of cold salads and fixings for sandwiches.  Xander filled his plate and gratefully accepted the tall glass of iced tea William handed him.


“This is a very American lunch, especially this.” Xander gestured to his iced tea.  “I thought everyone from the British Isles considered this sacrilege.”


William laughed. “Many do, but I’ve found that the summer months in California make it difficult to want hot beverages. How did you know that? Have you traveled much abroad?”


Xander looked embarrassed. “No, I’ve, uh, never been further than L.A. before. Actually, my last boyfriend was Irish. He refused to drink iced tea, even at the height of summer. Anytime I had it he’d go on at length about what an abomination it was.”


William hardly heard the end of Xander’s statement, his brain had stopped at the words, ‘my last boyfriend.’  “I…I’m sorry, I thought you said…um…”


“Boyfriend? Yeah I did. Is that a problem?”


“What? No! No, not at all…I….I mean I’m….”  William shook himself out of his shock and noticed that Xander was silently laughing at him. He smiled ruefully. “I’m afraid I must beg your forgiveness. I made a very silly assumption based on no more than your profession.”


Xander reached over and squeezed William’s hand briefly. “It’s okay Will. I’m actually not out at work, so it’s good that while we were there you assumed I was straight. But I figured all the flirting since I got here would have given it away.”


William blushed, something he found to his frustration that he was doing quite often in front of this man.  “Yes, well, I’m afraid I’m rather slow to pick up on these things. I wasn’t quite sure.”  William took a drink of tea to calm himself. “So, you were telling me about your boyfriend. What else did he teach you about the culture of the old country?”


Xander grinned. “Ex-boyfriend, and not much. His parents immigrated when he was two. He has the accent, but not much more idea of the culture than any other American. He just liked to play up the image of the poor Irish artist.”


“He was an artist?”


“Yeah, a painter.”


“May I ask what ended the relationship?”


“Sure. We were together for about two years.  Our big problem was that we were both very…dominant personalities. We fought a lot. We unfortunately also drank a lot. During one fight, after we’d been drinking too much, I suddenly realized I was so mad I wanted to hit him. Not just slap him, but really hurt him. That shocked me sober, it was too close to turning into my father: drunk all the time and beating on the people I loved. So I broke it off. He moved to L.A. not too long afterwards to be with some lawyer it turns out he had been seeing behind my back.”


William knew his mouth was open in shock, but at the moment he didn’t care. What Xander had revealed to him was very personal, and he suddenly realized that now the brunette was taking his silence badly, looking down at his plate with a sad look on his face.


“Wesley and I were together for five years.”  William blurted out before he could lose his nerve. Xander looked up with surprise in his warm brown eyes. “We met our last year at college. We fell in love immediately and jumped into a relationship. He supported me in my writing when my father told me I could never make a living off of being a poet, and I supported him in his literary studies when his father insisted that he follow in the family footsteps and study medicine. As we grew up, we unfortunately grew apart, and in the end he left me for one of his Professors. They had been seeing each other for almost a year before Wes finally broke it off with me.”


Xander smiled understandingly. “Guess we’ve both had it rough, huh?”


William looked Xander in the eye. “I find the heartbreak easier to bare the more time passes, and the more people I meet.”


Xander grinned.




Later that evening, after Xander had gone home for the day, William stood in the shower and remembered warm, laughing brown eyes, the sound of a soft, teasing voice, and the feel of a warm work roughened hand on his as he stroked himself to completion. Afterward, pleasantly limp, he fell into bed counting the minutes until his carpenter returned.

Part Three

Xander and William get the job done.

Sunday morning, Xander loaded the last of the supplies into his truck and eagerly headed towards William’s house. Yesterday had been both wonderful and frustrating. They had spent a lot of time talking, getting to know each other, and it seemed that William was open to the idea of being flirted with. It was just that he was so shy! How slow would he have to go with William? Deciding he’d just have to play it by ear, Xander jumped in his truck and drove to William’s house.



When William met Xander at the door, he was surprised to see the man carrying more supplies. “What’s all this for?”


Xander shrugged. “Molding and trim to match what’s already in the room, and wood stain for the shelves. I don’t have to trim out the shelves, but the perfectionist in me demands it.”


William just shrugged and followed the brunette into the library. “Whatever you think is best.”


William watched as Xander expertly cut the trim and nailed it in place. Soon it was done and Xander was picking up the can of wood stain. “Will? We’ll need some rags if you have any, enough for both of us to work.”  William nodded and grabbed some old tee shirts from the laundry room.


When he returned Xander had spread tarps around the shelves.  Xander opened a can of stain and motioned Will over. “Here, you can help me with this part.” Xander took one of the old tee shirts and tore it in half.  He wadded the halves up and handed one to Will. “You don’t use brushes with this type of stain, for some reason rags work better.” 




William handed the tee shirts to Xander and watched as the brunette easily tore one in half. Something low in William’s belly tightened at the easy display of strength. He began to envision being at the mercy of that strength and suppressed a groan. Xander was saying something and he quickly shook himself out of the fantasy in time to look up and catch Xander’s questioning gaze.


“You okay Will, you kind of zoned out there for a minute.”


 “Oh, um, yes, yes I’m fine. Shall we get started?”


Xander shrugged and handed the rag to Will.  “Okay, just dip it into the can like this…”


William was pleased to find that staining the shelves was easier than he had imagined, and the two men worked quickly, talking casually as they worked.


Finally the shelves were stained, and Xander set down his cloth with a sigh and grinned at William. “Well, we’ve got a couple hours to kill while these dry. What shall we do to pass the time?”


William glanced down at his filthy hands to hide his blush at what the suggestions had caused him to think of.  “Well, first I suggest we wash up, then there’s a few places we could go to eat lunch if you wish?”


Xander hid his grin at the man’s automatic blush at his thinly veiled suggestion. He shrugged. “Sure, that sounds good.”



The two men had washed up quickly and wandered the neighborhood a bit before settling on a nearby café. The conversation flowed easily, and it was with a small amount of shock that Xander realized as they were leaving that they had been at the café for an hour and a half. They walked back to the house, admiring the picturesque neighborhood and enjoying the late autumn sunshine, with Xander pointing out interesting facts about the town and the neighborhood as they walked.  Once back at the house Xander declared that the shelves needed one more hour to dry completely, so William made them tea.  After tea and more conversation they migrated back out into the living room, where William began opening the boxes of books, stacking them around the room as he prepared to shelve them.


While William organized, Xander explored the main floor of William’s house, ostensibly to note repairs that needed done, but mostly to find out more about the man he was so attracted to. Xander was poking around one of many stacks of books in William’s living room when he saw it. A hardbound, pristine condition copy of the one poetry book he owned. Eagerly he picked it up.


“Hey! You have this book too!”


William looked up from the books he was sorting and nodded, “Well yes, of course…”


“Do you know this is the only poetry I own? It seems weird I know, me owning poetry, but this is actually my favorite book.”


“Actually, Xander…”


“Liam bought it for me, not long before we broke up. I didn’t read it at first, thinking; you know, poetry, not really my thing. But after we broke up, I was sorting out his old things and found it again. I sat down to glance through it, and three hours later decided that this was the best book ever.”


“That’s very…”


“His voice is so amazing, you know? Very proper and precise. Almost like the way you speak, but the undertones of the poems are so dark, so erotic, you just know he’s a very proper looking guy who’s secretly really kinky.” Xander shrugged, embarrassed. “I haven’t dated much this last year. This has been kind of regular bedtime reading for me, if you know what I mean.”




Xander looked up, mouth dropping open in shock at the sharp tone coming from the otherwise mild seeming man.


William looked slightly embarrassed at his outburst. “I’m sorry Xander, but really, you just wouldn’t listen to a word I was trying to say.”


“Um, sorry?”


William slowly began walking towards him. “You are actually quite right in your assessment of the book. You certainly seem to understand the tone of it more than most of my critics.” William stood right in front of him. “Turn to the inside cover, Xander.”


Confused, Xander opened the hardback to look at the inside jacket, at the one thing his well-used paperback didn’t have, a photo of the author. William’s piercing blue eyes stared back at him. “W. Bartlett? You’re W. Bartlett?”


“Well, yes, of course. William Bartlett. As I was saying, your assessment of the poems is quite accurate. It is in fact the reason Wesley broke up with me. He was not quite as comfortable with some of my…appetites as I would have liked. He wanted someone a little bit more…vanilla.”


Xander’s gaze flicked repeatedly between William and the photo in the book. This man, the man he had been hitting on all weekend, was the same poet who’s words he regularly read, regularly got hard to, regularly jacked off to. It was all a little much to take in at the moment.

William smiled softly. “If you’ll excuse me, I really should put the tea things away.” 


Xander stood staring at the book for several more minutes, vaguely aware if the sound of William puttering around in the kitchen. Finally he set the book down, a broad smile on his face. The man he was desperately attracted to, the man he had been hitting on all weekend, was the same man who’s poems had been turning him on for over a year, the man who’s voice whispered dark, achingly erotic suggestions to him at night. This whole weekend was getting better and better.


He followed William into the kitchen. The blonde poet was standing in front of the sink, rinsing out their mugs. Xander walked up behind him and slid his hands around William’s waist, pressing the length of his body along the other man’s more slender form. “You know William, you are a tease.”


William stiffened. “I beg your pardon?”


Xander lowered his head and nuzzled into the honey blonde hair that had been tempting him all weekend. “You have been teasing me since we met at the hardware store.”


William’s body relaxed minutely back into his, his ass coming to rest against Xander’s groin with a slight, very slight wiggle. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Xander slowly slid his hands up William’s sides; fingers just brushing against already peaked nipples. “You’ve been teasing me with your shy glances and sexy voice since we met.”


“Oh! Um, I’m sorry?”


“Mmmm, don’t be, I’ve wanted you since the second I saw you.” Xander’s lips found the side of William’s throat and began to nip and suck at the pale flesh. “You seemed so shy, so proper, I thought I was gonna have to go slow, prove to you that a dumb carpenter was worth your time.”


“No Xander, don’t…uh…oh gods…you mustn’t think that.”


Xander’s fingers found and unbuttoned the first couple of buttons on William’s shirt and slipped inside to caress the warm peaked nubs he found there. “Now I know that you’re the poet who’s words turn me on so fucking much.” Xander licked a path up the column of Will’s throat. “I realize now you’re not quite as shy and innocent as you appear.”


William groaned and ground back against the hard length pressed into his ass. “Um, innocent, no, not really.”


“Mmhmm. Now I feel like I know all your dirty little secrets William.” Xander quickly unbuttoned William’s shirt the rest of the way and slipped his hands in to run over the smooth chest and down his firm stomach. “I bet you’ve got more toys in your toy box than I do in mine. I bet you can show me all sorts of fun little tricks.”


William pulled away and spun in his arms, pressing his chest against Xander’s rough work shirt and bringing their erections into contact. Blue eyes darkened with passion locked with brown. “I bet I can do more than that. I bet I could make you scream.”


Xander hissed at the promise in that statement. “Gods Will, I want you, please say yes.”


William threw his arms around Xander’s neck and dragged the taller man’s head down to his searching lips. “Bloody hell, yes!”


William’s warm lips met his and Xander was in heaven. The soft slide of lips quickly deepened as Xander licked along the seam of William’s lips, seeking entrance. William eagerly opened under Xander’s seeking tongue, groaning at the forceful sweep of the slick muscle through his mouth.  William melted against Xander’s larger frame as the brunette devoured him.


Xander’s hands were inside his shirt, rubbing up and down his back in broad sweeps. One hand stayed on his back while another slid down to cup his ass, pulling them even tighter together. William gave an appreciative moan and tangled his hands in soft brown hair, thrusting his tongue into Xander’s mouth to learn his taste.  Dimly he noticed that Xander had pushed his shirt off so he let go of his handfuls of hair and slid his hands down to begin unbuttoning Xander’s work shirt.  Xander pulled back enough to help and quickly they slipped the shirt off and tossed it aside. William eagerly slid his hands over the expanse of tanned flesh, tracing the ridges of muscle and thumbing hardening nipples. Xander groaned and dragged William’s mouth back to his, sucking hard on the blonde’s tongue.  They were kissing frantically now, rocking against each other as they explored the exposed flesh of chest, back and stomach.


Eventually Xander pulled back with a hiss. “Fuck Will, I’m about to pop.”  He looked down into glazed blue eyes. “Can I taste you Will?”


William moaned at the heated look in Xander’s brown eyes. “Y…yes. Um, we need…”


Xander fumbled in one of his pockets and pulled out a couple of condoms. “These?”


“Yes. Those.” William arched an eyebrow at the man. “Expecting to need them today?”


Xander blushed. “Hoping to need them. Just hope, no ulterior motives.”


William leaned up and brushed a kiss across the brunette’s kiss swollen lips. “Don’t worry luv, I think we’re on the same page. I made sure to unpack my…supplies last night, just in case.”


Xander grinned and kissed Will deeply before slowly sliding down the strong, slender body, licking and kissing every inch of skin he could. He discovered Will had a very sensitive neck, made evident by the blonde’s passionate cry as he sucked on the pulse point near his shoulder. He paid attention to Will’s nipples, the small nubs hardening even more under his careful administrations. Finally he traced his tongue through the fine hairs leading from Will’s bellybutton down to the waist of his jeans. He stopped there, kneeling in front of William, mouth inches from the bulge in his pants and looked up, smiling at the lovely debauched state of the man. Slowly, he undid the button and lowered the zipper one tooth at a time. Finally William’s jeans were undone and pushed down to mid thigh and Xander was face to face with a large cotton covered bulge. “Hmmm, black bikini briefs, nice.”  Xander glanced up at William; “You do know I have an underwear fetish, right?”  As William’s eyes widened, Xander licked up the cloth-covered bulge.


William moaned and thrust his hips forward into the wet heat. Vaguely William heard the crinkle of plastic as Xander opened the condom, but he was more interested in the tongue that was tracing up and down his length, the heat and wetness not totally blocked by the thin barrier of cotton.  William groaned in disappointment when the warm mouth left him, only to gasp as his underwear were pulled down and out of the way.  He opened his eyes to find Xander staring at his erection, fixated. “Is, um, is everything all right?”


Laughing brown eyes met his, Xander’s huge grin evident in his eyes. “More than. You’re not cut. I’ve never been with a guy with foreskin before.”  Rough, callused fingers traced where the skin was pulled taunt around the head. “I’m gonna have fun with this.”


William could only nod, all the breath having been driven out of him as Xander’s work roughened hand grasped his cock and gave it a few experimental strokes. 


Xander explored William’s cock with his fingers, marveling at the play of the excess skin.  It was definitely something he wanted to play with, but the needy moans coming from William, coupled with his aching need to taste this man had him abandoning his play to roll the thin latex over his new favorite toy.  Eagerly he licked up the length, circling the head before trailing his tongue back down to trace the edge of the latex teasingly. Long slender fingers were tracing through his hair, and William was making aborting thrusting motions with his hips, obviously holding himself back. Grinning, Xander grabbed William’s hips and pressed him back hard against the counter as he sucked William’s cock into his mouth. 


William cried out as he was enveloped in the heat of Xander’s mouth. One hand remained tangled loosely in Xander’s thick brown locks and the other grasped the edge of the counter in a white knuckled grip. He resisted letting his eyes flutter close as his length was expertly licked and sucked. He wanted to memorize how Xander looked, kneeling before him. He couldn’t however, keep himself from going cross-eyed as Xander did something unexplainable and brain melting with his tongue. One of Xander’s hands disappeared from his hip, and somehow William managed to notice through his haze of pleasure that the missing hand was rubbing against the bulge of his own heretofore-ignored cock. William grabbed Xander’s hair and wrenched his head back so he could look the man in the eye. “Don’t touch that. I will take care of that later. Understand?”  Xander nodded, moaning softly around Will’s cock, and brought his hand back up to hold onto William’s hips.


Xander bobbed his head up and down the length of William’s cock, moaning again at the weight and heat of the member in his mouth. William shuddered and gasped as he moaned, attempting to thrust, despite Xander’s hands keeping a tight hold on his hips. Guessing that the blonde was close, Xander released his hold and relaxed his jaw, allowing William the freedom to thrust. The blonde eagerly took the hint and threaded both hands through Xander’s hair before beginning a series of quick thrusts. Xander let his eyes drift shut and gave himself over to William’s pleasure. 


William gasped and stilled, then thrust deep into Xander’s mouth and came with a soft cry and a full body shudder.  He felt his knees start to give and was grateful for Xander’s strong arms that were suddenly there, wrapped around his hips and keeping him upright.  Xander gave him a few seconds to regain his breath before slowly pulling back and pulling the condom off of him.  The brunette stood, tossing the tied off latex into the sink and pulling William close.  Xander’s lips found his and William gave himself over to an intensely passionate kiss. They kissed for several minutes, lost in the slide of lips and tongue, before William gently pushed Xander back.  At the questioning look in brown eyes, William simply smiled. “My turn.”



With gentle nudges, William got them turned around so Xander was now leaning against the counter.  William eagerly claimed one more kiss before moving along Xander’s jaw and down his neck. Xander’s neck wasn’t as sensitive as William’s but his nipples were highly sensitive.  Xander arched and cried out so prettily when William bit them.  Trailing his tongue down the strip of dark hair leading from the brunette’s bellybutton to the low-slung waist of his jeans, William knelt in front of Xander. Eyeing the jean covered bulge directly in front of his face he smirked, “My my, whatever shall I do with this?”  Not giving his panting lover a chance to answer, William flicked open the button and slowly lowered the zipper. Xander’s blood heavy erection fell out into his hand. He looked up at Xander, eyebrow arched. “For a person with an underwear fetish, there is a surprising lack of underclothing here.” 


Xander grinned sheepishly. “I like them on other people, didn’t say I like them on me.”  Anything else he might say was cut off in a gasp as Williams long, slender fingers began to dance up and down his aching length.  William explored the thick, dark red member with one hand as he grabbed a condom off the counter with his other. Brown eyes watched him avidly as he tore open the condom with his teeth and placed the rolled up latex in his mouth. Xander watched in awe as William lowered his head and rolled the condom over his cock.  Xander bit his lip as hard as he could, really, he could have cum just from that, but he wanted to experience what else that talented mouth could do.


He soon found out as William reduced him to a moaning, gibbering pile of goo with a highly talented mouth and tongue.  Long, teasing licks had him moaning. Steady, hard suction had him crying out wordlessly. The judicious application of teeth had him bucking hard and swearing brokenly. But it was when the blonde deep throated him; moving down his length to bury his nose in Xander’s dark, crisp curls and swallowing around the length in his throat that William finally got Xander to scream for him. Xander collapsed back against the counter and tried to get his breath back. He opened his eyes to find the smug looking Englishman eyeing his debauched state with amusement.  “I wonder if we’ve frightened my neighbors?”


“Well, you did bet you could make me scream.”


“Quite right, I did. Whatever do I win?”


“For that? Anything you want.”



William carried an armful of blankets and pillows down the stairs and into the library. He didn’t have any furniture other than the shelves in the library yet, and he wanted somewhere for them to curl up together and just be. He felt a strong connection with the brown-eyed carpenter, and now that the first rush of lust was satisfied, William wanted to explore that connection.


After their play in the kitchen, Xander had finished installing the shelves and William had quickly put up his books in their new home as Xander cleaned up all the carpentry detritus.  Then Xander had gone upstairs to borrow his shower and wash up and William set about setting up the room for the evening. When Xander came back downstairs, barefoot with damp hair, he found a nest of pillows and blankets on the library floor, placed to take advantage of the small fire in the fireplace. William wandered back in, also having disposed of his shoes and his shirt as well, carrying several bags of delivery cartons.


Xander eyed the bags hungrily. “What’s that?”


William handed him a bag before folding down onto the blankets bonelessly. “Thai food. Is that acceptable?”


Xander shucked his shirt and joined William on the nest. “More than.”


They happily curled up together in front of the fire, feeding each other spicy noodles and teasing each other gently. Finally William pushed the dinner things aside and settled back against Xander’s chest with a sigh. He eyed his new shelves in the flickering firelight. “I love the new shelves Xander, thank you.”


Xander’s hands were stroking along William’s chest and arms gently.  The brunette bent down and kissed his lover’s neck softly. “You’re very welcome. I have to admit, this is definitely my favorite weekend project ever.”


A blonde head nuzzled into his shoulder. “Hmmm. It did turn out quite well, didn’t it?”


Xander sighed, holding William close. “I don’t suppose you have any other projects for me to work on, do you?”


Laughing blue eyes met his. “I’m sure there are plenty of things for a determined carpenter to do around here. That is if you’d like a regular weekend project?”


“Oh yeah.” Xander gasped out, before capturing William’s lips with his own. “I’m sure you’ll keep me very busy.”


“Mmmhmm.” William eagerly returned the kiss. “Very.”

Part Four

Valentine’s Weekend

William lay comfortably reclined against a pile of pillows, naked; book in hand, combing his fingers through his lover’s hair as it lay spread out atop his thigh. Xander sighed happily and arched into the touch. One of Xander’s hands snuck up and grabbed William’s soft, pale hand, bringing it down for a kiss. William smiled and returned the favor, planting a soft kiss on Xander’s palm. He marveled, not for the first time at the differences in their coloring. “I’ve been in California for the better part of a year. You’d think I might be less pale by now.”


Xander chuckled at the familiar complaint. “Sweetheart, you’re British. I think it’s genetic to be as pale as a corpse.”


“A corpse?” William pretended indignation. “Such romantic things you say.”


Xander tried for innocent. “A very sexy corpse?”


William harrumphed and focused his attention on the book in his hand.


“I’m sorry?”


William ignored Xander, so he began to rub his head back and forth, brushing his hair against William’s awakening erection. William groaned and stilled Xander’s movement. “All right, fine, I forgive you.”


Xander smiled. “Good. Give me chocolate?”

Laughing, William plucked a chocolate out of the box on the bedside table and placed it between Xander’s lips. Xander happily sucked the chocolate into his mouth and managed to suck on William’s fingers in the process. William tapped Xander playfully on the nose. “None of that now, we’re supposed to be resting.”


Xander grinned unrepentantly. “Fine, but if you expect me to be still, you’d better get with the reading.”


Before William could even open his mouth, Xander was interrupting him again. “More chocolate first.”


Another chocolate was placed between Xander’s lips. “If you keep this up, you’ll get fat.” William teased, patting Xander’s decidedly not pudgy stomach.


Xander shrugged. “Then I guess you’ll have a fat boyfriend, won’t you?”


William sighed. “Well, if you insist on getting fat, I guess I will have to join you.” So saying he placed a chocolate between his own lips and bent over, allowing Xander to bite into the sweet as well.  Xander happily did so and their lips met in a sticky, sweet kiss that soon had them both moaning. William licked along Xander’s lips then sat up with a sigh. “We’re supposed to be resting.”


Xander blinked lust-fogged eyes up at his lover. “Why are we resting again?”


“Because…” William tried to remember the logic behind his earlier argument. “Oh yes! Because we’ve been having sex since last night and we needed to do something else.” 


Xander looked bewildered. “But it’s Valentine’s Day. Why on earth would we do anything else?”


William tried to think of a reason. “Actually yesterday was Valentine’s Day, today is simply our weekend.”


Xander pouted. “But can’t it be Valentine’s Weekend instead?”


“I don’t see why not, but we still needed a break.”


Sighing, Xander gave up the roundabout argument. “Fine, but you promised to read me some poetry and you haven’t been reading.”

“That’s because you keep interrupting me with questions and requests for chocolate, silly brat.”


Xander stuck out his tongue but otherwise remained quiet. William paged through his book until he found a poem he thought Xander would like. “Here we go, pay attention now.

My velvet brush dips deep and lingers there

In the warm inkwell of your endless desire "


As William’s sultry voice flowed over them, Xander decided that they’d had enough rest. So he slipped off the bed and stood at the foot. William raised a questioning eyebrow, but Xander motioned for him to keep on reading. “the ink of passion flows for me tonight”


William gasped as Xander grabbed his ankles and with one sharp pull, yanked him to the end of the bed. He looked up at Xander, who stood there holding his feet in the air, an innocent look on his face. “What do you think you’re doing?”


Xander shook his head sadly. “You’re supposed to keep reading. You don’t want to get punished, do you?”


Swallowing the automatic ‘yes please!’ that threatened to burst from his lips, William picked the book back up and began reading.  so I may show you how It feels my Muse, To be so truly needed by an ardent lover "


Xander meanwhile grabbed the neckties from the pile of clothing they had carelessly discarded after their fancy dinner last night and began tying William’s legs to the posts of the bed so they were raised and spread, his ass barely touching the edge of the bed.


Gasping softly in anticipation, William tried to keep reading. “I hunger to write poems of love’s power, Upon the warm supple parchment of your skin


Xander knelt down, disappearing from William’s view. As the words of William’s poem continued to drift around them, Xander began probing William’s entrance with his tongue, following quickly with two slick fingers.


secret words that…*gasp*…that only you….oh gods, Xan!”


Xander’s fingers stretched and slicked him, teasing his prostate and making it quite impossible to focus on the book. Luckily, Xander seemed to have forgotten about the poem because he didn’t mention it as he stood and slid easily into William. The book fell, unnoticed, from William’s hand as he reached over his head and tangled his fingers in the quilt, attempting to brace himself against Xander’s thrusts.


Xander’s hands locked around William’s hips, holding him in place as he buried himself in his lover. “Fuck, Will… You feel so good!”


William arched and pressed into Xander, trying to get more of that beloved cock inside him. “Please Xan, harder!”


A harsh groan and faster thrusts were all the answer Xander could manage.


William looked up into his beloved’s face, eyes half closed in pleasure, plump pink lip caught between white teeth as Xander concentrated on bringing them both as much pleasure as possible. “Oh Xander love, you’re so beautiful.”


Xander’s eyes widened at the love and desire written across William’s features and he leaned over, capturing William’s lips in a fierce kiss. They kissed deeply, wet slide of tongues mimicking the movement of other body parts. William moaned and thrust up against Xander, needing his lover deeper, faster, just more.


Xander slid one large, rough hand off William’s hip and encircled his cock, pumping it in time to his thrusts. William’s body tightened, his ice blue eyes drifting shut as his orgasm swamped him. Xander watched in awe as his lover came, pleasure sweeping over the beloved features. William’s shudders ceased and he relaxed back into the bed, smiling a soft, sated smile up at his lover as he squeezed around Xander’s cock. Xander cried out, his thrusts erratic as William expertly milked his orgasm from him. 


Xander collapsed on top of William with a groan. “You are too good at that.”


“Hmm. Thank you, though some of that praise belongs to you. You are quite talented yourself.”


Xander mumbled an answer, already drifting off in a post-coital doze, despite hanging half off the bed and lying on top of William.


“However,” William’s voice prodded him back to consciousness. “Your follow up needs some work.”


Xander raised his head and looked at his lover questioningly.


William smiled. “I’m quite sure that we would both be more comfortable if my legs were untied.”


“Oops, sorry sweetheart.” Blushing slightly, Xander stood up and quickly untied William’s ankles from the bedposts, rubbing them briskly to help ease the returning feeling. William groaned as his legs were lowered. Scooting back up the bed, he patted the mattress, motioning for Xander to come sit by him. Xander climbed up onto the bed, curling up around William. “I’m sorry for that sweetheart. How can I make it up to you?”


“Well,” William arched an eyebrow. “You could start by feeding me some of that chocolate. Then I believe I would like to hear some poetry.”


Xander chuckled as he placed a chocolate between William’s lips. “Anything for you beloved. Anything.”



The End.


Caligraphy of Desire


My velvet brush dips deep and lingers there

in the warm inkwell of your endless desire

the ink of passion flows for me tonight

so I may show you how It feels my muse

to be so truly needed by an ardent lover


I hunger to write poems of love's power

upon the warm supple parchment of your skin

secret words that only you can comprehend

till my brush runs dry and I return to dip again

in ink made by god for the calligraphy of desire

W. I. Boucher September 2, 1999

The End

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