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Lei Garcia, 14

Aj-kulit.jpg (26614 bytes)

adorable AJ

Alyssa-Mom.jpg (59853 bytes)

Aysa and mom Zel

ponz.jpg (58164 bytes)

ME, in my room

Potpot-Drewski.jpg (39923 bytes)

my beautiful neices

Aj-owl.jpg (33846 bytes)

AJ looks like a bird here



12/16                                                            6:50 pm

physically, all i want now is a good sleep.. but mentally, i'm very much awake.. my hands feel so itchy when it comes to internet and computers.. i'm addicted to this..

i put pictures of my family.. well, not all, cos I haven't took pictures of some of them.. i promise i'm gonna update more of my journal as i am addicted to it soooo much.

on my next pages, i'm gonna post there pics of me and my friends during our gigs, stuffs i use.. like guitar, my bagS, and my umm..luxuries?.. in life.. hehe..


12/17                                                              7:05 pm

up to now, i haven't transferred my web folders to my site.. but i'm starting to write my journal so my site won't be empty once i start.

i really don't know how to organize my site.. i don't know what layout i can use.. 

i got a PE exam tomorrow and i'm still in the front of the comp. how can i stop myself,  tell me.. 

yes! i'm finished uploading my files. i'll check my mini site na! yay! 

i'll write more soon.. soon as in tomorrow or maybe later! hehe..


12/16 file , 12/17 file