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po·em noun. (pôəm) a composition written in vivid detail forming rhythmical lines.
Forgotten Grounds

Cresent moon over hangs
Vamperic demons bare their fangs
The iron work gates now closed
The poses of gargoyles eternally froze
Ghost like fog creeps over the ground
The deads blanket now is bound
Eternal rest is what this place is far
A stoping point before the next door
Here death himself pays his dues
As the night over casts brillant hues
The chora of night sings
Demanding the return of angelic wings
The glow of dim candles mark the graves
As the rotten pedals of roses lay


Here lies a forgotten soul
Lost and confused in this 6ft hole
His tombstone weathered
Words eroded away
His soul wanders in the midnights face
His body lies
Now decomposed
With no repose
Maggots craw
On once warm skin
His body, will never move again
Trapped in his own purgatory
For sins hes committed
Now waiting for eternities end.

Midnight Stroll

Eyes of stone
watches you while your all alone
Alone in the darkness of this street
Waiting for you to sleep
Dark eyes with evil grins
Who knows all of your sins
The click is ticking the end is near
But then you begin to hear
A scratching sound behind your right ear
Its getting louder every minute
your hear is screaming wiht fear
You try to run but your
legs are frozen
The scratching getting nearer with
every tick of the click
you trun around to face your fear
But then you find something taht's so queer
A simple Raven in the mist of night.

Not Fair

A no named boy
wakes up in the night
he just cant take anymore

a little girl
breaks down and cries
she wishes she had someone that cared

this couple fights
this pain is to much
they never get along

this world is never fair
we all just wanna die
we will cut ourselves
we will scar over
we will thank our god
we will wish its over
we will look in the sky
we will see the fallen star
and we will one day know that we
will be fine

this homeless man
is cold and alone
he wishes he had
a bed of his own

this "loser" at school
wishes for a friend
he gets picked on everyday
he knows it wont end

now this victim of rape
just got beaten to death
her clothes were torn
and she was a mess

this world is never fair
we all just wanna die
we will cut our selves
we will scar over
we will thank our god
we will wish its over
we will look in the sky
we will see the fallen star
and we will one day know that we
will be fine

a little child
just got beaten again
by its bastard father
and drunk ass mother

this druggie got high
he over-dosed himself
he acted to late
and now his is cold

this world is never fair
we all just wanna die
we will cut our selves
we will scar over
we will thank our god
we will wish its over
we will look in the sky
we will see the fallen star
and we will one day know that we
will be fine
we will be fine...

Vamperic Nights

This endless night goes by so slow
false memorys begin to show
begin to show how I thought of you
your for whome the nightmist beckons to

in the night as i waslk alone
childish fears of the shadows bestowed
figures emerge from the cracks in the walls
and play with my mind as the moon begins to fall

my path is lite by fainted candle light
and the flame that dances in my eyes so bright
as my pace quickens down the path in the night
the frost settles as it stiffens its bite

feeling that my time is running near
strange emotions consume me with fear
the fog parts my way
while the sleeping demon stirs at the day

the moon sets as the sun rises
bringing me horrific surprises
wreaking havok on my body as i run
the sleeping demon that is now knowen as the sun

i've made it back to my somber silence
to take a repreve of the nights violence
falling away from this world as i sleep
listening to the requiem that my heart beats...

Let Me Rest

wake up the seed is planted in my head
watch it sprout as the day perspires
cut my wrists and bleed out all of the posion
bandage them again

your torment burns into my very body
every inch speaks your name
the posion corrupts my thoughts and feelings
but its still all the same

lay me down to rest
let me die in peace
I promise i wont bother you again
please god answer this prayer
take this life out from me
end this suffering

the seed is now a tree
it roots go deep inside me
like a weed i cannot kill
build me up, tear me down
this thing you call a game is now
my black and cold heart
put my picture in a box, besice of the notes,
remember me everytime you look at it
remanence about yesterday and how you
planted your spawn inside my fucking heart

i found the easy out
with the razor to my wirsts
one quick slit as the blood hits the floor
realized this on thing
that we werent meant to be
I killed you and myself the same time

your decomposing corpse your fermenting flesh
has finally brought me peace
as i lay resting 6 feet under now.

© 2003 Requiem WebDesign
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