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Chapter 40

After dinner, Jesse herded Stevie into the den against his protests.  He wanted to go back out and play baseball with Kevin, Richie, and Uncle Tony.

“As soon as your mom is done, you can go,” said Richie.

Sitting on the couch, Jesse had Stevie stand in front of her and held his hands.  “Stevie, you know that Richie isn’t really your father.”

“Yes ma’am.  You told me the other day but you said he’d always be in my life.”

“And I will be,” reassured Richie seeing Stevie beginning to get a little anxious.  Jesse’s mood was dark, nervous about the whole situation and Stevie was picking up on it.

“Well, your real father….” Jesse stopped and looked at Richie.

“Your real father is Kevin,” finished Richie.

Stevie looked around at Kevin.  “Really?”

Kevin nodded his head, “Yes.”

Jesse spoke again, “Stevie, there’s so much that you aren’t going to understand right now but I promise, when you’re older, I’ll tell you.  For now, Kevin’s here to see you in the opening ceremonies and your first game.  He’s also going to come back to see you for your pre-school graduation.  He’s going to start doing things with you, like your other friends.”

“COOL!” Then Stevie frowned, “Does that mean Da….Richie is going to leave you?”

“No, it doesn’t,” answered Richie.  “Your mom and I will still be together.”

Stevie looked thoughtful for a few minutes.  Looking at Richie, he asked, “Do you mind if I call Kevin ‘daddy’?”

“No, I don’t.”

“But what do I call you?”

“Whatever you want.”

“Hmmm, how about…..Pop?”

“That’s okay.”

Stevie turned his attention to Kevin, moving to sit in his lap.  “Are you moving in with us?”

“No, I have my own place in California with my wife and son.”

“That means I have a brother!”

“Yes, it does.”

“Alright!  I have a brother too!”

Jesse spoke up, “You’ll get to meet him soon.  Richie said we could go out to California in May while he’s got a break in the touring.”

Stevie went back to the fact that Kevin lived in California.  “Do you live near Pop, because he lives in California too?  He just took Mama there to meet his daughter.”

Kevin looked at Richie who said, “We live sort of near each other.  While you’re with Kevin, your mom and I will be at our place.”

“We’re moving to California so you can be closer to your father,” explained Jesse.

“Are you and Daddy going to share me?”

“Yes, when you’re in school, you’ll be with your dad and Richie and I will have you on school breaks.”

Stevie got a terrified look on his face and tears popped up.  “But YOU always help me with my homework, Mama, and you do my parties too!”

“I’ll still help when I can but your dad can help too.”

“And we’ll both be at your parties,” offered Kevin.  “Your mom will still be a big part of your education, Stevie, but I’ve missed five years of your life and I want a chance to be your dad.”

“Stevie, I know this all seems scary because you just met Kevin,” reassured Richie.  “But I promise, your mom and I aren’t going to let anything happen to you.”

Stevie thought it over and looked at his mother as she leaned against Richie.  All of a sudden, a smile spread and he wrapped his arms around Kevin.  “I’m glad I have my real dad now.”

Kevin held on to him hugging him back.  “I’m glad I’m here now too.”

Stevie scooted down from Kevin’s lap and went over to Richie to hug him.  “I’m glad I have you too!”

“Me too, Stevie.”

Stevie then moved to his mother and wrapped his arms around her.  Whispering in her ear, he said, “Mama, now you can be happy and not worry about me so much.”

Jesse felt the tears threatening to fall as she said, “You have always made me happy, Stevie, from the minute I found out I was pregnant with you.”

“Thank you for giving me two dads!”

“You’re welcome.”

“Can I go play baseball now?” he asked after giving his mother a kiss.

“Yes, you may.”

“You still want both of us?” asked Richie.

“Nah….” Seeing Jesse’s look of disapproval, he corrected himself, “No sir.  You can stay here with Mama if you want.”

“We may come out in a few minutes,” offered Richie.

“Okie dokie!” and Stevie raced out of the house.

Kevin looked at Jesse as she continued to lean against Richie.  “Thank you for doing such a good job with him.   I promise to do my best too.”

“I never doubted that, Kevin.”

“You know, you’ve been better to me than I deserve after the way I treated you that night.”

Jesse blushed, “Go play ball with your son.”

Alone, Richie took Jesse into his lap holding her close, her head tucked under his chin.  “He’s okay with it all, baby.”

“Is he?  He looked scared when I told him he’d be with Kevin for school.”

“Jess, it’s all new for him…and you.  It’s going to take time for him to get accustomed to it.”

“My head knows that,” she whispered as her finger ran across his hand.

“But your heart is breaking because you know he’s scared.”

“Uh huh.”

“I’m here for you both.  It’s going to be tough but look at the positive…Stevie will have two fathers who love him very much and you’ll have help so you don’t have to shoulder all of the responsibility.”

Jesse yawned as she continued to lean against him.  “Thank you.”

Richie continued to hold her as they sat in silence.  He still had one thing rolling through his mind and he was debating on how to approach it.  Before he could say anything, he realized Jesse was asleep.  He pressed a kiss into her hair and got up easily to carry her to her bed.


Chapter 41       Index