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Chapter 41

Looking at the clock, he shook his head and mumbled, “Damnit!”

It was time for him to leave but his heart ached.  He didn’t like leaving Jesse here with Kevin in the house but mostly, he wanted her with him.  Atlanta would be when he surprised her.  Hopefully all of his plans would be in place.  He’d pulled a lot of strings for this and he prayed she would like it.

Richie brushed her hair out of her face and placed a kiss on her lips.  “Baby, wake up.  I have to leave.”

Jesse mumbled, stretched, and opened her eyes to see Richie sitting beside her on the bed.  “What time is it?”

“A little before ten.”

“Where’s Stevie?”

“Kevin gave him a bath and got him into bed.”

“Umm, how did Stevie react?”

“He was okay with it and he asked me to give you a kiss for him.”

“Somehow I don’t think you’d kiss me the same way Stevie would,” she smiled sleepily.

“No, because I can’t resist you,” he whispered brushing his fingers across her cheek.  “You are my sweet addiction.”

Richie kissed her, his tongue probing every sweet spot he could find.  His hands roamed down her body, one stopping on her breast massaging it through the material of her shirt and bra.  He felt her reaction even with the material.  His other hand slid into her shorts and down to her mound.  He found her clit without error and he began playing with it.

Jesse felt the flood of warmth and moaned into his kiss.  With a great deal of difficulty, she put her hands on his chest and pushed him back.  “Stop!  It’s just making me want you.”

Richie leaned to her ear.  “I want you to remember me, the way I make you feel.  I want you to ache for me the way I ache for you.”

“Oh god!” and she shivered as his hot breath caressed her skin.

He removed his hand from her shorts putting his fingers to his nose.  “You smell so sweet.”  Putting his finger in his mouth, he smiled as he pulled his finger out, “And you taste even sweeter.”

Jesse closed her eyes remembering the feel of his body that morning as they made love; the way his weight made her feel safe, the smell of his cologne, the way his voice sounded – the Jersey accent rough with the lack of sleep.  She wanted it to last until they were together again.

“Boss, you need to get moving,” called Tony from the hall.

“On my way.”  Looking down, he said, “I’ll call you tomorrow morning.  Get Tony to give you Obie’s number and text him your email address.  I want him to send you the file for the interview I did for the Dallas radio station.”


“You need to listen to it….please.”

“Okay.  What station is it?  I can probably find it online.”

“KTCK.  If you can’t find it, Obie has it.”

The couple stood and Richie grabbed his bag.  Together, they made their way out to the back porch.

Richie put his arm around her shoulder and lifted her chin.  Placing a kiss on her lips, he said, “I have to get going.”

“You know, I could take you to the airport.”

Pointing to the SUV in the yard, he reminded her, “I’ve got the rental.  Otherwise, I’d let you take me.  I hate telling you good-bye like this.  Now tell me you love me and give me a kiss.”

“Move down a couple steps.”  Richie stepped down one step so that he wouldn’t be too far from her making the height difference a little better.  “I love you, Richie, with all my heart.”

Richie put his hands on her waist pulling her against his body.  Touching his lips to hers, he whispered, “I love you.  See you in Atlanta.”

Jesse stood on the steps and watched as Richie pulled away.  She turned to go back inside and ran into Tony.

“Are you okay, ‘Outlaw’?”

“I’m fine, Tony,” and she asked him to call Obie for the interview Richie had just done for Dallas as they went inside.


Chapter 42        Index