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Chapter 35

Kristen found Kevin still hiding in his office where he’d been virtually the entire weekend.  She moved to him as he stood at the window and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind.  “Mason misses his daddy.”

Putting his hands on hers, he asked, “What about you?”

“I miss you too.”

“I figured I’d hurt you enough.”

“It hurts more that you won’t talk to me, Kevin.  You have punished yourself long enough.  Please, let’s face this together.”

“Are you sure?”

“You apologized for that night five years ago and I forgave you.  I’ve watched you ever since that night try to protect me and I appreciate it but you’re hurting.  Plus, you weren’t raised like this, Kevin.  Your daddy would be disappointed. Yes, you’re taking financial responsibility but he’s your son, Kevin….he needs you.”

They were the same points Richie had made.  “I can’t stand it any more, Kris.  Jesse told me he’s being teased at school because he doesn’t know his father and then she tore my heart out when she told me that she’d listed Sambora as his father to ‘fix’ the problem.”

“What do you want to do?”

“She gave me two options…joint custody or give up my parental rights so he can adopt Stevie.”

“Forget what her ultimatums are. What do YOU want to do?”

Kevin pulled away and took Kristen’s hand pulling her to the couch.  He stopped at his desk first, pulling out a stack of pictures.  As they sat facing each other, he handed them to her.  “Jesse has sent these to me over the years.”

Kristen looked through the pictures.  “He’s adorable, Kevin.”

Kevin gave a soft smile, “He looks like Jess.”

“But he’s got your smile…and your height.”

“Kris, Jesse gave me a couple dates of things Stevie is involved in…one of them is this weekend.”


“Thank you.”  Kevin leaned to his wife and kissed her.  “If I agree to joint custody, things could get ugly in the press.”

“We’ll survive.”

“I want you to know that I have never been in love with her.  She’s a really sweet girl and I consider her a friend but….that’s it.”

“I never doubted that and it’s clear how she feels about Richie.  She looks at him the way I look at you.”

“She did look happy.”

Kristen reached out to touch Kevin’s face.  “Do you want joint custody?”


“Then tell her and work out the details.”

“How did I get so lucky?”

“The same way I did.  I love you, Kevin, and I will love Stevie as if he were my own.” 


Chapter 36        Index