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Author's Note - The website in this chapter DOES NOT exist. 

Chapter 126

"I'm looking for Richie Sambora," said Jesse as she stood at the desk.

"I'm sorry, miss, but this is a private studio.  Fans aren't allowed in to watch."

"I'm not a fan; I'm his fiancée."

"Please, don't take me for an idiot.  I've known Mr. Sambora and he is NOT engaged.  Every trick including THAT one has been tried.  I'll repeat, no fans are allowed," replied the blonde secretary.

"I really am his fiancée.  Didn't you see the video from the top of the O2 the other day?  Richie mentioned me."

"Yes, I saw it but I never heard Richie mention anyone.  Do I need to call security?"

"Why don't you just get Richie out here to verify who I am?" suggested Jesse irritably.

"Mr. Sambora is extremely busy at the moment and is not to be disturbed.  Please leave," and she pressed a button.  A second later, a man appeared and she said, "Please escort this lady out.  She's a fan claiming to be Mr. Sambora's fiancée."

"I AM!  If you will JUST GET HIM," repeated Jesse in frustration.  "My name is Jessica James and you can even go to to see that I'm telling you the truth."

"Where's the list of people who are allowed to visit?" asked the security guard.

The secretary handed him a clipboard.  "She's NOT on the list.  It was updated this morning after Mr. Sambora and Mr. Bon Jovi arrived."

Looking the list over, the security guard said, "I'm sorry miss, but Elizabeth is right...your name isn't on the list."

Jesse realized it was futile to continue trying so she pulled out her cell phone and pressed the speed dial button for Richie.  Unfortunately, it went straight to voice mail and she left a message.  "Richie, call me as soon as you get this.  The secretary and security guard won't let me in to see you at the studio."

The security guard reached out to take her by the arm but she stepped away and left.

"She was pissed.  Are you sure you're doing the right thing?" questioned the security guard.

"You know the rules....NO FANS."

"But she was pissed.  You really should have checked with Mr. Sambora."

"Mr. Davies instructed me that NO ONE was to interrupt them."

"I'm outta here.  You deal with the fall-out."

In the studio, the men finished what they were doing and decided to listen to the play back.  As they sat at the soundboard, Richie pulled out his phone only to realize Jesse had called him.

"Damn," he mumbled.  "Jon, I'm going to step out and call Jess."

"Something wrong?"

"I missed her call a few minutes ago and she SHOULD have been here by now."

"Don't be long."

Richie went out into the hall where he dialed his voicemail only to hear the anger in Jesse's voice.  Deleting the message, he called her back.  "Hey, baby!  Where are you?.....Come back and I'll meet you in the outer office...Calm down, Jess.  I'll take care of it....I love you too."

Jesse hadn't gone far knowing Richie would check his phone soon.  Now, as she stepped through the doors of the studio, she was smiling smugly.

Elizabeth glared at her.  "Are ALL Americans as thick as you?"

"Are all English as bitchy as you?" countered Jesse.

"I'm going to call the police.  You're trespassing," and she reached for the phone.  Richie's hand on hers stopped the secretary from picking it up.  The secretary looked up.  "Richie?!"

"I told you this morning that my fiancée would be coming by today and Kel put her name on the visitor's list.  What is the problem?

"She never gave me her name," tried the secretary.

"That's a...."

Richie held his hand up to stop Jesse as he continued to look at the secretary.  "Really, Elizabeth?  She didn't give you her name?"

Elizabeth cringed then said, "Her name isn't on the list!

Richie frowned, "I watched Kel add her name but let's just say for argument's sake, her name wasn't on the list.  Did she give you any other way to verify who she was?"

A man appeared at another door.  "Rich, is there a problem?"

Without taking his eyes off of Elizabeth, Richie said, "I think it's been cleared up, Kel."

Another guy stood behind Kel that Jesse recognized as the security guard.

Kel said, "I don't want to this to EVER be a problem again, Elizabeth."

"Yes sir," replied the secretary meekly.

Richie moved to Jesse taking her hands in his and gave her a kiss.  "Jessica, I'd like you to meet Kel Fleshhood."

"It's about time you found your way to the studio!  You promised to call me as soon as you arrived in London," greeted Kel giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry, Kel, but everything has been crazy since I got here!"

"And she's had the wedding on her mind," added Richie.  "She's been out today taking care of the flowers and she's got a fitting tomorrow for the two ladies she picked to be bride's maids."

"I completely understand. Now, I insist you two WILL join me for dinner tonight."

"We've got Ava too," reminded Jesse.

"We'd love to join you," accepted Richie.  "I need to get back to the studio now.  I'll catch up with you before we leave."

"How about I keep your beautiful lady company while you work?  I can run her back to the hotel if you'd like."

Richie smirked, "Not sure I trust you with my lady, Kel, but it's up to her."

"Thanks for the offer, Kel, but I'd really like to stay with Richie and watch them working."

"I understand.  We'll do dinner and I can try to convince you to dump this old man for a better old man."

The couple laughed as Richie wrapped his arm around Jesse and led her to the studio. 

In the hall, he stopped and pulled her to him.  Taking her face in his hands, he looked into her eyes.  "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"THAT is part of what happened to my marriage.  Women expecting more from me simply because I took them out a couple's how the rumors got started."

"Did you sleep with her?"

"Once and that was MORE than enough."

A door opened and Jon stuck his head out.  "I should have KNOW it was an outlaw holding you up."

Jesse stuck her tongue out at him and Richie laughed.  "I had to keep her from having a 'Wanted' poster made of her."

Jon shook his head.  "Elizabeth?"

"Yeah," nodded Richie as he and Jesse moved to join Jon.

Jon gave Jesse a kiss on the cheek.  "You okay, Outlaw?"

"I'm fine.  It's chicks like her that cause problems for the rest of us."

"Now do you see why I was attracted to you?" asked Richie with a smile.

"Never know.  I may be waiting for the right time to pounce," she teased.

They all laughed as Richie hugged her tight.  "Never!  There's a reason I only slept with her once....that 'side' of her showed as we were in the middle of having sex."

"Ewww....that's an image I can do without!" said Jesse as she made a face.

Both men laughed again.

"You can sit on the couch, baby," motioned Richie.

"Who is this beautiful creature?" greeted Ray as he returned to the studio.

"Ray, I'd like you to meet my fiancée, Jessica.  Jess, Ray Davies."

Taking her hand, he placed a kiss on the back, "A pleasure to meet you."

The guys spent the next two hours working on the collaboration as Jesse watched.  Jon and Richie showered her with attention when they could and explained the process of recording a song.

When they were done, it was back to the hotel to get ready for dinner after they stopped to speak to Kel.

Chapter 127        Index