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Chapter 127

Dinner turned into a surprise party for the couple.  Kel had organized the whole thing and all of Richie's friends from England were there.  The guest list included some big names in the music industry and Jesse was extremely nervous when she realized who was there.

Richie whispered in her ear.  "Relax, baby.  They're just like me....people who love to make music."

Jesse smiled up at him as he led her through the room.  He introduced her to his friends and they immediately fell in love with her.  She was graceful and charming as she accepted everyone's' congratulations.  And every time she tried to focus on Richie, someone new would kidnap her attention getting to know her better.

Later in the evening, after their dinner, the couple had gone their separate ways to talk to people but now, Jesse heard a slow song and wanted to be in Richie's arms.  She spotted him in the corner talking to Jon and Ray so she excused herself and headed over to him.

Standing on her toes, she whispered in his ear, "Dance with me."

Looking at Ray and Jon, he said, "I'll be back.  My beautiful lady would like a dance."

"By all means, do NOT disappoint the beautiful lady," smiled Ray.  The two men watched the couple move to the dance floor before Ray asked, "What happened at the studio this afternoon?"

"Elizabeth wouldn't let Jess in to see Richie."

"She's always had a crush on him.  How did Jess handled it?"

"She's okay. She knows he dated a lot before they met."

"This relationship with kind of took off fast, didn't it?"

"Yeah, it did but there is no mistaking how much in love they are."

"For sure," agreed Ray.  "I don't think I've ever seen Richie dance."

Jon laughed, "He'd jump over the moon if she asked him to."

On the dance floor, Richie whispered in her ear, "They all love you, baby."

"Because of you."

"No, not because of me.  Because you're an amazing woman."

Jesse looked up at him.  "You're prejudice!"

Richie smirked, "Very, but that doesn't change the fact that my friends love you."

They continued to dance; Jesse's ear pressed against Richie's chest listening to the steady beat of his heart.  It was  soothing sound, easing the chaos of her mind.

After several minutes, Richie reached up to caress her cheek.  "You've been extremely quiet.  What are you thinking about?"

"This afternoon...the way Elizabeth treated me."

"Don't let it bother you."

"But will there be other fans like that?  First there was Amy and now Elizabeth.  Who's next?"

"Technically, they weren't fans.  They were women I dated.  I didn't find out they were fans until after I'd met them."

Jesse stopped dancing and looked up at him. "Just LOVELY," she said sarcastically.

"Jess, it's not something you need to be worried about.  Come on, you wanted to dance."

The couple began dancing again but Jesse couldn't get it out of her head.  "Richie, what other ex-girlfriend do I need to worry about?"

Richie pretended to think, then said, "No, not that I can think of."

"RICHARD!  Please be serious."

"I promise, you do NOT need to worry.  I love you and I chose you to spend the rest of my life with.  I'm sorry I didn't warn you about Amy or Elizabeth but I really didn't expect them to do ANY of what they did."

The slow music ended and before Jesse could say anything, one of Richie's friends grabbed her hand.  "Dance with me?"

Jesse looked to Richie who nodded his approval and she moved to dance with the gentleman.

Richie moved off the dance floor and stood with Jon watching Jesse as she danced.  "She's scared, Jon."

"Of being pregnant?"

"No, my past.  Elizabeth's stunt today really rattled her."

Jon glanced across the room and spotted the blonde secretary.  "Well, she is about to find out exactly what she has to be afraid of."

"What do you mean?"

"At the door."

Richie looked in the direction Jon was looking only to see Elizabeth.  "Damnit!"

"Let it go, Richie.  Wait and see what she does first.  She may just be here to celebrate, just like the rest of us."

"Uh huh...and I'm going to fly to the moon."

"Have you talked to Jesse?"

"Yes, and I told her she had nothing to worry about."

"Then don't start anything.  If you confront Elizabeth, Jesse is going to think there IS something she needs to worry about.  Besides, Kel is headed this way."

"The band is ready for you, Rich."

"Thanks, Kel, but I'm not going to do it now."

Jon knew why Richie was backing out of doing a set for Jesse so he said, "Richie, go on.  I'll keep an eye on 'Outlaw'."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive.  Now go!  You know it will make her happy."

Richie smiled, "Thank you, Jon."

Richie followed Kel to the stage and when the song ended, he spoke to the band about the set. 

Stepping to the mic, the crowd got quiet and Richie found Jesse standing beside Jon.  "First things first.  Jessica and I would like to thank all of you for the party and for coming tonight.   Jessica was a bit overwhelmed with how quickly you all have accepted her but you see what I see....she's an amazing lady."  Richie raised his glass to toast his friends, his eyes never leaving Jesse's and a smile spreading when he saw her blush.  After taking a sip of his drink, Richie continued, "I don't ever want to take the unconditional love  Jesse has for me for granted so about a month ago, I decided one way to keep our love alive is to find something new to love about her every day.  Each night, before we go to sleep, I tell her one new thing.  Tonight, I want to share with you all something I love about Jesse.

"I met Jesse while she was waiting to get into our concert in DC and since then, I have discovered that Jesse has a wide range of music that she enjoys.  I love how she loves music...not just mine or the group's.  Tonight, I am going to do a set of 'The King of Cool's" music....some of Jesse's favorites."

With that, the music began and Richie performed several songs.  Jesse moved closer to the stage where Richie took her hand and sang directly to her.  Their love flowed like an electrical current for all to witness.

With the set over,Jesse stood on her toes to place a kiss on his lips.  "What I love about you is how you ALWAYS manage to surprise me!"

Richie put his hands on each side of her face and kissed her thoroughly.  "Let's say good-night," he whispered.

"Can we?" she asked she asked, her hands on his wrists.

"It's our party...we can leave when we want to," stated Richie.  "Besides, I told Kel I don't want you out too late after your long day; we have Ava with us; and I have to be in the studio tomorrow."

"Tonight has been so amazing."

Taking her hands, Richie laced his fingers with hers and led her through the crowd.  As they went, they said their good-nights.

Reaching Kel and Jon, Richie said, "Kel, thank you so much for tonight."

"Definitely my pleasure.  Jesse, when you get tired of this old man, let me know."

Jesse laughed as she rested her head on Richie's shoulder.  "I doubt I EVER get tired of him.  Thank you for making me a part of the circle."

"I didn't do anything, sweetheart.  It was all you."  Seeing Jesse yawn, Kel said, "Take the lady home so she can rest, Rich.  I'll see you at the studio tomorrow."

Richie hugged her pressing a kiss into her hair.  "Plan to, Kel.  Thank you again for tonight."

The couple made their way towards the door to leave but were stopped by Tico.

"Taking my daughter back to get some sleep?" questioned Tico giving Jesse a kiss on the cheek.

Richie chuckled, "Yeah, she's had a long day."

Tico cupped her cheek.  "How about lunch tomorrow...just you and me?"

"Okay," answered Jesse looking up at Richie.

"What's up, 'T'?' Richie questioned.

"Just want to spend a little time with Jess before things get hectic with the wedding. I'll stop by the room to get you."

"We'll be at the studio," offered Richie.

"Okay, I can come by there too."

"Good!" said Richie.  "I was worried about Jess being at the studio.  You know how I get when I'm working on music."

"Why isn't Jon going to be there?" asked Jesse.

"He's done."

"Oh!"  Looking back at Tico, Jesse said wearily, "I"ll see you then, Pop."

"We'll see you tomorrow," said Richie.

Richie was really trying to to get Jesse out of the party without a confrontation with Elizabeth.  It wasn't to happen.  Just as they were about to reach the door, Elizabeth cut them off and Richie felt Jesse tense. 

"Richie, leaving so early?  The night is still young and I know how much you like a good party.  Nothing wrong is there?"

"Absolutely nothing," said Richie.  "We've had a long day and need to rest."

"Thought your motto was you'd sleep when you were dead?"

"It was just a song, Elizabeth."

Jesse spoke politely, "Thank you for coming tonight."

"Oh, sweetie, I didn't come to celebrate....I just came to remind Richie what he was missing.  Everyone here knows it's just a temporary thing.  A player like Richie isn't going to be tied down for very long playing house.  It was a nice play getting pregnant....that will keep him around a little longer."

"That's enough, Elizabeth," warned Richie.

Fire flew through Jesse.  She knew Elizabeth was trying to push her buttons and it was working. Stepping in front of Richie and getting in Elizabeth's face, she said, "I was willing to let this afternoon slide because Richie fixed it but YOU didn't get the message!  I realize you're a fan and you have a thing for Richie but guess what....he doesn't want you.  He picked ME!  He proposed to ME!  And I'm pregnant with HIS child!  Be jealous but LEAVE me alone!  Keep your opinion of what you THINK Richie wants to yourself.  The ONLY one who knows what Richie wants is Richie."  Looking over her shoulder at Richie, she smiled softly, "I'm ready to go!"

Without a word to Elizabeth, Richie and Jesse left her standing and moved to get Ava and they headed to the waiting car.

Chapter 128            Index