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Chapter 110

Jesse stared out the windows at the lights of the city.  She still felt like it was all a dream and she was going to wake up any minute.  Not only was Richie the rock star of her dreams but he was everything she’d ever wanted in a man.

Richie reached over and took her hand in his.  “We’re almost there.  Are you hungry?”

“Starving!”  Jesse looked at Richie’s watch.  “What time does the show start?” she asked seeing that it was close to 8 now.

Shrugging his shoulders, he said, “We’ve got time to eat.  Don’t worry.”

Jesse looked at him curiously wanting to question him further but her attention was drawn away when she heard screams.  Looking out the window, she saw the source – fans were lined along the walkway in front of the restaurant.

“Richie!  How did they know you were going to be here?”

“Not sure,” answered Richie with a little concern.  He really hadn’t anticipated THIS kind of reaction from the fans.  He had pulled out his cell phone to make a call but before he could dial, he spotted Bon Jovi security.  “They have their ways of finding out when we’re together but don’t worry, Tony and the other guys are here.”

The door opened and Richie stepped out first, then reached in to take Jesse’s hand.  When she stepped out, she was a breath away from him and he gave her a tender kiss that caused the fans to squeal with delight.

Richie whispered, “They love you.”

“As much as you love me?”


Hand in hand, the couple made their way inside.  The fans were just as eager to see Jesse and there were equal amounts of them wanting to talk to her.  The couple just waved to them happily and Richie spoke to the reporters who were there too.  All he told them though was that they were there to enjoy a dinner with friends.

Inside, the host greeted Richie.  “Mr. Sambora, it’s so good to see you again.”

Shaking hands with the smaller Italian man, Richie said, “Hey Geno!  It has been a long time.  I want you to meet someone very special, my fiancée Jessica James.  Jess, this is Geno!”

“Nice to meet you Jessica,” greeted Geno as he kissed the back of her hand.  “It’s always a pleasure to meet Mr. Sambora’s lady friends.  He has such exquisite taste in ladies.”

Jesse blushed as she said, “It’s nice to meet you too.”

“Is everyone here, Geno?”

“Waiting on you.”

“Cool.  Thank you for everything you’ve done.”

“Definitely my pleasure.  Anything to get Bon Jovi in the house.  It always makes our night better.”

Geno led Richie and Jesse to a room near the back.  As they moved through the crowd, Jesse noticed a few more things that stirred her curiosity again. The stage was set up and she spotted Richie’s guitar; and there were quite a few people who were clearly fans.

Before they reached the room, Jesse nudged Richie to ask, “Are you performing tonight?”

The only answer she got was a sexy smirk as he put his hand on her lower back and waved his arm for her to go in ahead of him.

Entering the room, a crowd of people were waiting and greeted her with an overwhelming “SURPRISE!”

Jesse froze in shock.

Richie chuckled, “Baby, go on in.”


Tico was the closest, other than Richie, and he took her hand.  “Come on, Jess.  It’s a surprise engagement party for you and Richie.”

Jesse looked up at Richie.  “You knew about it?”


“So, we aren’t going to see Dave’s show?”

“Not tonight,” answered Richie as he put his arm around her.  “Come on, we’ve got a lot of friends to visit with.”

Jesse looked around to see that there was a good mixture of her family and friends from Virginia and Richie’s.  Ava and Heather were there along with Mrs. Sambora.  With Richie’s hand on her lower back, she joined the crowd showing off her ring to the ones who hadn’t seen it and telling the story of how Richie had proposed.  The glow on her face told everyone how in love she was and the ones who knew her best were quick to tell Richie how glad they were to see her this happy.

After the couple had made their rounds speaking to everyone, Richie led Jesse to the head table where the other guys were with their significant others as well as Mrs. Sambora and Ava.  Jesse gave them both a hug. 

“Oh my god, Richie!  How did you keep this from me?”

“Wasn’t hard, baby.  So much has been going on lately with Kevin and Stevie that you were completely distracted.”

Jesse looked around at her family and friends again, the look on her face telling everyone just what she was thinking.  Richie reached over to gently rub her back wishing he hadn’t mentioned the custody case.

Everyone was finally seated and the wait staff started making their way through the room taking everyone’s orders.  Jesse was quieter than usual and Richie was completely aware of it; they all were.  The conversation was about music, something safe that they all knew she enjoyed hearing.

Dorothea spoke up, “Okay guys!  You four are together on tour constantly and you’re going to be in the studio on your break.  ENOUGH shop talk.  This is an engagement party for Jesse and Richie.  Let’s focus on THAT.”

Alejandra and Lexi echoed their agreement and Jon said, “Sorry, ladies but you know how we can get.”

“Yeah, you’re workaholics,” snarked Dorothea.  “Jesse, how’s your dress coming?”

That brought Jesse back to the room.  “I haven’t had a chance to talk to Nikki yet.”  Cutting her eyes at Richie, she said, “SOMEBODY took my phone for the weekend.”

Everyone laughed as Richie tucked his head guiltily. 

Ava spoke up, “Nikki showed me the pictures she had drawn.  You’re going to be GOREGOUS!”

Jesse smiled, “Thanks, Ava.”

“Are you going to work on wedding plans this week?” asked Alejandra.

“I have to.  There’s so much to do and not much time.  Richie wants ME to plan the honeymoon and I need to get on the invitations.”

“Want some help?” asked Dorothea.

“Would LOVE some help.”  Wanting to make Ava feel like she was a part of it all, Jesse asked, “How long are you going to be in New York?”

“We have to go back tomorrow morning,” frowned Ava. 

“Don’t worry.  I promise, when we get to London, you’ll have plenty to do to help me,” assured Jesse.  Turning back to Dorothea and Alejandra, she said, “I need to get the invitations and start addressing them.”

“Pick a day and get Richie to drop you off at our house so we can come into the city.”

“I’m going to be spending a day with Mrs. Sambora to work on all the wedding stuff,” added Jesse remembering what she had promised earlier. 

“Jess can have the truck whenever she needs it,” said Richie.  “I can use Mama’s car.  That way, there will be plenty of room for everyone.”

“Okay, you ladies aren’t going to monopolize the conversation with wedding talk,” interjected Jon.

“Uh, Jon, this is an engagement party – you know, engaged to be MARRIED,” countered Jesse.

“She’s right, Jon,” pointed out Tico.

“You WOULD be on her side,” grumbled Jon.

“So, what is a safe topic?” asked Lexi.

Jon and Jesse looked at each other and simultaneously asked, “Well?”

“I don’t mind the music talk,” said Jesse.

“I don’t mind the wedding talk,” conceded Jon.

“So?” asked Tico.

Richie spoke up, “It’s all good, right Dorothea?”

“Sure, Richie,” smiled Dorothea.

Dinner held a lot of interesting conversations.  At times, there were several going on at once.  No matter what the topic was, Richie kept a hand on Jesse, either holding her hand or rubbing her back or playing with her hair.  There was no mistaking how they felt about each other.

As the plates were being cleared, other waitresses were giving everyone glasses of champagne.  When they were done, Jon stood and everyone got quiet.

“First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for coming, especially on short notice but I’m sure we can all agree, it’s for a very beautiful reason.”  A cheer of agreement rolled through the crowd and Jon looked down at the couple.  “I’d like to be the first to toast the happy couple.  Jessica, you’re a breath of fresh air.  Thank you for ‘blowing’ into Richie’s life…and ours.  Richie, you’re a lucky man to have found such a wonderful lady…not once, but twice in your life.  Don’t take Jesse’s love for granted!  To a beautiful couple who are very much in love – may your love last a lifetime!”

“HERE! HERE!” chorused the crowd as the couple gazed into each other’s eyes sipping their champagne.

Jon sat down and half a minute later, Tico stood up.  “I’m extremely honored to be standing in as father of the bride.  As honorary father of the bride – Sambora, you better treat my daughter right or I’m gonna kick your ass!” 

That got a laugh from the entire room as Richie put his hands up in defense.  “I swear, NOTHING but the best for Jesse!”

Getting serious, Tico looked at Jesse, “Sweetheart, I know that right now you’re wishing you had a couple people here to share your special time with you.  I feel certain that your dad is watching now…kicked back with a cold one in his hand, proud to see that his daughter is realizing her dreams of falling in love with a good man.  To both of you, may you have a blessed union filled with happiness.”

Jesse set her glass down and stood to hug Tico, her tears streaming down her cheeks.  Softly, she whispered, “Thank you!”

“You’ve very welcome, sweetheart.  And as for Stevie, be patient.  You will have him back.”

Richie stood too putting his hand on Jesse’s back.  “Thank you, Tico.”

Still holding Jess, Tico shook Richie’s hand.  “Anytime!”

As soon as everyone had settled down, Jesse and Tico sat down but Richie remained standing.  “Our music, my music, has been a part of Jesse for her entire life and it was the whole reason we met.  One of the things she loves the most is when I sing to her so, tonight, as part of my gift to her, we are going to do a short set.   We’re going to go get ready while you all move to the other room to watch.”

Richie took Jesse’s hand but she asked, “Can’t I just go with the others?”

Shaking his head, “No.  I have a special seat for you.”

With her hand firmly in Richie’s, Jesse followed him through the crowd to the backstage area.  Just off to the side of where Richie would be was a stool.  He led her to it and as she took a seat, he gave her a tender kiss.

Reaching to brush her hair behind her ear, Richie said, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

With everyone in place, Jon took center stage.  “Hello Hard Rock New York!”

The crowd responded enthusiastically.

“I just want to thank the management and staff here for their help with making tonight extra special for a couple close to our hearts.”  Jon swept the stage with his arm to include Dave, Tico, and Hugh.  “Mr. Richie Sambora and his MUCH better half, Jesse James.  To show our appreciation, we’re going to play a short set – three songs – and then Richie has a special treat for you and for his fiancé.”

Jon turned to the guys, nodded, and the music began.  The first song was “You Had Me From Hello” and as she listened to the music, it was clear that Richie had picked the set list because they were all her favorites – “In These Arms” and “Born to be My Baby”.  Jon made it a point to sing to Jesse as much as possible without ignoring the fans gathered at the stage.

With the three songs over, Jon stepped out of the way and Richie took his place with his acoustic guitar.  The lights went down except for one on him.

“I usually get my inspiration from life to write my songs – for the group and for other people.  Over the weekend, while I was with my beautiful lady, ‘life’ unfolded to bring me inspiration for this new song.  Thank you, Jesse,” he turned to look at her and put his hand on his heart before beginning to play ‘What Do You Got?”

When he was done, the lights came back up to include Dave, Tico, and Hugh.  Richie moved to Jesse taking her hand in his and leading her to the stool that magically appeared.  From behind him, someone handed him a single, white rose that he handed to her as David began to play.

It’s hard for me to say the things
I want to say sometimes
There’s no one here but you and me
And that broken old street lamp
Lock the doors
We’ll leave the world outside
And all I’ve got to give to you
Are these five words when I

Thank you, for loving me
For being my eyes when I couldn’t see
For parting my lips when I couldn’t breathe
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me

I never knew I had a dream…..

Richie continued to sing, tears glistening in his eyes. When he finished, he put his hand on her cheek and kissed her softly.

   Chapter 111            Index