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Chapter 109

Soft petals caressed her skin and she opened her eyes to see Richie holding a white rose.

“Mmmm….how long did I sleep?”

“Several hours.”

Jesse realized Richie was ready for their evening-a tux minus the tie-and panicked.  “Richie!!  We’re going to be late!  Why did you let me sleep so long?”

“Because you needed your sleep.  You were out of it by the time I got to the top of the steps.  Don’t worry.  We’ve got plenty of time.”  He leaned over to place a kiss on her lips.  “There’s a new dress hanging in the closet for you.”

“How much time do I have?”

“As much time as you need.  I have some phone calls to make while you get ready.”

“Ava one of them?”


“Tell her I said ‘Hey’.”

“I will.”  Richie handed her the rose.  “For my lady.”

“It’s so beautiful.”

“Like you.”

“Are you gonna put a tie on?”

“Do I need to?”

“Mmmm, you look good no matter what you do.  What kind of dress do I have?”

“One from my line.”

“I can’t wait to see it.”

“Go get ready, baby,” and with a kiss, he left the room.

Jesse jumped up and rushed to the closet to find the dress.  Hanging in the front was a beautiful, full-length, black and white striped dress with a fitted bodice.  It had one strap that was lacey and black.  On the floor was a pair of black, stacked heels to match.

“Oh wow!” she exclaimed.

Jesse rushed to get ready despite the fact that Richie had told her to take her time.  She was so excited about their plans…or what she THOUGHT were their plans.  Her dreams were coming true and she felt like she was on Cloud 9.

Thirty minutes later, Jesse made her way downstairs where she found Richie talking on the phone.  As soon as he saw her though, he ended the call and moved to her.

“You are absolutely gorgeous!” he praised taking her in his arms.

“And you have excellent taste.  I love ALL of the clothes you’ve given me from your line.”

“Good!  Are you ready to go?”

“Yes!” she answered, her eyes dancing with excitement.

Richie took her hand in his, tucked it under his arm, and escorted her to the limo waiting outside.

“A limo?”

“Yeah, for tonight.  I want you to enjoy the evening,” answered Richie as the driver opened the door for the couple.

“Won’t it draw more attention to us?”

“Probably, but I really don’t want to have to worry about the drive back and I want to be able to hold you in my arms.  I can’t do that when I’m driving,” answered Richie as they settled into the plush seats.  He took her hand in his.  “I want you to feel like a queen….MY queen,” and he placed a kiss on the back.

Jesse smiled, “Well, they do call you the ‘King of Swing’…guess it’s only logical for me to be your queen.”

“Definitely,” he purred as he leaned to kiss her softly on the lips.  “And I love watching your swing.”

“Mmm, no wonder you walk behind me so much.”

“Definitely.”  Richie moved to her ear and with his lips against the skin, he whispered, “You are my sexy Queen of Swing.”

His hot breath sent chills down her spine.  “Richie, you know what that does to me.”

“Yes, I do…just like you knew what you were doing this afternoon when you were messing with my ear.  You know, we have a half hour ride into the city.  We could fool around…if you want.”

“What about the driver?”

“I can put the privacy glass up.”

“I want you….more than I want to take my next breath but not now…maybe on the way home.”

“Okay, baby,” smiled Richie. 

“Did you call Ava?” asked Jesse desperately wanting to change the subject.  She wanted to fool around….she wanted to feel his touch, his kisses on her skin. 

Richie shook his head as he watched her.  He knew what she really wanted and he knew he could change her mind.  Putting his hand on her side of her face as he leaned to her ear again, he said, “Yes, I called.”  His breath caressed her skin and his tongue traced the line of her ear – just like she’d done to him that afternoon.  “Are you sure you don’t want to fool around?”

Jesse gasped at the feeling.  “You….Know…I do,” she stammered.

“That’s what I thought,” and he moved down her neck placing moist kisses along the way.  At the same time, he placed his hand on her breast, kneading tenderly.

“Oh god! I can’t get enough of you,” she whispered putting her hand in his hair.  “Richie….”

“What, baby?” he breathed as he continued to assault her neck.

“I want to make you happy.”

Richie pulled away to look her in the eyes.  He saw the tears glistening as he smiled softly.  “You make me extremely happy just being you.”

“I want to feel you…..but….”

“Shhh, it’s okay.  I want more time to touch you all over and taste you.”  Richie placed a kiss on her lips.  “Yes, I called Ava and she was thrilled to hear that I had gotten her tickets to the London premiere….seems Taylor Lautner is going to be at the London opening.”

Jesse laughed, “Oh, I forgot she’s Team Jacob!!  Guess we’ll have to make sure she meets him.  Is she sticking with the plans for June?”

“She said she would be happy just going with us and her friends don’t have to join her.”

“What about Heather?”

“What about her?”

“Wasn’t she giving you a hard time?”

“I just reminded her that Ava is mine after she gets out of school.”

Jesse sighed, “Is it ever easy with exs?”


Richie and Jesse continued to talk as they rode into New York City.  Jesse couldn’t help herself though.  She was like a kid in a toy store taking in all of the ‘new’ sites.

Chapter 110        Index