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Chapter 103

Richie had grabbed his guitar on the way to the beach.  For close to two hours, he'd played.  It was his way of thinking and clearing his head.  He'd known from the very first kiss how she felt about him but until today, he hadn't realized how deeply she loved him.

Looking at his watch, Richie realized how long he'd been gone and with no phone to call him, Jesse would be worried.  He put his guitar back in the case and made his way back to the inn.

Quietly, he opened the door and closed it behind him.  When he turned, he saw that Jesse was asleep in the bed, her arms wrapped around his pillow.  God, he loved her, even more now knowing to what extent she'd go for him.  He set his guitar down and moved to the bed where he lay down gathering her in his arms.  Silent tears slid down as he placed kisses along her skin.

The shifting of the bed with Richie's weight woke her and now, the hot tears on her skin broke her heart.  She put her hands on his arms, running across them and pulling them even closer to her. 

"I love you, Jessica, and I don't want to lose you."

Jesse turned her head and their lips met.  She caressed his lips slowly, her hands holding onto his arms.  Pulling away, she said, "I have truly been blessed to have your love, Richie.  I WANT proof of our love, something to tell the world just what we mean to each other."

"Promise me one thing," he requested as he held her tight against his body.


"If you get pregnant before we go to a specialist, promise me you'll do EXACTLY what the doctor tells you even if it means not touring with me."

"As long as YOU promise to call....A LOT!"

"I'll call at least twice a day....late at night so my voice is the last thing you hear before you go to sleep and early in the morning so it's the first thing you hear when you wake up."

Jesse rolled over to face him and reached up to wipe his tears.  "How long were you gone?"

"Too long!  Did you sleep the whole time?"

"Most of it, but it wasn't a good sleep.  I had a really bad dream."

"About us?"

"You left me because I didn't tell you sooner.  Richie, I'm really sorry I kept it from you."

"I'd never leave you over this but yeah, it did hurt that you didn't tell me when we were talking about you being in the hospital.  I understand why you didn't though."  Seeing the question in her eyes, he said, "It's part of what makes you who you are.  When you love someone, you love them with all that you have.  I do want to know why you decided to tell me now."

"I wanted to tell you then but I was afraid to...that you wouldn't want to be with me.  Then, I decided it really didn't matter because I was going to have your baby no matter what.  And now...I love you so much.  I can't bare to think how hurt you would be, how devastated you would be....if anything were to happen to me."

Richie smiled, "Like you said, no matter how much time we have together, I've been extremely blessed to have you in my life and to have a child with you would be an even greater blessing."  He brushed her hair back.  "I am not worthy of the unconditional love you give me and I will do whatever it takes to hold on to you forever."

"Everybody is worthy of love, Richie, no matter what kind of mistakes they've made," she answered putting her hand on his.  "You are such a good man.  From the minute I actually met you, you let me into your heart and your soul and I knew you were different.  You taught me to love trust."

Richie rolled on top of her, framing her face with his hands.  "Jessica Paige James, I love you," and kissed her, long and deep. 

Jesse clung to him as they kissed, her heart swelling with the love she felt for the man in her arms.

Pulling back, Richie looked her in the eyes again.  "You need some lunch, baby."

"Can we just call room service?  I really don't feel like going anywhere."

"Damn, baby," he laughed.  "You're already spoiled."

"What?" she questioned innocently.

"Room service."

"Yeah, so I can stay in your arms and rest."

"I like that idea but unfortunately this place doesn't have room service," smiled Richie.  "If you want me to, I'll go get something for us and bring it back."

"No, I don't want you to leave me again if you don't have to....not this weekend at least."

"Are you sure?"


"You aren't pushing yourself, are you?"

"No.  I'll be okay as long as all we do is go eat."

"We'll come back here after we eat and you can rest," answered Richie as he rolled away from her. 

"What are you going to do?" asked Jesse as she got up.

"Hold you....maybe play my guitar.  I've got a song to finish."  Before Jesse could get her clothes, Richie caught her by the waist and pulled her to him.  "God, you're so sexy!"

Jesse put her hands at the back of his neck playing with his hair.  "You're not half bad yourself, old man."

Laughing, Richie pulled her tight.  "Old man, huh?"

"MY old man and your belt buckle is COLD!" she exclaimed pushing him back.

"Sorry, baby," apologized Richie.  "Go on and get dressed so we can get some breakfast."

Jesse grabbed the jeans on that were out but had to dig through her stuff for a shirt.  She had one she really liked that she knew Richie liked too and wanted to wear it.  She slipped her boots on before moving to the bathroom to do something with her hair.

Richie leaned against the door frame to watch as she finished getting ready.  It didn't matter what she did, she was as beautiful as an angel in his eyes.

"Do I look presentable?" she asked turning to him.

"Like an angel," he praised.  "You could make a goanna sack look good."

Moving to him, she put her hands on his sides.  "You, Mr. Sambora, are extremely prejudice."

"Very!  Let's go.  I can hear your stomach growling and it's laughed loud enough to wake the dead," he teased.

"You're MEAN!" she pouted.

"But I still love you," laughed Richie playing with her lip.

"I love you too," laughed Jesse.

Chapter 104        Index