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Chapter 104

The couple had woken early, gotten a blanket, and headed to the beach to watch the sun come up.  Jesse sat leaning against Richie, his arms wrapped around her, neither one saying a word.  They simply enjoyed the sounds of the early morning and being together.

Now, with the sun fully above the horizon, Richie whispered in her ear, "Tell me one thing you love about me."

This was the third morning he'd asked but she didn't hesitate.  There were so many things about him that she loved.  "Your voice...when you sing, when you talk, even when you are using those goofy voices."  His chuckle was her only response before she said, "Tell me one thing you love about me."

"Your heart...the way you love so unconditionally."

This wasn't a surprise to Jesse.  Richie had said it the day before after the disagreement.  Now, she said, "Until you, I was afraid to give a man that kind of love."  She ran her hands along his arms.  "Thank you for putting my heart back together."

"Definitely my pleasure," he purred as he placed soft, moist kisses along her neck.

Jesse closed her eyes to enjoy the feel of his touches on her skin.  She was loving the feel of his touches.  Age definitely was an advantage.  While Kevin had been a skillful lover satisfying needs, Richie was vastly different.  He was far more attentive to the small thinks like a strand of hair falling in her face or the reaction of her body to a simple touch.  He was loving and passionate.

After several minutes, Jesse asked, "Where are we going for a honeymoon?"

"I've got a couple ideas."


"It's really up to you.  We aren't going to have a lot of time since we have a show on the 9th."

Jesse did the math in her her head.  "We've got at least ten days. What did you have in mind?"

"I want to take you to Hawaii but I don't want to waste a lot of time on an airplane."

"What else?"

"Staying in London and checking out the sites."

"But we'll have been there for a month and aren't we going to do some site seeing while we're there?"

"Yeah, we are."

"What about the Mediterranean?  They've got beaches."

"Topless ones too," leered Richie.

"RICHARD!" exclaimed Jesse looking over her shoulder at him with shock.

"What?!" he countered innocently.

"We're going to be on our honeymoon.  Are you REALLY going to be looking at other women?"

"I had in mind YOU being topless!!  No tan lines."

"Oh!" blushed Jesse.

Richie smiled, "Tell you what.  YOU plan the honeymoon.  We'll do whatever you want - go wherever you want."



"But this is OUR honeymoon."

"Yeah, it is but it's your first time and I know you want to see new places.  I also want it to be something you'll always remember."

"So tell me what you really want to do."

"Marry you," he said as he kissed her ear.  "Have children with you," and he moved down her neck with the kisses.  "Grow old with you," and he found her pulse point.

Jesse felt the heat spread through her body as her insides turned to mush.  With a happy sigh, "I'll find something this week while you're working."

"Have any idea what you want to do?"

"Sorta!  There's so much I WANT to see and do."

"That's why I want you to decide."

"I really like the idea of no tan lines but I'm not sure I want to expose myself to everyone."

Richie laughed, "I was joking about the topless beach.  I'm NOT about to share you with ANYONE.  I don't need you splashed all over the tabloids topless."

"What about a private beach?"

"What about them?"

"Aren't there places we could go that has private beaches?"


"Are they expensive?"

"Don't worry about that.  You plan what you want and I'll handle the finances."

Jesse thought about it, then said, "I need to get started.  I have a TON of things to do and time is....."

"Everything can wait until Monday.  I'm not giving up a second of our weekend together."

"I have a question."


"Do I get to whisk YOU away for a romantic weekend - no phones & no work?"

"Of course!  You know my schedule better than I do.  Whenever you think I'm stressing too much and need a break, plan something."

"Cool!  I get to kidnap Richie Sambora."

"It's not kidnapping when the person goes willingly," Richie reminded her as his lips touched her ear.  "It's time for breakfast, beautiful lady."

"Can we get something and go back to the room?"

"Are you okay?"

"I hurt some but it's not bad."

Richie helped her up and as she stood in front of him, he cupped her cheek in his hand.  "Baby, it doesn't seem like you're getting better and I'm worried."

"I'll be okay.  It's just all the stress from the custody hearing and Kevin being in town."

Richie leaned in to kiss her softly.  "I do love you, Jesse."

The couple gathered their things and holding hands, made their way back to get some breakfast.

The rest of their stay was spent simply being together and relaxing.  Richie gave Jesse several more gifts - jewelry and lingerie - and hovered over her making sure she rested.  Not once did she complain about his attention.

Chapter 105        Index