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STAMP-2025: Sensible Alternatives to the Meadow Creek Parkway
Monday, 17 July 2006
Steering Committee Meeting #7 Agenda posted
Topic: Steering Committee
The agenda for the upcoming Route 250 Bypass / McIntire Road Interchange Steering Committee Meeting has just been posted (July 17, 2006) on the project website. The meeting is scheduled from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm on Thursday July 27, 2006 at the Downtown Visitor's Center.

Note that there is a time scheduled at the end of the agenda for input from the public. Do not hesitate to comment on any aspect of the project development of interest to you.

Check the project website for project background, maps, proposed designs, and other project related material.


Meeting Agenda No. 7 July 27, 2006
Downtown Visitors Center

11:30 AM Welcome
11:40 AM Summary of Recent Project Team/Agency Meetings
..... Traffic Summit (VDOT/TJPDC)
..... Environmental Coordination (VDOT/FHWA)
11:50 AM Summary of June 14 Citizen Informational Meeting
12:20 PM Review Preliminary Project Team Recommendation of the Interchange Alternatives
12:40 PM Steering Committee Discussion on Preliminary Alternatives and Citizen Informational Meeting Comments
1:10 PM Next Steps
1:15 PM Public Input
1:30 PM Adjourn

posted by Peter T. Kleeman -

Posted by va3/stamp2025 at 8:29 PM EDT
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Thursday, 9 February 2006
Matters from the Public Still Not Welcome at Steering Committee Meetings
Topic: Steering Committee

Although several members of the public have asked for the opportunity to present matters of interest on the Route 250 Bypass Interchange project to the steering committee, a time for matters from the public is still not part of the upcoming agenda for March 2, 2006 [time:4:00-7:00 at a location to be announced].

Also, at the Charlottesville City Council meeting on February 6, 2006, council decided to appoint alternate committee members to represent committee members who cannot attend on a regular basis. The original policy established by the committee was the following:

"Members may designate an alternate to attend and participate in discussions in his or her absence. Alternates may vote in the absence of the member, except on the vote to adopt final recommendations."

My hunch is that city council was unhappy that Maurice Cox participated as a designated alternate at the second committee meeting and presented some concerns about the scale of the proposed project, and questioned how encountering two roundabouts and a massive overpass would be perceived by visitors to Charlottesville passing through this gateway to the City. I thought Maurice Cox's comments were on target, but my guess is that Maurice won't be appointed as a committee alternate.

At the end of the meeting, members of the public [only Colette Hall (President of the North Downtown Resident's Association) and I were there at that time] were invited to participate along with the committee in commenting on existing preliminary interchange designs proposed in the Reiley Report and other designs suggested by RK&K Engineers (the consultants for the project). Although it appeared that Owen Peery (RK&K project manager) planned to have the committee divide into two groups with members of the public working independently as a third group in this exercise (although this was never communicated to the public prior to that moment), the two of us were invited to join with the full committee to have a single group discussion of project issues.

My guess is that this limited - and last minute - opportunity for those from the public who sat through the more than two hours of the meeting to participate will be presented in the future in a manner that overstates the public's involvement in these meetings. I am waiting for the time when the committee will truly invite responsible comment and involvement by members of the public.

posted by Peter Kleeman -

Posted by va3/stamp2025 at 5:50 PM EST
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Friday, 2 December 2005
Steering Committee Meeting #2 Agenda is available
Topic: Steering Committee

Here is the agenda for the upcoming Jan. 11, 2006 Steering Committee meeting. No location for the meeting was provided. Check for information on the meeting location and find other project related material at the project website.

At McIntire Road
Meeting #2
January 11, 2006

12:00 PM Welcome/Lunch

12:10 PM Steering Committee (During Lunch)
..... Revised Steering Committee Purpose and Role
..... Revised Steering Committee Guidelines
..... Finalize P&R and Guidelines
..... Review Revised Project Purpose and Need
..... Review Revised Project Goals and Objectives

12:35 PM End Lunch/Break

12:40 PM Future Meeting Goals/Work Plan

12:50 PM Environmental Overview (ENV 101)

1:10 PM Traffic Overview (TRAF 101)
..... General
..... Roundabouts

1:25 PM RK&K Initial Concepts from Interview Presentation

1:40 PM Group Concepts
..... Break Into Groups
..... Develop Concepts/Ideas

2:15 PM Group Discussion of Concepts

2:45 PM Next Steps

3:00 PM Adjourn

posted by Peter Kleeman

Posted by va3/stamp2025 at 10:32 AM EST
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Saturday, 12 November 2005
Steering Committee Purpose, Goals, Objectives, etc.
Topic: Steering Committee

This material appeared to me to be the significant information of interest of stakeholders not on the steering committee itself. This material is all online at the project website in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. I have provided the key information here for ease of access and so that you can readily include pieces of it in comments you provide to the project manager.

Send your comments to:

Angela Tucker
Development Services Manager
Tele: (434) 970-3993
Fax: (434) 970-3359

At Mclntire Road

Purpose and Role

The Purpose and Role of the Steering Committee is:

To provide advice to the City and VDOT regarding the proposed Route 250 Bypass Interchange at Mclntire Road.

The role of the Committee will be to provide input and make suggestions regarding the development of interchange concepts, detailed interchange alternatives and a preferred alternative, including the assessment of their effects. Members will be encouraged to participate in public workshops and the public hearing.

Input from the steering committee, the general public, the environmental resource and regulatory agencies, local and state elected officials along with the results of the various analyses will be considered by the City in making an informed project decision that meets the guidelines and requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the permitting agencies.

The Steering Committee is one element of an extensive outreach effort that includes the general public, federal and state environmental resource and regulatory agencies and local, state and federal officials, among others.

Project Team Efforts to Date (November 3, 2005)

Held initial Project Team Steering Committee organizational meeting (City of Charlottesville staff, VDOT and RK&K Engineers)

Initiated State Environmental Review Process (SERP)

Conducted one_on_one interviews with Steering Committee members

Initiated Draft Project Purpose and Need

Initiated Draft Project Goals and Objectives

Initiated coordination with regulatory agencies (state and federal)

Began collection of environmental resource data Began collection of traffic data

Initiated contact with Thomas Jefferson District Planning Commission (TJDPC)

Draft Purpose and Need

To enhance transportation mobility for local residents

To safely accommodate projected future traffic volumes

To accommodate and enhance pedestrian and bicycle needs in tbe project area

Draft Goals and Objectives

Develop a context sensitive and functional design
Minimize impacts to McIntire Park

Accommodate projected (future) traffic

Provide improved pedestrian and bicycle access

Ensure a comprehensive public outreach effort that provides formal and informal opportunities for public comment

Minimize construction impacts to the traveling public and surrounding neighborhoods

Develop an economical design that meets the aesthetic goals of the community

Provide a suitable gateway to the City and to McIntire Park

Project Scope

From the Request for Proposals (RFP):

This is to be an interchange at the beginning/termini of a parkway. Design alternatives and bridge designs must respect the park-like nature of the area with the appropriate use of materials, design, and aesthetics.

The city intends for this interchange to serve as a gateway to both McIntire Park and the downtown area. A "typical" interchange is not desired. City Council desires this project to set the tone for one of the most important public spaces in Central Virginia. The Rieley & Associates report must be the guide for all designs considered.

Pedestrian access between the downtown area and McIntire Park, bicycle connections, and reduction of impacts to the Rescue Squad facilities are key design features that must be incorporated into the project.

Scope of Services

The Project Team Will provide complete project planning, concept development, alternative analysis, environmental studies, preliminary engineering, final design engineering and construction management for the proposed interchange. In doing so, the Project Team will work with the Steering Committee, City of Charlottesville, VDOT and the FHWA to Obtain the best possible design for this location.

More specifically:

The Project Team will provide traffic analysis, complete fight of way and construction, plans with signs, signals, lighting, pavement markingslmarkers and ITS elements.

The scope of work shall consist of providing supplemental ground survey, complete traffic data and analysis of the intersection and adjoining traffic network, geotechnical study, foundation and pavement recommendations, public involvement, conceptual alternatives, preliminary and final right of way, roadway construction, structure and bridge and landscape plans. The Project Team will coordinate the acquisition of any required environmental documentation, permits and approvals necessary for VDOT acceptance and funding of the selected option.

Interchange Design Options: The Project Team will develop multiple interchange options for review and consideration in accordance with City, VDOT and FHWA geometric guidelines.

Environmental: The Project Team will conduct an environmental evaluation for each interchange option to determine ability to construct each interchange design. This evaluation will include biological, ecological, historical, archeological and environmental justice issues along with air and noise impact for each option.

Traffic Analysis: An analysis utilizing Synchro 5 or other appropriate software shall be performed to evaluate the operational characteristics of each design option for presentation to City Council. Benefits to traffic movements will be considered for build and no-build options.

Project Costs: Planning level construction cost estimates will be prepared for each alternative utilizing the latest VDOT cost estimating system (PCES).

Sequence of Construction / Maintenance of Traffic: Conceptual construction phasing plans and maintenance of traffic plans will be developed for each option with consideration given to minimizing disruption to established traffic patterns.

Review of existing studies / documentation: The Project Team will work closely with the City and VDOT to incorporate plans for adjoining projects and development within the project area. Specifically the conceptual alternatives developed in the October 2000 Preliminary Study of Interchange Alternatives will be used as the starting point for the development interchange options.

Site Analysis: Natural and Cultural Conditions (hydrology, geology, soils, vegetation, utilities, property boundaries) will be evaluated. Available mapping and aerial photography will be assembled and supplemented as appropriate.

Development of Proposals: The Project Team will develop three acceptable design options including schematic level designs, cost estimates and computer renderings of each option on aerial photography.

Presentation to City Council: Presentations of all three options will be developed and reviewed with staff for presentation to the public and council.

Public Hearing: The Project Team envisions an extensive public involvement effort including regular meetings with the Steering Committee, interested groups and individuals, public workshops and a formal public hearing.

Selection and Development of Preferred Option: Following the public involvement process and selection of a preferred option by City Council, the Project Team will develop right of way and construction plans in accordance with City of Charlottesville, VDOT and FHWA guidelines.

- posted by Peter Kleeman - reply to

Posted by va3/stamp2025 at 2:42 PM EST
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Steering Committee Information online
Topic: Steering Committee

The Route 250 Bypass / McIntire Road Interchange Steering Committee website has just recently had information from the first committee meeting posted. To visit the site at

The site contains link to the names and affiliations of the ten appointed committee members. Twelve committee positions ware to be filled by City Council, but as yet no member of the Albemarle Board of Supervisors and no member of the Charlottesville parks advisory board has been appointed. City Council member Kevin Lynch suggested that a County BOS member could be forthcoming now that BOS elections are over.

I personally feel that a representative from the park advisory board is needed on the committee. Or, if not a board member, someone from the community who is sensitive to how the park and park use will be impacted by project alternatives. If you share this concern, contact city council with your suggestions.

- from Peter Kleeman - reply to

Posted by va3/stamp2025 at 2:09 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 12 November 2005 2:25 PM EST
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Thursday, 10 November 2005
Article about Route 250 Bypass/ McIntire Road Interchange in C-ville Weekly
Topic: Steering Committee

An article by Dan Pabst appeared in the November 08, 2005 C-Ville Weekly coverning the November 03, 2005 Route 250 Bypass/McIntire Road Interchange Steering Committee meeting. Dan, a local freelance writer, attended the entire committee meeting and chose to focus on the issues brought to the committee by the public. Perhaps the committee will realize that a matters from the public should be included in future agendas to allow the public to participate actively in discussion of the issues surrounding this project.

To read this article, navigate to C-Ville Weekly homepage; select 'News in review, Local News' link; then scroll down to the article entitled "Last Man Standing".

posted by: Peter T. Kleeman

Posted by va3/stamp2025 at 6:49 PM EST
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Thursday, 3 November 2005
Steering Committee Meeting #1
Topic: Steering Committee

The first meeting of the steering committee meeting was held today at the Visitor's Center (501 E. Main Street on the East end of the Downtown Mall).

The meeting was run by the project manager for RKK ENgineers - the City's consultant for the Interchange project.

Some key points to pass along:

1. The no-build alternative for the projects is currently considered to be a 17-lane at-grade intersection - which has been shown to fail on opening day for the project. Thus it appears that this no-build alternative is not a viable alternative and this is likely not in compliance with NEPA to have a no-build solution that would cause unacceptable congestion on US 250 Bypass - which is a part of the National Highway System (NHS).

2. The project design year is considered to by 2030. Thus traffic projections for the US 250 Bypass, McIntire Road Extension, and McIntire Road will have to be estimated for 2030 using the Charlottesville-Albemarle transportation network model in conjunction with the 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan.

3. Project work will not begin until January 2006 when a contract between the City of Charlottesville and RKK Engineers is finalized.

4. A project website is being developed and with be maintained by RKK Engineers. The site is at

5. In spite of efforts on my part to get a time for matters from the public on the agenda, no time for the pubic to speak will be allowed at Steering Committee meetings other than at the end of a meeting - if time is available, and the committee agrees to hear from the public. I was allowed to speak, but was told that I would only be allowed THREE MINUTES in spite of the fact that I was the only member of the public present (other than two reporters for local media). It appears that the public is not invited into these discussions other than through some public workshops to be scheduled in the future and when formal public hearings are required in the project development process.

6. Materials distributed at the committee meetings are to be placed in a timely manner on the project website.

7. The public will also be able to provide feedback to the committee and sign up to be on the email distribution list at the project website in the near future

8. The next committee meeting is Jan. 11, 2005 at 12:00 to 3:00 at a location to be determined later. Committee members - and hopefully members of the public will recieve email notifications and relevant material two weeks before all future meetings.

The revised agenda was as follows:

Steering Committee Agenda - Nov. 03, 2005

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At McIntire Road
Steering Committee Meeting #1
November 3, 2005

Held at Visitor's Center in the Parking Garage at east end of the Charlottesville Downtown Mall (501 E. Main Street)

12:00PM Welcome/Introductions

12:15PM Lunch

12:40 PM Purpose and Role of Steering Committee

. . . . Purpose and Role
. . . . Draft Guidelines
. . . . Draft Calendar
. . . . Project Notebook

1:10 PM Project Team

. . . . Project Scope
. . . . Preliminary Schedule
. . . . Efforts to Date

1:30 PM Feedback from Interviews

1:45 PM Frequently Asked Questions

2:00 PM Draft Purpose and Need

2:15 PM Draft Goals and Objectives

2:30 PM Starting Point

. . . . October 2000 Alternatives Report
. . . . Entrance Corridor Guidelines

2:45PM Next Steps (Interchange Concepts & Evaluation)

3:00PM Adjourn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Posted by Peter T. Kleeman -- comment to

Posted by va3/stamp2025 at 5:06 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 4 November 2005 1:09 PM EST
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Wednesday, 2 November 2005
Steering Committee Meeting #1 Nov. 3, 2005
Topic: Steering Committee

Steering Committee Agenda - Nov. 03, 2005

At McIntire Road
Steering Committee Meeting #1
November 3, 2005

To be held at Visitor's Center in Parking Garage at east end of the Charlottesville Downtown Mall

12:00PM Welcome/Introductions

12:15PM Lunch

12:45PM Purpose and Role of Steering Committee

1:00PM Getting Organized

. . . . Project Scope and Schedule
. . . . Steering Committee Guidelines
. . . . Steering Committee Calendar
. . . . Project Notebook

1:45PM Feedback from Interviews

2:00PM Project Purpose and Need

2:15PM Project Goals and Objectives

2:30PM October 2000 Alternatives Report/ Issues

2:45PM Next Steps (Interchange Concepts & Evaluation)

3:00PM Adjourn

Posted by Peter T. Kleeman -- comment to

Posted by va3/stamp2025 at 6:43 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 4 November 2005 1:13 PM EST
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