[ can i get paid? ]_________shut.dafawk.up_________CrystalzSh!t ™
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my info
all ya need to know
in.tro.spec.tion : a looking
into one's own mind,
feelings, ect. «
imood : The current mood of shortygirlnvb@aol.com at www.imood.com
reason : memory
name : Crystal AkA Shorty
other page : click here

my stuff
Tired of drinking this sh!t...!

Some Linxyou click

x 1Nolny[me] : http://some pix
x melzSite : http://Nyposterchild
x baby momma : http://naynay
x 311 : http://311
x bobage : http://bobmarley
x whoaMuzak : http://whoamuzic
x html : http://funkychikenz
x 2wayz : http://2waybeats


*July 5th*
Muzak playing now:Foxy Brown- Stylin ft Nore& Big Tymerz

Well DAMN! its been forever since ive written in this thing! its bout time i did a new lay out... you know..well today was gay i just sat arround the house and chilled...went to block buster rented black hawk down and some play station games so i could copy them :) for billy...anyways.... im thinking about doing some bright and purdy colorz...
newayz...so neways im tryna member what happend the 2nd... oh yea Krystal told me jermel cheated on me..woohoo...lol how cool righ?..negatory, i dont fell like talking about it though.. it makes me upset to even think about it

so, ive been talkin to my ex lately, hes a sweet guy! :) im glad we're friends again hes cool... but i love jermel, here lately he seems to be lashing out at me about shit. like i did something wrong. but im not gonna call him cuz i feel like im bugging him when i call him so im just going to stop.. there is no need for me to be stressed over him if he doesnt care.. i hope he does.. but if he doesnt he needs to tell me...


yesterday (the 4th)
was madddd fun!.. Shannon and Cindy came over and chilled... at jan and larrys house at chix beach then we went to Taco bell... and then we came back home and they left somewhere... so we chilled arround the beach and shit.. then Joyce Ryan and great gramma Fran came over... and we chilled some more then night comes arround.....

Well, people are Gay man... they were settin off fire works before it even got dark...SMH! i mean if they would have waited like 10 mins.. it would have been dark, but anyways... it gets dark... man these people down here were RICH they had monster fireworks... im talkin bout thousands of dollars worth of shit.. this guys shit was so big and so boomy that it made car alarms go off!! oo how fun...

*July 1st*
Muzik Playin:stylez - #7[dont know the track namez]

Well anyways.. man was today a slack day if ever i did do it...lol carlito called me at 8am n woke me up for a lil it but i was mad tired so i went back to bed.. then.. i cant member who woke me up the next time.. but it was someone neways.. i woke up..n watched TV talked to my Ex B-f and shit..Jermel called me while he was at walmart like he always does.. lol hes so gay dad came home and took me to wendys.. i got a spicey chicken..

well me n ol girl broke up the beef.. i mean i guess now she understands how much i LOVE him u know? shit gets crazy sometimes..well i made sheldon a website banner..Zebra Entertainment cool huh??

Well thats ill i got to say payce

*June 30th*
Muzak playing now:Incubus- Warning

My azz has been singing this song all DAY! lordy jesus.. if only i could find it i would put this shit on my website...well i cant decide on my new layout i just have so much fun changing it all the time :) but NEWAYS! im still trippin off this website i saw talkin about how, well heres the title. "Yahoo! News - Hormones in Semen Shown to Make Women Feel Good" smh.. hmmmmz neways..

im really gettin tired of these AOL BITCHES shyt. get off my nutts man... i got like 3 people on my AOL hit list i swear if this shit was real life i would fuckin hall off and shoot these people right in their head. im tired of this bull shyt its like gawt damn get a lyfe. u know... this bitch follows me into chat rooms and shit.. thinkin she cute when she makes fun of me... please.. she can lick my azz she wishes she could have what i have... but i aint sweatin it forreal .. all i hope is.. that this bitch dies within the next 24 hrs..

OMG! last night was mad fun!... me jermel...tiffany...jessica...and matt all chilled and watched how high n had a lil blue skyy i could tell my friends had never drank b4 they were all holdin the bottle like oh my god should i drink this... its was so cute lol.. i know jermel was like these ol stuck up azz white mutha fuckas.. wastein my beer and shit. lol i love him hes so cute. he came over n put some card games on my computer... and then he gave me the nelly cd because my momma wants it... it was funny... we spent the night here right [we= matt tiffany jess & me] n my mom was liek well im going to come check up on yall like arround 1 to see if youre all inside and shit.. well we get hungry and u know how taco bell is still open and shit.. well were walkin outside and were like shit moms here.. and matt wasnt supposed to be here.. and hes standin on the porch.. and then im walkin out with jermel.. im like fukkkkkkkkkkkkkk lol my moms like hi you guys all jumpy n shit.. n jermel is like HI MOM!!!!! it was so fukin cute.. she did not give a shyt who was here and that we were going to taco bell that shit was mad cool... even tho she is a gay bitch sometimes.. lol...

*June 28th*
Muzak playing now:Eminem- Superman

well Sonnabitch... today has been the gayest day..smh people just feed off drama.. its ugly and unbecoming of alot of you females and if you're who im talkin about to go the top of MY page and hit that [X] thanx.. well neways jermel means alot to me but we got alot of girls who tryna sabatage my shit.. tryna get me for my shit... bitches just stay hungry for other girls shit.lol@put anthrax on her tampax!! [emienem is crazy] -thnx to jermel for this cd.- but newayz...smh man i cant stand bitch on AOL but no one live sin my neighborhood n tv is boring so i get on here because i look for shit to do with my website...i wish jermel knew how i felt about him..he means alot to me.. and if i was to loose him.. i would be crushed.. but we wont talk about that.. its my bizz.. newayz.. my mom is a bitch! J yay! lol my dad was pissed.. it made me cry he was so mad.. i hate when he yells its scary.. but neways he appologized and shyt. wah wah boo hoo.. all pissy cuz he cant go see his bitch azz g/f n shit.. smh.. i wish my boyfriend would be like that my dad loves her.. and you can tell.. he shows it.. no matter what heppens inbetween them... he still loves her no matter how hard she stomps on him or how hard he stomps on her.. i think that shit is fuckin cute.. ::looks up:::shurgs::types::newayz... ill holler at yall lata..

lol@this.. yo dis timbaland..tell um i said suck ...pikket...my dickkk...

*June 27th*
today blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

ill write in this bitch later cah!!!!!! 1 hundet Y

gbook x email x Thx x
[Current AIM]: NyPosterChldzGrL

=[*Past Entreez*]=
x June02
: http://entreez4june

some emails people sent me that i thought were cute :

-= EmaiLz =-