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At Daddy's House ~ChApTeR 3~

Danielle turned around to see who had touched her shoulder. She turned around slowly.

"Daddy!! I was getting scared. I thought you forgot about me or something!"

"Of course not princess! I'm sorry I am late. There was alot of traffic on the way here. Well, lets get your stuff and get to the car."

Mike helped Jessica get her stuff and they went to his car. On the ride to the house, Danielle thought about how much she liked Mike. He was nice to her and her friends when him and her mom were living together. She still didn't understand why him and her mom broke up. He was a handsom man, not that she liked her father that way or anything, but he was tall, clean cut, blonde hair and blue eyes. She thought she got mostof her looks from her dad. She only had her moms nose, but her eyes were blue and she had blonde hair. Danielle looked out the window as her father started converstion with her. She knew she was almost home when she saw the green Scottingham sign. Her dad parked in the driveway and opened the car door for her. Danielle looked at the house in amazement. It looked big from the outside. She couldn't wait until she got inside. She grabbed her purse and her backpack and followed her dad inside. The inside of the house was very spacious. She looked in the living room and she saw all of her stuff there what was shipped from her house.

"This is home sweety. Follow me, I'll show you your room." Mike said.

Danielle followed him up the elegant staircase. They went down the hallway about a couple of rooms and he opened the door to her room. It was bare.

"I had all of the things taken out of this room because I wanted to let you decorate your room the way you want. Hope you don't mind."

"Oh no, that's wonderful. I'll be ok." Danielle smiled.

She looked around the room. It was big. She knew that she was going to love it. There was even a private bathroom connected to her room. She went downstairs to put her purse and backpack on the sofa. She went to explore the rest of the house by herself. She walked outside of the livingroom and went down the hallway and walked in to what was an excercise room. It had tons of excercise equipment, an indoor pool, chairs, a small suana, and a TV attached to every ceiling. She also saw a small jacuzzi in the corner of the pool. She loved it! She found the door that led to the backyard. She went out and looked around. She didn't see much. There were alot of trees, a trampoline, a grill and a picnic table. It was a spacious backyard, something that she always wanted, but never had since she lived with her mom. She went back inside. She looked around the kitchen and the bathrooms. They were all big. She never knew that her dad had so much money. Danielle went back inside and sat on the couch. She found the remote and flipped on the TV. She switched through the channels until she found MTV. One of Britney Spear's videos had just finished playing. Next was Hanson, "Where's the Love". She smiled when she saw Hanson, thinking of the concert. Her thoughts were interupted by another thought. She had Taylors number in her purse, and she was supposed to call him. She looked on the couch for her purse, she opened her purse and pulled out the piece of paper the Taylor wrote his number on. She held it tightly in her hand while she went to go look for a phone. When she found one, she dialed the number that was on the paper. The phone rang. Then somebody picked up.


"Um, hi is Taylor there?"

"Who is this?"


"How did you get this number?"

"Taylor gave it to me at a concert."

"Um, whatever, hold on."

Whoever was on the phone put the phone down and went to call Taylor, she could hear it in the backgroud. Then finally somebody picked up the phone.



"Yeh, who is this?"

"Danielle, from the__"

"Concert." Tay finished.

Danielle laughed, "Yeh, I see you remember me. I thought you had forgotten about it."

"Ha, no I didn't. I have been waiting for you to call me."

"Yeh, I'm just chillin now. I don't have anything unpacked yet, but I am waiting until I paint my room."

"Oh, when are you planning to do that?"

"Well, I wanted to get the paints that I wanted to start with today. My sister Andrea is going to finish the rest when she flies here from NY"

"Oh, that's kool. Well, do you have a ride to the paint store?"

"Um, no. But maybe my dad can take me."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I can take you if you want."

"Really? You sure you don't mind?"

"I don't mind. I will pick you up in about 5 minutes.

"Ok. See ya then." Danielle said hanging up the phone.

She thought to herself....How could he get here in FIVE minutes. Maybe he was not serious. Does he even know where I live???....She snapped out of the thought and went to go look through a box to choose an outfit to wear to the paint store. She picked out some AB&F shorts and a babyblue AB&F tanktop. She changed her clothes and went to the bathroom to brush her hair. When she was in the middle of doing that, she heard the doorbell ring...Who the hell could that be? She opened the door to see Taylor standing there.

"Whoa, how did you get here that fast? And how did you know where my house was? You must have been speeding."

"Not really. You don't remember, but you said your address and I remembered what you said. Dani, I live next door to you."

Danielle smiled trying not to look that embarrased, and she didn't want to freak out, so she played it cool.

"So ya ready to go?" Tay asked.

"Yeh, let's go!"

Danielle grabbed her purse and headed out the door. Tay was standing by the passenger's side door with the door open for Danielle. She smiled and got in. He closed the door and got in on the other side. He started the car and backed out of the driveway.

"How far is the nearest paint store?"

"Um, about 10 minutes. It's not that far away. Me and my brothers go there all of the time."

Tay flipped through the radio stations trying to find a good song. He stopped when he heard a song he liked

"Oh wow, Jordan Hill "Remember me this way"! That's a great song. I love her voice." Tay said.

"Yeh, it's a cool song." Then Danielle sang the chorus as quietly as she could thinking Tay would not hear her. "Ill make a wish for you. And hope it will come true. That life would just be kind, to such a gentle mind. If you lose your way, think back on yesterday. Remember me this way, remember me this way."

"Wow, you have a pretty voice!" Tay commented.

"Oh my gosh, you heard me?"

"Barely, but yeh I heard you. Are you ashamed of your voice?"

"No, I am just shy singing around other people."

"Well, don't be shy to sing around me. I think you have a very pretty voice."

"Thanks Tay."


Taylor and Danielle kept talking until they reached the paint store. When they got there, Tay opened Danielles door for her. She got out and went in the paint store. Tay closed her door, locked his car and followed her in the paint store. He caught up with her and asked what color paint she was looking for.

"Im looking for a babyblue and a dark blue so I can divide my room in half diagonally and paint one side babyblue with daytime things and the other half dark blue and have nightime things on it."



"Danielle found the type and colors that she wanted. Tay helped her carry one of the buckets. She paid for them and Tay helped her load them into his car. On the way home, they talked about her trip there and how it was at home with her mom. Before they knew it, they were back in Scottingham. Tay pulled up in her driveway and helped her with a bucket of paint. She got a bucket and told Tay to follow her to her room and put the paint there. He went upstairs and found her room and put the paint beside hers in the middle of the floor.

"I can't wait until my sister gets here. She's a very good artists and she said she would help me on my room."

"Well hey Danielle__"

"Call me Dani."

"Ok, Dani, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Um, nothing that I know of yet. Why?"

"I wanted to show you around Tulsa a bit."

"That would be great!"

"Cool. Call me tomorrow around 9 or so. I have to get back home so I can finish practicing songs with my brothers okay?"

"Alright Tay. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye! and thanks for takin me to the store today." She gave him a hug.

"No prob. See ya tomorrow."

"She walked downstairs to the door with him and closed the door behind him. She went and flopped on the couch thinking about the day. Oh my gosh, I can't believe Taylor is my NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR! He was soo hot today. I can't wait until tomorrow. Her thoughts were interupted when her dad came in and called her to come eat dinner. She came in the kitchen and there was a place set for her and he dad was sitting at the table waiting for her. She sat down and looked at the food on her plate. It looked delicious. Danielle loved her dads cooking. She missed it when him and her mom split up. Her and her dad then blessed the food and they both began to eat. It was silent until her dad finally said something.

"So pumpkin, how was you first day here in Tulsa?"

"It's been great. I got to go to the paint store today to get the paints I needed to start my room off with. Andrea is going to help me with the rest of it."

"That's great. I hope you are planning to get this done soon because I don't want your stuff down here forever ok?"

"Yes daddy."

They continued to eat there dinner. When Danielle finished, she put her plate in the sink. She kissed her dad goodbye because he had to go to a meeting out of town. He left her the key and important numbers to reach him and other close people. When her dad left out the door, she went through her boxes and got her Tommy Hilfiger tank top, her Tommy boxer shorts and the soap she wanted to use to take a shower with. She went upstairs and found a towel and a washcloth. She chose a room to sleep in and she used the shower that was in that room. She looked in the bathroom. It was a nice size. The shower was nice. She got undressed, opened the shower door and cut the water on. She stood in there and thought about the whole day. She thought about leaving Jessica and meeting Taylor and getting to hang out with him. She knew she had to call Jess when she got out of the shower. Dani stayed in there for a few more minutes and she finally got out. She got her brush and comb and blowdried her hair as much as she could so her pillow wouldn't be drenching her pillow with water. She got dressed and got ready for bed. She turned down her sheets, got in and started to go to sleep. She couldn't wait until her room was finished so she could enjoy all of her stuff. Her thoughts were interupted when the phone rang. She answered it.

"Hello?"Dani said sleepily

"Hey's Jess!"

"Oh my gosh! Hey! I wanted to call you and tell you about my day! Let me tell you, I__"

"Dani, I know what I have to to tell you is more important."

Danielle got quiet and gave the phone a strange look as if it were Jess.

"Are you sure???" Dani said with a smile.

Only if she knew what Jess was going to say next...........

ChApTeR 4

BaCk tO ChApTeR 2