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International Standard for the Coton de Tulear


Federation Cynologique Internationale
Standard FCI Coton de Tulear No. 283 25.04.1996



Date of Publication of the Valid Original Standard:  09.11.1995

Companion Dog.

Classification FCI:
Group 9 Companion and Toys, Section 1.2 Coton de Tulear. Without working trial.

Brief Historical Summary:
Brought in France in 1977 this new-comer of exotic origin has rapidly won a place amongst the small dogs; nowadays his fame has spread all over the world.

General Appearance:
Small dog, suitable for apartment, with long cotton- like coat and round, dark, expressive eyes.

Important Proportions:
Ratio height at the withers to length of the body = 2 to 3
Ratio length of the head to length of the body = 2 to 5
Ratio length of the skull to length of the muzzle = 9 to 5

A bit boisterous, merry and even a bit of a clown, very attached to his master.

Description of the Whole:
Seen in profile: short
Seen from above: triangular

Cranial Region:
Skull: Upper profile convex. Width about 8.5 cm (3 3/8"). Supercialiary arches slightly developed. Slight frontal furrow, occipital protuberance non existent. Occipital crest only slightly perceptible.
Stop: Only slightly accentuated.

Facial Region:
Nose: Small. Black, dark tobacco colour tolerated. Open nostrils.
Muzzle: About 6 cm (2 3/8") in length, about 4,5 cm (1 3/4") in depth and about 5 cm (2") in width. Nasal bridge straight. Lower jaw in straight line.
Lips: Fine, tight, pigmented as the colour of the nose.
Teeth: Perfect, small and white; the lower incisors placed just forward, just behind or level with the upper incisors.
Eyes: Round, dark, bright, well set apart, pigmented with the colour of the nose; eyelids fine.
Ears: Hanging, about 6 cm (2 3/8") in width, about 7 cm (2 3/4") in length, thin, triangular, set high on the skull. Fine at the tip, bent at the base, covered with white hairs or with tints in the following three possibilities:
1) Yellow patches more or less dark
2) Mixture of yellow and black hairs
3) Some black hairs giving the impression of a light grey patch

Profile: Straight. Slightly curved at the top. Ratio neck/body = 1/5.
Length: About 8 cm (3 1/8").
Shape: Bulging, muscular; width about 7 cm (2 3/4").
Skin: Tight.

Seen as a whole: Upper line very slightly convex.
Withers: Only slightly accentuated, set of neck strong.
Back and Loins: Very slightly arched, well muscled. Ratio thoracic lumbar part = 10/6.
Belly and Loins: Round, less broad than the chest, belly hardly tucked up.

Set low, length about 18 cm (7 1/8") thick at the base, fine at the tip, when at rest goes down to below the hock with the tip curving upwards.

Seen as a whole: Legs vertical seen from the front and in profile.
Proportions: 1/1.
Shoulder: About 10 cm (4"), oblique, muscular.
Upper arm: About 9 cm (3 1/2"), oblique front to rear, muscled. Shoulder blade upper arm angle: 120 degrees.
Forearm: About 10 cm (4"). Vertical. Powerful bone structure.
Upper arm-forearm angle: 120 degrees.
Pastern joint: About 3 cm (1 1/8").
Pastern: About 3 cm (1 1/8").
Front Feet: About 3 cm (1 1/8"), round shaped, small. Toes tightly closed, well formed, well centered and pigmented pads.

Seen as a whole: Legs vertical seen in profile and from behind.
Proportion: 1/1.
Upper Thighs: About 10 cm (4"), muscular.
Coxal-femoral angle: 80 degrees.
Lower Thighs: About 10 cm (4"), oblique from front to rear.
Femoral-tibial angle: 120 degrees.
Hock Joint: Length about 2 cm (3/4"), thickness about 3 cm (1 1/8").
Angle of hock: (tibial-tarsal): 160 degrees.
Hock: Length about 7 cm (2 3/4") width about 2 cm (3/4"). Vertical position.
Hind feet: Round shaped, toes with only slight accentuated curve, tightly closed; pads flat and pigmented.

Walk normal, trot shortened.
Preferred pace: the trot.

Fine, well adherent in each part of the body. May be pigmented with gray, more or less dark patches.

Hair: Fine, about 8 cm (3 1/8") long, slightly wavy, of cotton texture.
Color: White, a few yellow or gray more or less dark patches, notably on the ears, are tolerated.

Size and Weight:

Males: 28 cm, (11"), tolerance up to 32 cm (12 5/8") maximum and 25 cm (9 7/8") minimum.
Females: 25 cm (9 7/8") tolerance up to 28 cm (11") maximum and 22 cm (8 5/8") minimum.
Males: From 4 to 6 kg maximum (8.8 to maximum 13.2 pounds)
Females: From 3.5 to 5 kg maximum (7.7 to maximum 11 pounds) The weights are proportional in relation to the size but must not exceed the maximum.
Example: A male of 28 cm (11") at the withers should weigh approx. 5 kg (11 pounds), a male of 32 cm (12 5/8") at the withers approx. 6 kg (13.2 pounds).

The desirable type is the one described. There are, however, dogs of this breed who are higher on the legs.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Serious Faults:
Muzzle: Too small or too thick.
Skull: Flat or too bulging.
Stop: Too marked or non-existent.
Nasal bridge: Arched.
Teeth: Not regularly aligned (incisors), carious teeth, serious prognathism (more than the thickness of the incisors).
Eyes: Light, set too close, entropion, ectropion, prominent, vicious look.
Ears: Too short, hairs too short, attachment narrow or too thick, straight.
Back: Saddle back, too long.
Rump: Horizontal, narrow.
Chest: Badly developed.
Neck: Too short or too long, thin.
Tail: Too long, too short or rolled up, not enough furnishings, cylindrical.
Shoulder: Straight.
Legs: Turned in or out, close together or loose, too wide apart; barrel hocks or cow-hocks; bad angulation.
Thighs: Insufficient muscle; insufficient hair.
Skin: Wrinkled, thick.
Coat (hair): Too short, too long, curly, silky texture.

Eliminating Faults (Disqualifications):
- Nose with pink spots or patches, too light.
- Depigmented lips, pink spotted, lips heavy and drooping.
- Eyelids white, insufficiently pigmented, pink spots.
- Tail rolled up or carried straight up (candle or flagpole), tail-less.
- Neck too long.
- Height and weight over the maximum.
- Coat strongly marked with brown or pure black.

Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


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