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The Battle of 1st & 2nd Manassas

Manassas, VA

My friend Kris with one of his pet units, the 14th Brooklyn.

Looking towards Jackson's line toward where Fitz John Porter's V Corps attacked on 30 August, just before they were crushed by Longstreet. This is also where the Berdan's Sharpshooters will fight.

Along the southern part of Jackson's line at the railroad cut. Jackson held this position for two days against relentless Federal attacks until Longstreet drove the Federals back with his flank attack.

Looking from Jackson's line toward where Fitz John Porter's V Corps attacked on 30 August, just before they were crushed by Longstreet.

1st US Sharpshooter marker.

My friend Kris walking along the northern end of Jackson's line at the railroad cut. Philip Kearny and AP Hill squared off here for two days.

Stone House, where Major General John Pope planned the Federal defeat at Second Manassas.

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