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The Battle of 1st & 2nd Manassas 

Manassas, VA


All Captions after this point were written by Chris Kolakowski

Henry House Hill looking north. The Federals moved from the left to right across this photo, advancing on Jackson. The guns in the foreground are Union, and were captured by counterattacking Federals. Just to the right on the white house is one of the oldest Civil War monuments in the country.

The view the attacking Federals had. Jackson monument to the left; Bernard Bee monument to the right. Jackson stood "like a stone wall" in the wood line to the rear.

A closer look at where Jackson stood, looking from the Jackson monument.

Stone bridge, site of two Federal advances to Manassas and also two Federal routs.

Today's Manassas Battlefield Park Visitor Center on Henry House Hill.

Close up of Federal guns on the hill, looking south. This is the view Federal would have had just before Jackson attacked.

Stone Bridge, looking west.

14th Brooklyn NYSM monument to Second Manassas. This ridge is near where the battle of Second Manassas opened on 28 August 1862, and this is the site where Longstreet swooped down on Pope's unsuspecting Federals in the flank two days later, driving them from the field. The 14th Brooklyn was engaged here on 28 August.



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