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Elizabeth House


Borromeo Housing currently operates Elizabeth’s House in Northern Virginia.  It is named Elizabeth’s House, after Elizabeth, who welcomed Mary, mother of God, into her home, and upon seeing her, felt her own child leap in her womb with joy.  Since 1988 it has provided mothers and their children a home, a place to seek refuge, shelter, stability, counseling, guidance, help and hope.


At Elizabeth House, the first thing we provide is the reassurance of a stable home environment. While these young mothers are with us, our staff works with them toward a plan for a new direction. They work together on short and long range goals toward more education, vocation training, and learning basic life skills. We work with our families from six to eighteen months, and provide additional care after they are placed in permanent housing. 


Elizabeth’s House welcomes young women who are referred from a variety of social services and organizations.


The young women who share Elizabeth’s House come for many reasons: abandonment, abuse, and abject poverty. They lack the vital trust necessary to cope with a changing world. They are young women like Jessica G., who grew up in poverty, spending her childhood going from shelter to shelter with her single mother, lacking the education and good role models to shape her future. As a young teen she was abused and neglected by her boyfriend, and left to continue in this cycle of poverty with her own child, never knowing the security and safety of a home. Once rescued from a life of abandonment and despair, shown love and trust, given hope and guidance, this young woman has taken charge of her life and for the life of her baby. She is now working part-time and is studying to complete her high school education. She receives weekly counseling, and attends classes on parenting, nutrition, and budgeting her finances. A young professional serves as her mentor and in a few months, Jessica will be in a home of her own. 


Borromeo Housing operates one of the only long-term transitional housing programs in Arlington County and all of Northern Virginia. 

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