USS LaFayette

Welcome to Engineering

If the Bridge is the nerve center of the LaFayette, then here in Engineering is located her heart and soul. It is from here that power for the primary drive, weapons, and shields and life support is generated.


Vessel Name   USS LaFayette
Vessel Registry NCC - 63441
Vessel Class Akira Class Heavy Cruiser
Commissioned 2364
Dimensions & Mass
  • Length: 464.43 m
  • Beam: 316.67 m
  • Height: 87.43 m
  • Decks: 15
  • Mass: 3,055,000 t
Shipyard Avalon Fleet Yards
  • Officers: 200*
  • Enlisted: 300
  • Compliment: 500
  • Evacuation limit: 4,500
Defensive Systems
  • Shields: Auto-modulated high capacity regenerative shield system
  • Heavy duranium/tritanium double hull w/ 5.4 cm ablative armor
  • Standard Structual Integrity Field
Power Systems
  • One 1500+ Cochrane warp core feeding two nacelles
  • Two impulse systems
  • Normal Cruise: Warp Factor 6
  • Maximum Cruise: Warp Factor 9.3
  • Maximum Rated: Warp Factor 9.8 for 12 hours
Expected Hull Life 80 years
Refit Cycle***
  • Minor: 1 year
  • Standard: 5 years
  • Major: 20 years
* Footnote 1 Includes warrant and junior grade pilots and marine personnel
**Footnote 2 During her first refit, the LaFayette was retrofitted with a Pulse Phaser Cannon mounted to her weapons pod. This weapon is semi retractable into the weapons pod, taking the space once occupied by a torpedo tube and firing assembly. The remaining 14 torpedo tubes are mounted as follows:

Pod: 6 total, 3 in upper section of pod, 3 in lower section, all face forward. Saucer: 7 total, 3 forward below the front shuttle bay doors, 4 in dorsal surface, 2 port, 2 starboard. The latter four face out to port and starboard, respectively ; finally there is 1 in the lower hull section, just below the deflector dish.

***Footnote 3 During the LaFayette's first standard refit in 2369, she received upgraded computer systems and the phaser cannon noted above, at the exspense, due to power and spacing requirements, of one torpedo tube and one phaser array. She is just coming out of drydock after her second standard refit, a little later than scheduled due to the Dominion war. The LaFayette received an Intrepid bridge module and upgrades to her armor, shields, and weapon systems. (c. 2376)



Deck Specifications

This is not a complete listing of the LaFayette's deck specifications, but does show where the major centers of activity are located.

Deck 1   Bridge, Ready Room, Conference Lounge
Deck 2 Combat Information Center (CIC), CIC Lounge, Flag Quarters, Armory 1
Deck 3 Senior Officers Quarters (single accomodation)
  Department Head Officers (adjoining quarters)
  Transporter Bay 1 (10 pads)
Deck 4 Main Engineering
Deck 5 Crew Quarters (dual accomodation)
  Transporter 2
  Holodecks (4)
  The Dark Unicorn Lounge
Deck 6 Officer and Senior Enlisted Quarters, VIP Quarters (5)
  Sick Bay
Deck 9 Flight Crew Quarters, Fighter Operations Center, Auxillary Bridge
Deck 10 Hanger Deck
Deck 12 Marine Quarters and Muster Areas
  Training Holodeck
  Transporter 3
Deck 13 Brig
Deck 15 Science and Computer Labs, Astrometrics
Nacelles Engineering spaces, Cargo Bays
Weapons Pod Auxrillary Fire Control Center

For additional information and design notes on the Akira class, review the data files at the

Daystrom Institute Technical Library

The Akira Class in Action