Welcome to a tribute to my favorite series of all time, Ranma 1/2


Wuz Up?! I am Robert Owens, and this is my Ranma 1/2 Site. In time I hope that

this site will be the best Ranma site in the world. The fastest way to become the best is

to ask for help. Please visit my Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Survey to vote and comment on

how to improve my site. I am still working out the kinks and colors so please bear with me.

New as of June 5, 1999, I added a guestbook, as well as easier to read "Local Anime Page".

July finally embedded my autoplay midis added to ratings page and put up a brand new Fan Art page.

My sections are hyperlinked below. I hope you enjoy the rest of my site! J



Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Intro- The Story Behind The Madness

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Characters Page

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Special Techniques Page In Development

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Unsolved Mysteries Page

Ulimate Ranma 1/2 Music Page

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Video Order Page

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Fan-Fiction Page

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Fan Art Page

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Survey Page

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Survey Results Page

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Ratings Page

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 List Of Local Anime Locations (VA and D.C. Only)

Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Links Page

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This Ranma 1/2 Spectacular site is owned by Robert Owens.

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