I'm accepting all fan fiction! Just send it to my E-mail address


Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Special  Fan-Fiction By Multiple Authors.**

This special form of fan-fiction is not used anywhere else (that I know of). It involves only visitors to this page. I will start out several stories with a line or two. After which you the visitor will get a chance to add on to the story. At the end of every week (or two depending on amount submitted) I will select which lines to add (this is for the purpose of keeping out the cursing and inappropriate material). The result will be a Fan-Fic with input from all Ranma fans. I hope that everyone will participate and this works out for the best.


It's All in the Genes By June "KaraOhki" Geraci**

The Setlin Chronicles By Richard Palmer

The Duck Pond By

The Cure!?! By Robert Owens**


**Denotes a Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Fan-Fic Exclusive.


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