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Charles D. Manning
2405 Forest Ave.
Austin, Tx 78704
(512) 656.7580


Transcript:  The University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Arts in Geography, May 2001

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3Including Summary of Grade Point Averages

Example Projects Completed at Texas/Cielo Wind Power Company, Summer  2001 Internship
Used with permission of Calvin Olson, Technology Group Manager, TWPC.

Operation WindCUP

Las Palmas Altas

Prospecting Packages

photos of wind turbines

Example Projects Completed at the The University of Texas

3D Modeling of San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua
quick link to flyby animation on MicroStation '95

Collin County Aquifer Project: 3D representations of Aquifer Topography on Surfer 32

Senior Seminar Final Project: The 23rd Street Renaissance Redevelopment Project
Power Point Presentation

Idrisi Landcover Project
Using Lidar and Landsat TM Imagery to categorize landcover.

Arcview: Field Techniques Alignment Project
Using Tape and Compass, Strides, GPS unit, Total Station Laser Range Finder, and DOQQ of University of Texas Geography Building, assessing margin of error.

Arcview: Lightrail Vs. Rapid Transit Transportation In Austin, TX  Project