Thundercats Soaps

Parts 79-81

Part 79

Panthro arrived at his girlfriend's house upset that evening. He was more shaken up by that incident with WilyKit than he like to admit, so he turned it into anger. He already has keys to Vasa house so he opened it and almost slammed the door.

Vasa knew it was unlike Panthro to slammed the door like that. She walked to him. "Panthro, what is it? What's wrong?"

"Someone's trying to kill," Panthro growled.

His girlfriend knew Kit must have taken part in this, but she hid it from Panthro.

"I don't know who, but they won't get away with it. I'll make sure of that."

"What did they try to do?" she asked.

Kit stepped out of her room and heard Panthro explaining what happened to Vasa. Just as I suspected. Kit thought. She pulled out an envelope with Panthro's name on it.


On planet Minerva, Diana, Lion-O, Erica and Sylvia were together sitting in dining room eating breakfast. Diana stared at Lion-O longingly. Her attraction to Lion-O was growing more and more by each passing day. However, she couldn't help but think about yesterday.

"Taught by the best," Lion-O said sheathing the sword.

"Really? Are you remembering?"

A flash of Panthro teaching Lion-O how to fight passed his mind.

"I think I am. I remembered a man teaching me how to fight. It came so quick. I don't remember when it happened."

"That's okay. At least you are remembering. Do you remember anything else, though? Not from today of course but before, like friends.... a girlfriend?" she asked hopeful.

Lion-O wondered why she asked that, but began thinking again. He faintly remembered the Sword of Omens, and the Cat's Signal. He also saw a woman. She had blonde spotted hair, but what was strange about it, he couldn't see her face. It was blurred. The image fades away.

"I think I am. This symbol on my belt means something important to me, to my life. I also saw a woman."

"A woman?" Diana asked.

"Yes, she is a part of my life. I can't see her face, but she's special to me." (77)

Diana looked down back at her food, playing with it like a child. I should stop feeling this way about him. I can't have him memory or not.

Erica was watching her queen. The queen isn't confident that she should have Lion-O. I'll fix that. "Lion-O, have you remembered anything?"

"No, Erica. Diana told me what I had remembered before my sudden lapse, but it's not sticking."

"Maybe love can help you through this."

Lion-O looked at Erica confused. She continued.

"Have you any suitors?"

"Erica, that will be enough."

Erica stood up and looked at Diana. "May I have a word with you outside, Diana?"

Diana stood up. She left the room and Erica followed her. Once out the room, Diana spoke. "Erica, I am ordering you to stop this now."

"I will, if you admit you don't have any feelings for Lion-O."


Panthro explained to Vasa what had happened to him. When he finished talking, she said, "I can't believe it. Who could do such a thing?"

"I've been thinking about it all day. The only ones who have a grudge against me are Mumm-Ra, the mutants and Lunatacs, but they're on Way Outback, except..."

"Except who, Panthro?"

"WilyKit. It had to be her. She must be back."

"WilyKit?" She pretended to be surprise. "I haven't thought of that."

"She's back and is staying her on Thundera. I think I should tell the others."

"You're right, Panthro. You should tell them that WilyKit is back and is seeking revenge against you. I think you should tell them now."

Panthro nodded. He kissed Vasa good-bye and left.

"WilyKit! Come out her now!"

WilyKit came out of the shadows. "You called, auntie?"

"Did you try to kill Panthro?"

Panthro hopped in his Thundertank and say a letter in the passenger side. He opens it and reads it, "I'm everywhere, Panthro. You can't hide from me, not even at your girlfriend's place." Panthro balled the paper angrily and threw it in the passenger seat.


Diana didn't say anything and Erica smiled. "You can't deny it. You do have feelings for him."

"All right. I'll admit it. I am attracted to him, but that doesn't exclude the fact that he does not belong here. He has someone else."

You don't know that. He's the perfect man for you. Can't you see that?" Erica asked.

"He is a perfect gentleman. Noble. Kind. Handsome. Strong." Diana admitted and sounded dreamily thinking about Lion-O. She snapped out of it. "No, I'm not going to pursue it." Diana said and left heading for her room.

"She'll break, and when she does it won't be long before I am queen," Erica smiled and laughed wickedly to herself.

In the dining room, Lion-O and Sylvia continue to eat. Lion-O glanced at the door, wondering why Diana and Erica left.

"What do you suppose they are talking about?" Lion-O asked.

"I don't know, but did you remember anything specific?" Erica asked.

Lion-O thought for a moment. The only thing that came out of his mouth was "Sword."

"Sword? What sword?"

"Yes, I remember a sword. It has the same signal as my belt. I know it is important to me."

Sylvia began thinking. Maybe I should give his sword back. It may help him regain his memory.


WilyKit seem to refuse to answer her aunt's question, which was making her mad. A moment later WilyKit answered.

"Maybe," Kit finally answered.


"Why?" Kit repeated. "He killed my parents and he must pay."

"No. It was an accident. It wasn't her fault. I won't let you do this."

"What are you going to do about it?" Kit asked walking closer to her aunt.

"I'm going to tell Panthro and the others that you are here and what are you planning to do."

"Do that, and I'll tell Panthro something from your past, something you don't want him to know."

"I have nothing to hide."

"Oh, you don't? What about your connection to the mutants, particularly Rataro."

Vasa became pale. "He told you?"

A wicked smile appeared on the young Thundercat's face. "Every little detail."


In the Council Room, Cheetara WilyKat, Bengali and Tygra listen to Panthro as he explains his ordeal earlier that day.

"And you think WilyKit is behind this?" Cheetara asked.

"It's has to be her. She's the only person who isn't in prison who has it in for me." Panthro look at WilyKat. "I'm sorry, Kat. I didn't mean---"

"It's okay, Panthro. I understand," Kat assured him and sighed, thinking what his sister has done now.

"But how could she get control of the Thundertank?" Bengali asked.

Tygra begin thinking. Her stealth and technological skills are excellent. The mutants trained her well.

WilyKat noticed Tygra was the only one quiet it in the room. He wondered if he knew anything. "What are you thinking, Tygra?"

"Oh, I was thinking how she could get into Cat's Lair with our cameras, infrared sensors, alarms. You know, to get to the Thundertank."

"She is a Thundertank, Tygra. She knows everything about the lair," Bengali added.

"Maybe we should think about changing our security," Cheetara suggested and gasped.

"What's wrong?" Tygra asked.

"The baby kicked," Cheetara said to no one in particular and rubbed her stomach soothingly.

"It's pretty late, Cheetara. Maybe you should go to bed," Panthro advised.

"I guess you're right. Being pregnant really takes it out of you. Thank you, Kat," she said as WilyKat helped her out of her seat. "Goodnight, everyone."

As Cheetara left, Tygra watched her and got a wicked idea came into his head.


Vasa begin panicking and breathing rapidly. Her secret was out, and her niece knew.

"How could he tell you?"

"No, the question should be: how could you do that, auntie?"

She looked at Kit fiercely. "For your father, Kit. I did it to save your father, but it was a lost cause."

"I guess that's understandable, but will Panthro accept what you have done?"

"You can't, WilyKit. You can't tell Panthro. It'll be the end of us."

"Does it look like I care?" WilyKit asked smartly.

"Please, WilyKit, I'm begging you. Don't tell him." Tears began to form in her eyes.

"All right. All right. I won't tell." Kit said.

"Thank you, Kit. Panthro must never know."

WilyKit smiled understanding her aunt's fear. Hmm, I may be able to use this to my advantage if the time permits it or if the perfect opportunity shows up. Heh. Heh.


Cheetara slept somewhat peaceful in the king sized bed that she once shared with Lion-O and pray that she will again. With her husband missing, her nights and days for that matter have not been easy. Tygra quietly opened the door. He walked under the arches and to Cheetara's bed. He pulled the covers back and got in bed with Cheetara. She was sleeping on her back and unaware that Tygra was in bed with her. The cheetah's sensual scent aroused the tiger. How he longed to be in bed with Cheetara. He put his arms around the sleeping cheetah, pushed her hair from her neck and kissed it.

"Lion-O?" Cheetara mumbled.

Cheetara rolled on her side facing Tygra, and before she could open her eyes, Tygra kissed her. Cheetara immediately knew it wasn't Lion-O. He never kissed her like that. The kiss was cold, emotionless to her. With it being dark, she couldn't tell who it was. She struggled with the stranger and Tygra tightened his grip around Cheetara. He was forceful on the kiss, forcing her mouth to open and exploring the insides of her mouth. Searching for another source of her strength, Cheetara found it and pushed Tygra off her. The tiger fell out of the bed with a loud thud.

"Who are you?!" Cheetara demanded. She reached for the lights on her lamp and turned it on. She saw Tygra getting off the floor. "Tygra?!"

"Good evening, Cheetara," Tygra said coolly.

"What do you think you are doing?! Kissing me?!" Cheetara shouted angrily.

"I only came to comfort you, Cheetara. Woman in such high power as you need a man to protect and comfort her when her husband abandons her."

"Lion-O did not abandon me."

"Oh, poor, Cheetara. You are in a state in denial. You know you want me to comfort you. All wives want attention from another man." Tygra moved closer to Cheetara to kiss her again but Cheetara was ready for Tygra and slapped him.

"Get out! I don't want comfort from anyone except my husband."

"Oh, but I am your husband. You are the Lady of the Thundercats, and I am the Lord of the Thundercats."

Cheetara growled angrily. "You are not my husband. Lion-O is. You are temporary Lord of the Thundercats and if I wasn't pregnant I'll kick you sorry, tiger tail right now. When Lion-O returns, he'll make good of the mistake he made years ago. Now get out!"

"You mean IF he comes back."

"I know you did something with Lion-O. Now tell me where he is!"

"For the umpteenth time, Cheetara, I don't have anything to do with Lion-O's disappearance, but I'll leave you to your cold, damp room. When you want someone to warm up this tasteless, isolated, chilly room, remember I'm only a few doors down." Tygra slowly walked out the door.

Cheetara was furious about Tygra's actions that night. She wiped his kiss off her mouth with her hand. Suddenly, she was overcome with pain again. "AAH! NO! Not again!" Cheetara cried. She held her stomach and rolled back on her bed. "Please stop," she whimpered. "Please let the pain stop." She begins to breathe heavily, sweat appeared on her face. "My baby. I can't lose my baby. Please don't let me lose me baby."

Part 80

The next morning, WilyKat spent the morning with his aunt eating breakfast. They have been talking about WilyKit and the possibility of killing Panthro. WilyKat hasn't noticed it, but Vasa was a little shaky and reluctant to talk about Kit that morning. Her conversation with WilyKit last night who now knows her secret, really got her rattled.

"Why are you unwilling to talk about my sister, Aunt Vasa?" WilyKat asked.

"I--I just find it hard to believe. Your sister, my neice....would do that to Panthro."

"I find it hard, too, but I believe that she is responsible. When I found her letter, she mentioned she wasn't going to 3rd Earth. She might have been using that time to plot her revenge against Panthro."

In her room WilyKit awaken unaware that her brother was there. She stretched her cat body and sleepily got out of bed. She tripped on her shoes, but caught herself before she completely fell. In the kitchen, WilyKat and Vasa heard a thump.

"Did you hear that?" WilyKat asked.

She pretended she didn't. "No, I didn't hear anything."

"Stay here. I'll be right back," WilyKat ordered her. He quietly walked to the back of the house with the sound of the noise.


Sylvia held Lion-O's sword in her hand. The sword didn't growl like it did before. "This sword can help Lion-O regain his memory, but I'm not sure if I should give it to him. My sister needs a strong wise man to rule our planet and I think Lion-O is that man," she wrapped the sword in a cloth and put it back in her dresser drawer. "Sorry, Lion-O, but you're staying here."

Lion-O tossed and turned in his sleep that morning. The dream was painful, memorable. He was dreaming of the day of his attack.

Lion-O flew at regular speed and checked the clock. Hmm. I better check in with Cheetara in twenty minutes. The Feliner lost altitude for a moment as something landed on top of it. He put the Feliner on auto pilot and pulled out his sword. Something's on the Feliner. He climbed up the ladder that opened the top latch of the Feliner and looked out, but nothing was there. The Sword of Omens growled, he looked at it and....


A large sharp object hit Lion-O on the back of his head. Lion-O cried in pain and fell off the ladder and inside the Feliner unconscious. When Lion-O came to, his head was throbbing in excruciating pain, his eyes were blurry but it slowly focused on someone injecting him with something. He looked up and saw Tygra.


"Long time no see, isn't Lion-O?"

Lion-O looked around and saw the possum and rat mutants holding on to him.

Lion-O struggled to free himself from the strong mutants, but nearly lost his balance. All of a sudden he felt weak, like his strength was slowly draining.

"Feeling a little weak, boy?"

"What did you do to me?"

"Something I made on Thundera before the trial. It weakens you like Thundrainim, but it's not as deadly. Although for your case, I should have made it that way. I even gave Laura some. I had no idea she would use it on Cheetara."

"How do you know that?!" Lion-O growled trying to free himself.

"I have my ways. Besides, I'm a tiger, the most intelligent and superior of all cats. You didn't think you could stop this tiger from seeing your wedding, did you?"

"You were there?"

"Yes, and it should have been me with Cheetara and not you, but there's time to make up for that." Before Lion-O could ask Tygra what he meant by that, Tygra continued. "Enough about me. Time for your death." Tygra said and punched Lion-O in the face. He hit him again in ribs, beating on Lion-O as Lion-O beat on Tygra months ago. The evil tiger picked up a crowbar. He raised it and hit the weak Lion-O in the chest with all his might. Lion-O cried in pain. Tygra beat him again until he knew he cracked a rib or two or three.

"You'll never return home. You must pay for taking my love away and embarrassing me in front of everyone." Tygra hit him again in the stomach with the crowbar. Lion-O groaned in pain. "Not so tough without your muscles, are you?"

Beaten and badly bleeding, Lion-O weakly said, "Sword of Omens..."

Tygra silenced Lion-O by hitting him in the face with the crowbar with all his strength. Everything went black. (74)

Lion-O bolted from his bed in a cold sweat, tangled in his sheets. He was breathing heavily and wiped some of the sweat off his face. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to comprehend what he dreamt about. "Is that what happened to me? Tygra? Cheetara?"


In the council room on New Thundera that afternoon, Cheetara explained to Panthro what happened between her and Tygra last night.

"He did what?!" Panthro roared. "I'm going to go kick his--"

"Panthro," Cheetara interrupted him. "Forget it. He's not worth it. In a way, he does have a point."

"A point about what?" Panthro asked.

"About me wanting a man to comfort me," she looked away feeling a little ashamed of herself. "I miss his arms around me, his kisses, his love. I do want that, especially the condition I'm in."

Panthro looked at Cheetara confused. What was she talking about? Was she referring to Tygra?


WilyKat carefully walked down the hall. WilyKit heard footsteps coming towards her room. She wasn't sure if it was her aunt or anyone else. She heard doors opening and closing. WilyKit slowly opened her door and saw her brother closing another door. She quietly closes her door and tried to think. Her brother was close to finding her. She had to hide. Looking at the window, she got an idea. She opened it, climbed out and closed the window it.

WilyKat entered. He looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary except that the bed was unmade. He looked under the bed and found a lot of electronic gear. He opened the closet and found a lot of clothes that are Kit's size but it wasn't her style at all. It was all black. "I never notice this here. Wait a minute. Could WilyKit be back? This is her room after all." He left the room and WilyKit let her head drop outside the window. She let out a sigh of relief but pulled herself up in case he did come back.

When WilyKat came back in the kitchen, his aunt stood up nervous. "Did you find anything or anyone?"

"No, but is WilyKit here. You can tell me. I saw clothes that will fit her."

"Your sister stayed with me before she left. She might have left her room the way she found it."

"How did you know I went into Kit's room?" Kat asked curious.

"I..I thought you went in there. You yourself mention Kit's clothing so I assume you were in her room and you heard the noise."

WilyKat had a feeling his aunt was lying to him. "Tell me the truth, is WilyKit hear or not."


After his nightmare, Lion-O sat up in bed confused, thinking about his dream. "The dream seems so real. Is that how I lost my memory. Who love did I take away? Was it Tygra's? Is this Cheetara the one he's referring to?" Confused, Lion-O threw off the covers and left the room, to clear his head. He heard voices in the dining room and decided to take his mind off his dream. He saw Diana, Sylvia and Erica.

"Good morning," Lion-O grumbled.

Diana noticed Lion-O looking troubled. "Sit down, Lion-O. Is something wrong?"

Lion-O took a seat next to Diana. "I had this dream that may have told me how I lost my memory."

"Really? What?"

"I was flying a ship and I was jumped. A male tiger, called himself Tygra beat me up with a crowbar. He said something about me taking his love away from him and then he hit me with the crowbar and I blacked out."

"Is there anything else?" Diana asked.

"I remember saying Sword of Omens."

"Sword of Omens?" Sylvia questioned. She thought about the sword in her room. "That's it!" She exclaimed.

Everyone looked at the young doctor. "What's it, Sylvia?" Diana asked.

Sylvia realized everyone was looking at her. "Oh, I mean that's how Lion-O lost his memory. He was beaten and left for dead in that capsule."

"That could explain it," Diana thought carefully.

A servant entered and brought Lion-O his breakfast with orange juice. He remembered drinking the juice before with Erica and Sylvia. Remembering what happened, Lion-O reluctantly took the glass and sipped a little of the juice. To his surprise it wasn't awful. "This juice taste better than the one you gave me, Sylvia."

Diana became curious. "What do you mean?"

"I recall Erica and Sylvia giving me a drink to congratulate me on my memory," Lion-O said nonchalantly and began eating his breakfast.

Diana stared at Lion-O and then at the two women suspiciously. Hmm, I wonder.


Panthro turned Cheetara to face him. "You're not saying what I think you are, are you? You're not lusting after Tygra are you?"

"No," Cheetara shook her head. "That's not what I meant. I was referring to Lion-O. I miss him. I miss his arms around me, his kiss, his love." The cheetah shook her head, confused again. "Oh, I shouldn't be vulnerable like this. I should be stronger than this."

"Cheetara, it's all understandable. When you're pregnant, you go through all types of emotions. Besides, you miss your husband. It's natural. Are you having any visions about Lion-O?"

"No, I don't know if he's all right or not. I don't get it, Panthro. When Lion-O was first missing, I sensed him. I knew if he was weak or getting stronger. Now, I don't know what's wrong. I can't sense him at all, and it's driving me crazy," she said frantically and began to cry.

Panthro pulled her in a comforting hug. "Shh. Shh. Calm down, Cheetara," Panthro said, pulled back and looked at her in her eyes. He saw her tears falling down. "Don't worry, Cheetara, we'll find Lion-O and bring him back."

Cheetara looked up at him. She looked lost. Her eyes didn't have that usual sparkle and it wasn't because Lion-O was missing. Something was seriously wrong with Cheetara. She was looking more tired than a pregnant woman usually look. Lines of stress on her face indicated something serious.Why wouldn't she tell him? He know he wasn't Lion-O, but he was always a good friend for Cheetara.

"When's your next appointment?" Panthro asked.

"Next week," Cheetara answered, wiping the tears away.

"Did you tell your doctor about Lion-O?"

"No, but I will tell Sarah next week. I told her that Lion-O is on a business trip"

"I'm no doctor, but I think you should update your appointment with Sarah. Have her come tomorrow. You're not yourself."

"How can I be myself when Lion-O isn't here!" she shouted. Panthro was stunned by her reaction. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little stress that's all."

"Maybe you should take a nap, get some rest," Panthro suggested.

"Yes, I think you are right. I do more tired each day. This pregnancy is really taking its toll on me."

"Do you want me to help you back to your room?"

"Thanks, Panthro, but I'll be all right."

Cheetara walked out of the room. Heading towards her bedroom, a sharp pain hit Cheetara's abdomen. She fell to her knees and cried in pain. One hand was on her stomach while the other one was on the wall. The pain was excruciating than before. She was weakening. Her only thoughts and concern now was her baby. She didn't want to lose it. It was one of the few things that keep her going. She needed help, and before she collapse on the floor, she asked for the only person who she thought could help her.

"Lion-O," she breathed and lost all consciousness.

On Minerva, Lion-O was eating his breakfast, when all of a sudden he got a pain in his chest. No, it was his heart. Something was wrong. He bolted out of his seat "Cheetara! She's in trouble!"

Part 81

It been a few minutes since WilyKat asked his aunt if WilyKit was her or not. The adult remained quiet. When Vasa didn't speak, WilyKat asked again.

"Is she here?"

The female shook her head. "No, she's not. I told you before. She left some of her things here before she left. I don't know where she is."

WilyKat nodded. "Okay, I believe you. I wish she were here. Maybe I could talk to her and find out what she is up to. If she is trying to kill Panthro, maybe I can talk her out of it. I have to get back to Cat's Lair. I'll see you later," he gave his aunt a hug and left.


Tygra left his lab reading some files. He closed the file and saw Cheetara lying on the floor unconscious. His heart pounded with fear as he ran to her side, his file left somewhere on the floor forgotten. He was relieved when he found a pulse, but became frightened again when Cheetara wouldn't wake up. "Cheetara! Cheetara, answer me!" Tygra called but the cheetah wouldn't respond. He lightly slapped her face. Nothing. "Panthro!"

Panthro heard Tygra called him in the council room. He didn't want to go. He didn't want to see the traitor. All he wanted to do was kicked his striped tiger butt. However, something in him told Panthro he should. Code of Honor. Sometimes he felt that even the code should be broken at times. Sighing, he left and saw Tygra picking up Cheetara off the floor.

"Cheetara!" he called. He looked at Tygra angrily as he ran up to them. "What did you do to her?!"

"I didn't do anything. I found her lying on the floor. Call her doctor and have her here immediately," Tygra ordered.

"Why should I believe you didn't do this to her?!" Panthro growled.

"Do you want to keep arguing and cause Cheetara and her child more harm or do you want to save them?" Tygra asked.

Panthro knew Tygra had a point. He rushed to the control room, to get help.

Tygra looked down at Cheetara. "Don't worry, Cheetara. I won't let you or your child die." He leaned over and kissed her cheek.


At Lion-O's sudden strange jump, Diana, Sylvia, and Erica looked at Lion-O surprised and confused.

"Cheetara. Who's Cheetara?" Diana asked.

Lion-O concentrated, trying to remember. "She's a woman. She's special to me. I don't know how, but I feel she is in danger and is calling for me. I've got to get to her."

"But where is she?" Diana asked.

"I don't know. Home maybe. I must find her." Lion-O said and ran out the room. Diana ran after him.

Erica slammed her fist on the table. "This isn't suppose to be happening. He's not suppose to be remembering! This ruins everything! We have to make him forget again!"

"Get it through your head, Erica. He doesn't belong here. Come with me, I need to show you something."

Sylvia left the room and Erica followed.


Vasa burst into WilyKit's room. "WilyKit, where are you?"

WilyKit came in through the window. "That was close. That's for covering for me."

"I'm not doing this anymore. They are going to find out."

"It won't happened again," Kit promised.

"You got that right. You have to get out of here now and that's an order!" Vasa demanded.

"Do that, and I'll tell Panthro what you did or shall I say what you were," her niece threatened back.

"You know I'm not proud of what I did. I did it for your father and it didn't work."

"I know why you did it. Rataro told me everything, you know. My sweet, good aunt a--"

"Don't say it!" Her aunt cut her off. "It pains me to even hear the word."

"So I can stay?" WilyKit asked.

Her aunt nodded her head. "Yes, you can stay."

WilyKit stepped closer to her aunt and looked at her in the eye. "Remember, I am in control now. Not you."


Sarah finished checking on Cheetara. Special machines were hooked up to Cheetara to check her and the baby's heartbeat. Cheetara was still unconscious, unaware of what was happening around her. Everyone, Panthro, Bengali, Tygra and WilyKat waited patiently after the doctor finished up.

"Will she be all right?" Bengali asked.

Before the doctor could answer, Cheetara awakened. She saw her doctor and the rest of the Thundercats.

"Sarah, what happened? What are you doing here?"

"Apparently you collapsed and I was called here. One of the Thundercats found you. You have been under severe stress, haven't you?"

"Yes," Cheetara said quietly.

Sarah sighed, "Cheetara, you're just entering your ninth month. You have to take it easy. I told you that so many times before. I'm telling you this for you and your child's safety. While you were unconscious, I checked your blood pressure and I see that it is higher than a pregnant woman should be. It's already high enough as it is! Your severe stress combined with blood pressure caused you to have these abdominal and early false labor pains. You could go into labor prematurely."

Cheetara sat up and placed her hands on her stomach. "Is my baby all right?"

"Your child is fine, so far. However, I require, no, I'm ordering you to stay in bed for the next three days. Understand?"

Cheetara sighed and nodded. "Yes," the cheetah looked at Panthro. "Thank you for finding me, Panthro."

"I didn't find you. I just made the call."

"Bengali, thanks."

"It wasn't me, Cheetara."

"Kat?" Cheetara asked hopeful.

WilyKat shook his head.

"Oh, no," Cheetara groaned.

Tygra looked insulted.

"It may not be my place to ask, but where is Lord Lion-O? Shouldn't he be here? He still can't be on that business trip, can he?" Sarah asked and looked at Tygra. "And no offense, Tygra, but what are you doing here?"

"Sarah, I must ask you to keep a secret. Lion-O isn't here. He's missing. Tygra is secretly ruling Thundera until we find Lion-O. To prevent a panic or attack, please don't say anything about it."

"Cheetara, you know you can trust me on a secret. After everyone leaves, I want to give you a full checkup."

"That's fine, Sarah, but before you do that, I will like to have a word with Tygra .......alone." Cheetara requested.


Diana saw Lion-O enter his room and slammed the door. She waited a few minutes before knocking.

"Lion-O, may I come in?"

"It's open," Lion-O said.

Diana entered and saw Lion-O looking out the window. "How are you feeling?"

"A lot of things," he answered. "There's a woman out there who needs me and I don't know where she is. She probably can help me regain my memory. She knows me and I know her," Lion-O was certain.

"Do you think it's the woman from your dream? The one this Tygra says you took from him."

"That's what makes this whole thing so confusing. Why would Cheetara call for me if I took her from someone else?"

"Maybe you didn't take her away. You don't seem like a man that would."

"But who knows what type of person I was. I can't be here anymore. I need to leave this place. I must get back home wherever that is." Lion-O said and Diana nodded understanding.

Diana ran a hand through her dark hair. She walked towards the door leaving. She stood in the doorway and looked at the lion. "I have been doing some research and some thinking. I think you are a Thunderian from the planet Thundera, but that planet exploded years ago, so your people may be living on a planet in another galaxy. It's something to think about and I thought you should know."


Erica rolled her eyes and sighed when Sylvia showed her Lion-O's Sword of Omens in her room. The door was slightly ajar. Impatiently, she drummed her fingers on the dresser.

"You brought me in here to show me this?"

"There's something special about this sword. It growled at me when I picked it up."

"It growled at you? Um, Sylvia, swords don't growl."

"This one did."

"Then why isn't it growling now?" Erica asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I became immune to it when I first touched it. You try it."

"Fine," Erica said taking the sword from Sylvia. "But I--AAH!" She threw the sword on the bed. "What kind of sword is that?"

"A magical sword, I guess. It belongs to Lion-O. It could give him his memory back."

"Let me see that sword again," Erica said and picked it up. It shocked her again.

"Strange. It never shocked me," Sylvia said.

"Then you pick it up."

Sylvia gulped and picked up the Sword of Omens. It didn't shock her.

"Since you say it's magical, Sylvia, talk to it," Erica said still rubbing her hand.

"What am I suppose to say? 'Sword of Omens, tell me what you know.'"

The Sword of Omens growled. The hilts began to curl.

"Uh-oh," Sylvia said and looked at Erica. "What am I suppose to do?"

"Look in the hilts," Erica told her.

Scared, Sylvia put the hilt to her eyes. She saw images of Lion-O as Lord of the Thundercats, Tygra's betrayal, Lion-O's marriage to Cheetara, their last moments together, and Cheetara collapsing and calling for Lion-O. The eyes close.

"What did you see?" Erica asked.

"Lion-O....he's a king."

"A king," Erica perked up. "I knew it! He's perfect for Diana."

"Wrong! He's completely wrong for her! He's a married with a very pregnant wife. He's Lion-O, Lord of the Thundercats. The sword is his weapon. We cannot keep him here. He needs to be home with his wife."

"Who needs to be home with his wife?" Diana asked standing in the doorway.


The Thundercats weren't sure they should leave Cheetara alone with Tygra, especially Panthro, after learning what Tygra did last night. However, they respected her wishes and left. Tygra closed the door and pulled a chair by Cheetara's bed.

"You want to talk to me."

"It's not going to be easy for me to say, but I want to thank you."

"You know I'll do anything for you and to protect you. I love you."

Cheetara looked uncomfortable at those last words. She turned away from him. "If you do anything for me, you'll tell me where Lion-O is."

"I don't know where Lion-O is, Cheetara," Tygra said softly.

Cheetara looked at her large abdomen and rubbed it. "Thank goodness you are all right, my child. My baby misses its father like I do. Tell me something, Tygra: Why did you do all those things to keep Lion-O and I apart?" She looked at Tygra. "If you really love me, why couldn't you let me be happy with Lion-O?"

"Because I know you belong to me. You still do. Lion-O isn't the right man for you," Tygra said.

"Belong to you? Tygra, I'm not something you buy at a store. I'm a human being. I belong to know no one I don't want to be with. I belong to Lion-O because I am his wife and I wanted to be his wife. He belongs to me because he's my husband and he wanted that. And what makes you think Lion-O isn't the right man for me? Did a feeling tell you that? Tygra, we just weren't meant to be. I don't feel the same way about you that you do about me. I never had and I never will. I love Lion-O and I'm having his child. How can you possibly think we can be together, knowing my feelings for Lion-O and our child?"

Deep down, if even though Tygra didn't want to admit it, he knew she had a point. He kept silent, refusing to answer the question.

"Tygra, you and I are in the past. Lion-O and I are the present and future. Can you not see that?"

Tygra raised an eyebrow. He eyed her suspiciously. "What are you getting at, Cheetara?"

"If you know what happened to Lion-O, please tell me. I need to know. Our baby needs to know. You saw what happened to me today. It's because Lion-O isn't here. If you know his whereabouts, if you really truly love me, then tell me," Cheetara begged.

Tygra stared at her and lied, "You're looking at the wrong person for answers. Get some sleep."

Cheetara watched as Tygra got out of his seat and left. "You're lying. You know what happened to Lion-O, Tygra, and I will find out. That's a promise."


Parts 82-85: Cheetara learns where Lion-O is. Cheetara leads a mission to find Lion-O. Rataro attacks Cat's Lair. Lion-O regains his memory.

Okay, Tygra's a little obsessed. More fanfics.

I always knew that Wiley Kit was the manipulative one. Main page.