Thundercats Soaps

Parts 71-73

Part 71

Lion-O and Cheetara continued to make out in the back seat of their limo. Their private jet landed thirty minutes ago and they were now heading home in a limo that waited for their arrival. When they got home, the limo stopped and Cheetara broke from Lion-O.

"We're home."

"That two weeks went by too fast. We should have had four week," Lion-O said.

"I know, and I didn't want to come back either, but we are home."

They got of the limo and walked inside the lair. To their surprise, they didn't see anyone.

"I wonder where everyone is," Cheetara said.

"So, the newlyweds return," Panthro said coming out of the corner. "How was the honeymoon?"

Cheetara nearly blushed thinking about it. "It was amazing, romantic, fun--"

"You didn't leave the bedroom," Panthro figured.

"Of course we did. We went out and did sightseeing," Cheetara said.

"And we stayed in for some private sightseeing," Lion-O slyly said wrapping his arms around Cheetara.

"Where are the others?" Cheetara asked.

"As you know, Pumyra went back to 3rd Earth, Bengali and the Snarfs are out in the city, and Kit and Kat are at their aunt's house. Something happened while you were gone, and everybody thought it would be best if I told you."

Concern looks on their face they asked. "Well, what happened?"

Panthro looked down, "The twins. They know everything."

"Everything?" Lion-O asked puzzled. "What are you talking about, Panthro?"

"They knew about you, Aline, Vasa and their parents?" Cheetara asked.

"Yes," Panthro answered.

"You knew about this and you didn't tell me?" Lion-O asked Cheetara a little upset.

Ignoring Lion-O's question, Cheetara asked, "How did they find out?"

"WilyKit caught us together in my room on your wedding day."

"You and Vasa?" Lion-O asked trying to understand.

Panthro continued, "The next day, Kit and Kat confronted us about it and I had no choice but to tell them about us. Kit was so upset that she left and she hasn't returned. She's at her aunt's house. Kat has been trying to get her to come back, but she refuses."

"I understand that Kit would be upset with you sleeping with her aunt but what has that got to do with their parents?" Lion-O asked.

"I killed them."

"You what?" Lion-O gasped.

"We've no time for this now. Come on, Lion-O, we have to talk to WilyKit. I'll explain everything on the way." Cheetara took Lion-O's hand and left the room.


WilyKit and WilyKat were in the living room of their aunt's house. WilyKat, for the past two weeks, have been trying to convince his sister to come back home but she refused to.

WilyKit shook her head. "How many times do I have to tell you, Kat? I am not going back, not until Panthro is gone from Cat's Lair. He doesn't deserve to be a Thundercat after what he's done."

"WilyKit, it was an accident. He was angry and he made a mistake by taking his anger on them instead of controlling it. Under the situations, I can see why he did it. Have you forgotten that they murdered his fiancée? You had a dream about her and you know how nice she was, and let's not forget that our parents were going to kill Jaga and Claudus, Lion-O's father. With them out of the way, the mutants would have taken over Thundera," WilyKat explained.

"Would that have been so bad?" WilyKit asked.

Surprised at his sister's words he asked, "What did you say?"


"Yes, you did. How can you say that? Kit, the mutants are evil, cruel, despicable. We would have been their slaves or worse....dead," he thought for a moment before speaking again. "Kids do take after their matter what kind of person they were."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Kit growled.

"Our mother was a cold-hearted woman and you are taking after her."

"Our mother wasn't cold-hearted. She was a good woman. She loved us and our father!" Kit spat.

"We're probably the only people she did love. You should at least try coming to Cat's Lair. Lion-O and Cheetara are returning today."

The doorbell rang and Kat went to the door.

"Lion-O. Cheetara. You're back. What are you doing here?"

WilyKit stood up to greet Lion-O and Cheetara when they came in. "Panthro told you I was here, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did," Cheetara said.

"And you know why we want to talk to you," Lion-O added.

"WilyKit, you must come back to Cat's Lair. You're a Thundercat."

"I know I am a Thundercat, Cheetara, but Panthro isn't. He killed my parents. He's a murderer."

"I don't think he meant to do it intentionally," Lion-O voiced.

Kit folded her arms. "Yeah, right. Sure he didn't."

"Kit, if you can just take the time to understand the situation..."

"I understand enough, Lion-O. He killed my parents without even thinking of how it will affect Kat and me," Kit growled. "Look, I'm sorry, Lion-O, Cheetara, but I can't come back to Cat's Lair, not until Panthro is gone. I will never forgive him for what he did. Lion-O, you are Lord of the Thundercats. Only you can banish any of us. You would've done that to Tygra if he hadn't taken the chicken's way out and skipped out of us. It's your decision."

"What if I want Panthro to remain here?" Lion-O asked.

"Then I'm going to 3rd Earth. I'm sure you will have to think about this, so think about it. When you made your decision, only then will I come back, that is to here your decision." she left them and went to her guest room.

Alone, WilyKat asked. "What are you going to do, Lion-O?"

"I don't know. I never had to make a decision like this. Come on, Cheetara. We better go."

WilyKat stopped them as they head towards the door. "Whatever decision you make, Lion-O, I'll support you."

"Thanks, Kat," the young lord said before he and Cheetara left.

Part 72

Later that evening around bedtime for the Thundercats, Lion-O sat up in his bed, thinking about today's events. He wasn't sure what to do. He knew what Panthro did was a mistake, but he didn't want to risk losing either Thundercat. Cheetara stepped out of the bathroom. She was looking a little tired, but that had to do with her morning sickness. Still in her first trimester, she was experiencing the dreaded effects of pregnancy, but it wasn't as bad as when she first started going through morning sickness. She sat down at her vanity and begin brushing her hair.

"This has been some day. I never thought it would be like this."

Through her mirror, she could see Lion-O's quiet look. He was quiet all day, and didn't say a word to her when they left. When they returned to the lair, he went to the library to do some thinking and spent most of the day there. She continued to talk to get him to talk.

"I know you feel the same way, too, and I know what you are thinking about, Lion-O."

Lion-O remained quiet. Cheetara continued to talk.

"You're thinking about what you should do with Kit and Panthro. Either way one will go."

When Lion-O refused to talk, Cheetara put down her brush and looked at Lion-O.

"Lion-O, you have been quiet ever since we left Kit and Kat today. I know you are troubled, indecisive, but could you at least say something to me."

"You forgot to say upset. I am all that you said, but I am also upset with you."


In her guest room of her aunt's house, WilyKit was packing her clothes and things in suitcases and boxes. Vasa passed her room. She stepped back in when she saw her niece packing.

"WilyKit, why are you packing?"

"Either way, I won't be here."

"But you said Lord Lion-O has not made a decision yet. Has he?"

"No, but I know what he is going to say. He's going to side with Panthro."

"Kit, put the blame on me. I'm the one who didn't tell you or your brother about your parents and how they truly died. I lied about it."

Kit stopped packing and looked at her aunt. "It wasn't your fault. Panthro forced you to keep quiet. You wanted to tell us, but he made you not to because he knew what he did was wrong."


"You know, I'm just thinking about it, but when you first arrived on Thundera, you were going to tell my brother and I something, but Panthro stopped you, didn't he?"

"Well, yes, but he was only trying to protect you."

"You mean he was trying to protect himself and hide his secret."

"So, you're saying there's no way you'll ever forgive him?" Vasa asked.

"I'll never forgive him."


Cheetara got up from her vanity and sat on the bed in front of Lion-O. "Why are you upset with me?"

"You kept another secret from me, Cheetara. Why didn't you tell me about Vasa, Panthro and the truth behind Kit and Kat's parents' death? I thought we promised not to keep secrets from each other."

"We never promised that."

"Does that justify you for not telling me about Panthro?" Lion-O argued back.

"It wasn't my place to tell you."

" 'It wasn't my place to you. It wasn't my place to tell you.' You know, I'm really getting tired of hearing that. First, Panthro speaks for the others and say it wasn't his place to tell me about your relationship with Tygra, and now you are saying it, by not telling me about Panthro."

Before Cheetara could say anything, Lion-O continued sternly.

"I am the Lord of the Thundercats. You all know everything about my life. I think it's only fitting that I know everything about yours and the rest of the Thundercats. Their past, secrets, even past relationships."

"Is that what this is really about?" Cheetara asked. "My past relationship with Tygra?"

"Part of it. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought we've been through this, Lion-O. I told you it wasn't important."

"Whether you thought it was important or not, I should've known. I could have talked to Tygra and see if he was comfortable with us dating."

"Tygra would have lied to you. Would you have stopped dating me if he said he didn't like us dating?"

"No, Cheetara. I would have told him that he would have to find a way to be comfortable with it and I wouldn't have talked about us with him, telling him how wonderful you are or being with you."

"It wouldn't have helped, Lion-O."

"Why you didn't fall in love with him. If you had--"

"Lion-O, no!" she shouted. "How could you even think that?"

"I just feel partly blame for Tygra and his actions."

"Listen to me when I say this, Lion-O. This is not your fault. It's Tygra's. He wouldn't accept the fact that our relationship was over and that I didn't love him."

Pushing a piece of blonde hair behind her ear, Lion-O asked. "Why didn't you love him?"

"I just didn't find myself attracted to him in that way anymore. When we got back together as Thundercats, I was attracted to him, but after spending some time together, I saw that our relationship wouldn't go anywhere. I tried to stay with him because I didn't want to break up with just a little while after getting together, but it just wasn't meant to be," she took her hand and ran it through his hair. "But we were. From the moment I saw you on 3rd Earth, I felt something about you. It was special. I even felt it when we first kissed. I didn't feel it with Tygra. With you, everything felt right. With Tygra, it didn't, and why are we even talking about him. Our concern now is WilyKit and Panthro."

"I know it is, but today got me thinking about you keeping things from me. What other secrets are you keeping from me?"

"None, Lion-O, that's all."

"Make a promise with me then. A promise not to keep secrets from each other."

"That's a promise I can and will make," Cheetara said giving her husband a quick kiss. The cheetah crawled under the covers with her husband and cuddled with him.

Lion-O squeezed her tighter, feeling her warmth. "I need your help. I need your help in making this tough decision bestowed upon me."

"Kit or Panthro."

Frowning, Lion-O spoke, "Yes, let's talk this out and decide what we should do."


WilyKit stacked another box on top of each other. Most of her packing was done and she was still arguing with her aunt about Panthro.

"How can you turn on Panthro after all he's done for you?" Vasa asked.

"I know you care for him, but he killed my parents. I cannot forget that."

"Your brother understands. Why can't you?"

"He doesn't understand. WilyKat is slow to understanding but he will. Panthro killed our parents. I know they weren't good, but what right does he have for taking my parents away?" Kit asked.

"They killed his fiancée."

"And he killed your brother! My father! How can you not be angry with that?!"

"Because I know what my brother did was wrong. Ursula was all wrong for and your mother hated me for trying break her up with Ral. All the sinful things he did, he had coming to him. I tried to stop him. I tried to get him out, but I couldn't. You just don't know what I did for my brother to try to get him away from Ursula and Rataro, that monster."

The way her aunt was speaking, so cold, fearful, it was like she was keeping something from her. If she was and if Panthro would be staying at Cat's Lair, she knew where to go to find the answer.

"I don't care that my parents were evil. All I know is that I had my parents taken away from me by someone I thought I could trust-- Panthro, a Thundercat, a friend."

"There is something you should know about Panthro, Kit."

"Like what beside that he is a liar, murder, traitor, the list goes on."

"He saved your life," Vasa said sternly.

"Saved my life?"

"Yours and your brothers. When Aline died, her last words were about you. She wanted Panthro to protect you two from evil and he did by helping you become Thundercats."

"I know what you are saying, Aunt Vasa, but that doesn't change a thing."

"Your parents wanted you and WilyKat to follow in their footsteps. Would you have really wanted a life like that?"

"I'm not mad at you for trying to get me to change my mind, but can't you try to think about this from my perspective. You don't think that WilyKat and I could have stopped our parents or refused to follow in their footsteps?" she paused a moment before continuing, "I have to do this. Tomorrow or whenever Lion-O and Cheetara decides what to do, I won't be here. Someone is going, so instead of trying to get me to change my mind, you should be saying good-bye to me or Panthro," WilyKit advised.

Knowing she wasn't going to get through to her, Vasa left WilyKit to her packing.

WilyKit pulled her mother's locket off her uniform and looked at her mother's picture. "Don't worry, mother. Your and father's death will be avenged."

Part 73

Two days later, Cheetara, Lion-O, WilyKit, WilyKat, and Panthro sat around in the council room. Lion-O and Cheetara had made their decision and the others were waiting for it.

"Lion-O and I thought about this decision for the past two days. We made a decision that we thought was right."

Lion-O continued where Cheetara stopped. "I'm sorry, WilyKit, but we are siding with Panthro."

"Figures," Kit grumbled getting up from her chair.

"Kit, wait," Cheetara called. "Can't you try to get along with Panthro? I can understand why you are angry."

"You can never understand, Cheetara. He didn't kill your parents."

"WilyKit, we heard both sides of the story. I'm sorry to say this, but your parents were evil people. If that night went out as planned, then my father and Jaga would have been dead. The mutants would have taken over, Thunderians would be slaves or killed, especially me since I am the only heir," Lion-O explained.

"That's just speculation, Lion-O. You don't know for sure that the mutant would have made Thunderians slaves or killed them and so what? At least my parents would be alive, and their deaths will be avenged."

WilyKat stood by his sister. "WilyKit, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I am leaving Thundera for 3rd Earth by sunset. I'll take the ship Laura was going to use."


At sunset, WilyKit left Thundera and headed for her new home. All were outside to say their good-bye except Panthro who kept his distance from her. He knew she didn't like him and may be plotting some kind of revenge.

Later that night, WilyKat went to his room, getting ready for bed. He changed clothes and pulled back his pillow when he saw a letter behind it. He picked it up and begin reading it. " 'Dear Kat, By the time you read this, I will already be at my true destination. I'm sorry about this, but this is what I have to do. I'm not going to 3rd Earth, but somewhere else. Don't worry. I'll be fine. The place I'm going to will help me. Kit.' Where in the world could Kit have gone to? I better show this to Lion-O and Cheetara."

On the planet Plundarr, Rataro sat at his throne, brewing and thinking of what evil to plague on the universe when a soldier entered.

"Lord Rataro, you have a guest."

"A guest?" the mutant leader murmured. "Send him in."

The soldier brought WilyKit in the room. He pushed her in the center of the large throne room and left.

"WilyKit, what brings you here?"

"I want you to train me to be an assassin like my mother so I can kill Panthro."


On Thundera, Lion-O and Cheetara slept together in the bed when a loud, pounding knocking woke them up. Cheetara turned the lamp on and sat up, her and Lion-O's eyes squinting at the light. Lion-O picked up his robe and put it on as he made his way to the door.

"WilyKat? What is it?" Lion-O asked once he opened the door.

"It's WilyKit. She's not going to 3rd Earth," the young Thundercat said giving Lion-O the letter.

Cheetara walked over to them tying her robe's rope around her waist , "What does it say, Lion-O?"

"Like Kat said, WilyKit didn't go to 3rd Earth but somewhere else."

"Can we use some kind of tracking device to find Kit," Kat asked.

"No. She took the ship Laura was going to take and that didn't have a tracking device of any kind on there. Who knows where she could be?"

Worried, WilyKat asked, "There must be something we can do."

"I'm afraid there isn't, WilyKat. Kit is upset right now and she needs to cool down. Maybe this is what WilyKit need. I know this is going to be tough; being away your sister, wondering where she is, but you just have to hope that she is fine," Cheetara told Kat to calm him down.

"Maybe you're right, Cheetara, but I just have a feeling my sister is in big trouble."


Rataro laughs heartily in his throne chair, almost falling out. "You want my men to train you like we trained your mother to kill Panthro?! Why?"

"He killed my parents, and I want revenge."

"So you finally found out, but why should I train you?"

"One less Thundercat to deal with would be a good advantage to the mutants."

"Indeed it would be, but it's not good enough for me."

"Give her what she wants or you will not get what you desire so badly, Rataro."

WilyKit knew that voice. It was so familiar. The smooth, intellectual calmness of the voice. The eloquence. It could only be one person. She turned around to see the owner of the voice and nearly fainted. "Tygra."

The rejuvenated, astute tiger smiled. "Hello, WilyKit. It's been a while."

She ran to Tygra and hugged him. "Tygra, I've missed you. You came here after the trial?"


"But why? Why are you here with the mutants?"

"I should be asking you that," Tygra said putting an arm on Kit's shoulder. "Come. We'll go to my room and you can tell me what you are doing here."

Tygra escorted WilyKit to his room. He sat on his bed and she sat in a chair by the window, explaining to Tygra about Panthro and her purpose for being on Plundarr.

"I can understand your anger, WilyKit, and I see why you want revenge, but do you think it's right?"

"Do you think all the things you did to Lion-O and Cheetara were right?" WilyKit shot the question back at the tiger.

Coolly, Tygra laughed lightly. "Touché."

"Speaking of Lion-O and Cheetara, they are--"

"Married," Tygra cut her off firmly. "Yes, I know. I was there."

"You were there? But the alarms, security..."

"Weren't clever enough to stop this tiger," Tygra said confidently. "Yes, I have been keeping up on what has been going on Thundera. It's an essential part of my...."

"Essential part of what, Tygra?" Kit inquired.

"Nothing for you to worry about. That's all you need to know."

"So, why are you here?" Kit interrogated.

"I have things to do," the striped tiger laid on his bed as he began to think about meeting Rataro a while back. "Things to take care of."

Tygra stood before Rataro with two swollen black eyes, bust lips, torn clothes and sore muscles. It was obvious that Tygra was beaten up pretty badly. The fat rat did his best to hold his laughter.

"Why should I take you in and go with your plan?" Rataro asked.

"Because I have something you want. Something you have been trying to get your hands on for quite some time," Tygra said.

"And what would that be?" Rataro asked stroking his mustache.

"The Sword of Plundarr." Tygra saw the interested look on Rataro's face. "Yes, I thought that would get your attention. Help me get rid of Lion-O once and for all, and I shall give you the Sword of Plundarr."

The evil mutant Lord sat back in his chair, thinking, before giving an answer. "It's an interesting proposition. All right, Tygra, I'll help you."

"Unfinished business that needs to be taken care of, WilyKit. That's all."

"You're going to do something to Lion-O and Cheetara, aren't you, Tygra?"


Later in their bedroom, Lion-O finally managed to get back to sleep. Hearing what WilyKit was doing was not good news. He rolled over in his bed and awakens. Cheetara wasn't sleeping with him. Where was she? He looked around in their bedroom and found her looking out the window. He got out of bed and went to her.

Putting his arms around her, he asked, "Cheetara, what are you doing up? You should be sleeping."

"I couldn't get back to sleep. I was thinking about WilyKit. We know she is not going to 3rd Earth, so where is she? Is she really cooling down or is she preparing some kind of revenge against Panthro? And I hate to bring this up, but what about Tygra? How could he disappear like that without a trace? Do you think he's plotting some kind of revenge against us?"

"I don't know. If he were plotting revenge, he would do it against me and not you. He loves you so I know he wouldn't hurt you."

"But if Tygra does something to you, he will be hurting me," Cheetara confessed worried.

"Don't worry, Cheetara. If he tries anything, I will be ready." He turned her around and asked her. "Are you having any visions?"

"No, Lion-O, and I wish I were. Maybe then I wouldn't be worrying so much."

"When did your worrying start?"

"I was first worried on our wedding day, but no one stopped it, so I relaxed, but with these problems now with Kit, I can't help but to think about Tygra."

Lion-O became worried now. He knew that when Cheetara gets worried or gets a hunch, it meant trouble. Hoping to put her worry at ease, he smile, "I guess we should be on our guard, but don't worry, Cheetara, Tygra won't hurt us again."

Feeling a little better, Cheetara hugged him, keeping him close to her, hoping he was right and praying that Tygra doesn't do anything to destroy their happy life now.


Tygra sat up in his bed, and looked at WilyKit. "Whatever I plan to do, it does not concern you."

"I see. You're taking out Lion-O so you and Cheetara can be together?" Kit guessed. "It won't work. She's devoted to Lion-O. She'll never love you."

"Who are you to talk? You should be grateful that I helped you deal with Rataro and got you to stay here. Get on with your plan, WilyKit, and I'll get on with mine."

WilyKit nodded her head. "You do have a point, Tygra. Fine. I'll do my thing and you do yours."

Tygra nodded. He laughs quietly to himself as he thinks. This plan is flawless. With the mutant's help, nothing can go wrong. As long as everything goes as I think it will on Thundera, Lion-O won't see his death coming.


Parts 74-75: Tygra put his plans into action. Tygra makes his surprising return to Cat's Lair.

Oh how little Lion-O knows Tygra, heh heh heh. More fanfics!

AT LAST! Tygra's back in it! Main page.