Thundercats Soaps

Parts 74-75

Part 74

Four peaceful months have gone by on Thundera now. Lion-O has divided his time by supervising city construction, dealing with small crimes, political duties, meetings with elder leaders of each clan, taking care of other duties as Lord of the Thundercats, and being a happy father-to-be. His wife, Cheetara, now in her seventh month of pregnancy, only leaves Cat's Lair with Lion-O but mainly stays at home with minor duties as a Thundercat. She has been spending most of her time resting and preparing the baby's room. Panthro and Vasa have been getting closer in their relationship, and WilyKat has accepted their relationship, but has been worrying about his sister.

WilyKit training was now complete on Plundarr. She caught on to her extra disciplining very well. Her new skills were paying off. She was even able to defeat the top mutant fighters in battle. Taking over her mother's previous life, WilyKit changed her look as well to be like her mother's. Her hair was down and parted in the middle. She wore a heavily colored orange eye shadow and lipstick like her mother. Her uniform changed also. Gone was her Thundercat uniform and she now wore a slick, full body black suit.

On her last day at Plundarr, WilyKit was at a shooting range, firing on the dummies. She picture Panthro being one of the dummies and shot a hole in the head. Rataro applauds at WilyKit's shot.

"Excellent shot, WilyKit. Are you sure you don't want to stay with us? You're just like your mother when I first brought her here. At first, she wasn't sure about betraying her planet and being a spy, but once she learned the pleasures of being on the mutants side, she couldn't resist it," he growled at what he was to say next. "Then she met Ralik on Thundera and fell for him, but the only good thing about that was that she was able to bring him to our side."

"You're still upset that my mother rejected you for my father, aren't you?" she asked and return to her target practice.

Spending the past four months on Plundarr, she learned some interesting things about her parents and her so-call sweet aunt. Her new attire brought unwanted attention, especially with Rataro since her mother and the evil mutant had a little fling together before she met WilyKit and WilyKat's father.

"You know, I can show you how terrible a mistake your mother made when she chose Ralik."

WilyKit turned around aiming her gun at Rataro. "Forget it, Rataro. I'm only here for one thing and that is to be good enough to kill Panthro." She looked away from him and shot the rest of the targets, right between the eyes and straight through the heart.


At dinner, Bengali, Panthro, WilyKat, Lion-O and Cheetara were sitting around the table eating dinner that Snarf and Snarfer made. They were talking about their day and Lion-O's departure tomorrow. He was going to see the Interstellar Council. At different times of the year, the Council leaders meet with different quadrants in that solar system. Now it was all the planets in and surrounding the Felinus quadrant turn, which included Thundera, Plundarr and the moons of Plundarr to discuss the progress of their planets, peace, the prevention of possible war or take over, etc. Each planet required a representative, namely the ruler of the planet. Cheetara had a bad feeling about it and she and Lion-O had disagreements about him going. He wanted to go, but she wanted him to stay.

"Lion-O, what time are you leaving for the Interstellar Council meeting tomorrow?" Snarf asked.

"Eight o' clock tomorrow morning," Lion-O answered eating.

"I wish you wouldn't go," Cheetara said.

"Cheetara, you know I have to. I am Lord of Thundera. I must represent our planet. I'd bring you with me, but you can't travel because of your pregnancy."

"I don't want you to go. I think something will happen to you," Cheetara argued, getting up from her seat and leaving the room.

Lion-O called out after her but she refused to stop as she left the room. He got up and followed her. Even though she was in her third trimester, she was still fast in retreating to her and Lion-O's chamber. Lion-O found her laying on their bed with her back to him. He lies beside her, gently rubbing her large stomach.

Softly, he asked. "Cheetara, why did run out like that? Why are you getting so worked up about me leaving tomorrow?"

"I don't feel comfortable with you leaving all by yourself. If I can't go with you, take one of the Thundercats."

"You know I can't. Pumyra and Lynx-O are keeping an eye on 3rd Earth. Panthro, Bengali and WilyKat must stay here. We're already busy enough with just us, now that we don't have Tygra or WilyKit. It won't be much trouble with me leaving. Besides, I can handle myself. I am--"

"The Lord of the Thundercats," Cheetara finished his words. She rolled on her back and looked at him. "I'm not eased by that."

"Is your sixth sense bothering you?"

"No, not really."

"Well, maybe you're worrying over nothing. Four months ago, you thought Tygra was going to do something and he has not. Maybe your pregnancy is throwing off your senses," Lion-O figured.

"Maybe you're right, Lion-O, but I can't shake this worry."

"You know I'm taking the Sword of Omens with me," he told her but that didn't comfort her. "Just to make you happy, I'll check in every hour on my way to and from the meeting. Will that be all right?"

"It'll make me feel better, even though I prefer that you don't go at all," she said. Cheetara ran a hand through Lion-O's hair and pulled him down to her and kissed him. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, and our little cub here," the lion said rubbing her growing stomach that held their unborn child.

They talked a little more before falling asleep in each other's arms.


The next morning, Lion-O and Cheetara stood by the Feliner saying their good-byes.

"I'll be back in a week, Cheetara. Try not to worry."

"I cannot help but worry. I'm your wife. I love you."

Touched, Lion-O gave Cheetara a quick kiss. "Love you too." He placed his hand on Cheetara's large belly. "And you. Stay there until I get back," Lion-O told his unborn child and the baby kicked. Lion-O and Cheetara laughed. Lion-O looked down at his wife attentiveness to their child. Her brown eyes seem to sparkle as she rubbed her stomach, communicating with their child. He used a free finger to lift her face to look up at him. He looked deep into her amber eyes. She looked at him innocently, but intently in his. The lion moved closer and kissed the cheetah again with more feeling and longer as if he won't see her for a long time. His hold on her was firm, yet soft and gentle, getting as close to her as he possible could. Why the sudden change of emotion? She did not know, and she did not care. All that mattered to her was that he was with her, even for the little moment of time she has with him now.

Slowly, he pulled back and looked in her eyes deeply, "Good-bye." He reluctantly pulled away from his wife's loving embrace, got in the Feliner, and flew away.


A few hours later in space, a mutant ship carrying Tygra, WilyKit and a few mutants waits for Lion-O to pass them in the Feliner. WilyKit stayed in her room unaware of what is about to happen while Tygra was in a chair watching Lion-O approach him on the large screen.

"Lion-O's almost in our direction. He'll come our way any moment. Do you remember what you have to do?" Tygra asked the other mutants and they nodded. "Good. Let's get rid of the Lord of Thundercats once and for all. Heh. Heh."

Hearing noises outside her room, WilyKit steps out to see what was happening. She saw Tygra and a couple of mutants, a possum and a rat, both looking strong and intimidating as they walk with Tygra.

"Tygra, what's going on?"

"Nothing for you to worry about. Now go back to your room," Tygra ordered.

WilyKit frowned and stepped back in. However, she caught a glimpse of Tygra holding a crowbar in his hand. "Now, what was that all about? What is Tygra going to do? Well, as long as it doesn't disrupt my plans against Panthro, I don't care. He's going to suffer before I let him die."

Lion-O flew at regular speed and checked the clock. Hmm. I better check in with Cheetara in twenty minutes. The Feliner lost altitude for a moment as something landed on top of it. He put the Feliner on autopilot and pulled out his sword. Something's on the Feliner. He climbed up the ladder that opened the top latch of the Feliner and looked out, but nothing was there. The Sword of Omens growled, he looked at it and....


A large sharp object hit Lion-O on the back of his head. Lion-O cried in pain and fell off the ladder and inside the Feliner unconscious. When Lion-O came to, his head was throbbing in excruciating pain, his eyes were blurry but it slowly focused on someone injecting him with something. He looked up and saw Tygra.


"Long time no see, isn't Lion-O?"

Lion-O looked around and saw the possum and rat mutants holding on to him.

Lion-O struggled to free himself from the strong mutants, but nearly lost his balance. All of a sudden he felt weak, like his strength was slowly draining.

"Feeling a little weak, boy?"

"What did you do to me?"

"Something I made on Thundera before the trial. It weakens you like Thundrainim, but it's not as deadly. Although for your case, I should have made it that way. I even gave Laura some. I had no idea she would use it on Cheetara."

"How do you know that?!" Lion-O growled trying to free himself.

"I have my ways. Besides, I'm a tiger, the most intelligent and superior of all cats. You didn't think you could stop this tiger from seeing your wedding, did you?"

"You were there?"

"Yes, and it should have been me with Cheetara and not you, but there's time to make up for that." Before Lion-O could ask Tygra what he meant by that, Tygra continued. "Enough about me. Time for your death." Tygra said and punched Lion-O in the face. He hit him again in ribs, beating on Lion-O as Lion-O beat on Tygra months ago. The evil tiger picked up a crowbar. He raised it and hit the weak Lion-O in the chest with all his might. Lion-O cried in pain. Tygra beat him again until he knew he cracked a rib or two or three.

"You'll never return home. You must pay for taking my love away and embarrassing me in front of everyone." Tygra hit him again in the stomach with the crowbar. Lion-O groaned in pain. "Not so tough without your muscles, are you?"

Beaten and badly bleeding, Lion-O weakly said, "Sword of Omens..."

Tygra silenced Lion-O by hitting him in the face with the crowbar with all his strength. The mutants dropped the beaten Thundercat, knowing Lion-O was knocked out if not dead. Blood was coming out of his head and chest. His head was being to swell too.

Behind them was the mutant ship. It opened and a mutant monkey brought out a life size capsule. Tygra and the mutants put Lion-O in the capsule.

"What should we do with the Sword of Omens?" a mutant asked.

"We'll leave it with Lion-O. It's only fitting for a king to die with his sword," Tygra answered putting the Sword of Omens with Lion-O.

Tygra set the coordinates of the capsule and let it drift in space towards its destination.

"We don't have much time. Let's leave the Feliner here," Tygra said. They all entered the mutant ship and flew away.


At Cat's Lair on Thundera, Panthro worked in the control room when Cheetara came in.

"Has Lion-O checked in yet?" Cheetara asked.

"No, but he will. He should be contacting us in about ten minutes," Panthro said.

"AAH!" Cheetara screamed and clasped her head. Her sixth sense was very alert as she fell to her knees in a weakened state, head throbbing in pain. Panthro helped her up. "Lion-O! He's in trouble!"

"What happened?" Panthro asked.

"Something....ambushed on the....Feliner. Someone familiar. I can't.....see the....person's face. Lion-O's hurt. Hurt badly. He's getting warmer. The sun?"

"Sun?" Panthro said confused.

"My vision. I'm losing him," she nearly passed out in Panthro's arms, body weak, sweat popping on her forehead.

Panthro put Cheetara in a chair and went to the controls. "Lion-O. Come in. It's Panthro." He waited a minute for Lion-O to say anything but he got no response. "Lion-O! Answer me! It's Panthro!" he shouted but still no response.

Cheetara started to cry. "I told him not to go."

Panthro pressed the lair alarm. Quickly Bengali, WilyKat, Snarf and Snarfer entered the room.

"What's up, Panthro?" WilyKat asked.

"Cheetara senses Lion-O in danger and I'm not getting a response from the Feliner. Bengali, WilyKat, you come with me in the Thunderstrike. Snarf, you and Snarfer stay here with Cheetara. Let's go, guys." Panthro commanded and left followed by Bengali and WilyKat.

"Please be all right Lion-O," Cheetara silently prayed.


In the capsule, the Sword of Omens growled. Lion-O was still unconscious and bleeding. The sword glowed, and then the capsule had a blue aura around it. The capsule, which began to melt as it approach the overbearing heat of the sun, only thousands of miles away, began to move away from its doom destination and deeper in space.

Heading in the direction of the capsule, was a spaceship piloted by two females. One was blonde and blue-eyed. The other had black hair and green eyes.

"When are you going to tell your sister to settle down and marry, Sylvia? She's queen of her own planet and she doesn't want to marry," the blonde said.

"Erica, Diana hasn't found the right man. Finding a man to rule a planet with isn't easy," Sylvia responded.

"I know. I want what's best for our queen but--hey, what's that?"

Sylvia looked ahead and saw a capsule. "It's a capsule. Quick, Erica, use the pensors to bring it in."

Erica typed in some commands to operate the pensors. She carefully grabbed the capsule with the pensors and slowly brought it in the ship. Sylvia opened the capsule.

"It's a man," Sylvia gasped.

"A man?" Erica put the ship on auto pilot and got out of her seat. "Despite the beaten look, he looks good."

"He's losing blood and has been beaten very badly," Sylvia stated examining him. "I'll try to stop the bleeding. You fly us home as fast as you can."

Erica nodded and got back in her seat, flying home at full speed.

Sylvia looked back at the injured Lion-O. "Whoever you are, hold on."


Panthro, Bengali, and WilyKat were now approaching the Feliner.

"Okay, guys, We're approaching the Feliner. Take out your weapons and expect anything," Panthro stated stopping the Thunderstrike by the Feliner.

The three got out and searched the Feliner for Lion-O. They didn't find anyone there. Bengali and WilyKat searched inside the Feliner while Panthro looked outside of it for clues.

"Lion-O," Bengali called.

No answer.

"What could have happened?" Kat asked to no one in particular.

"It might have been an ambushed," Panthro said coming down the ladder. "Lion-O was bleeding badly afterwards. There's blood on top of the Feliner and there's some at the bottom of the ladder. I don't know how we are going to tell Cheetara this but we must expect the worse: Lion-O's missing and he's possibly bleeding to death."

"Well, let's try to see if we can find Lion-O before rushing back to Cat's Lair with bad news," Kat suggested.

Panthro and Bengali agreed but the two adults knew finding Lion-O in the condition he's in would not be a good sight.

Part 75

Erica was nearing her and Sylvia's planet while Sylvia was fixing Lion-O the best she could. With her limited medical supplies all she could do was stop the bleeding and patch his wounds around his head and ribs.

"How's our handsome stranger?" Erica asked.

"Not to well. I have been able to stop the bleeding from his head and chest. His pulse is weakening. I need to get him in the castle sickbay where he can be properly treated. Whoever did this to him, wanted him dead. The good news is that we got to him in time. Another few minutes and he would have been dead. I won't know the full extent of the damage until he wakes up," she saw Erica walking to her. "What are you doing? You should be flying."

"It's on auto. We're past our cloaking device and we'll be landing soon. He looks even better without his shirt."

"This man is seriously injured and all you think about is how good he looks."

"I'm just making a point," Erica said. She saw Lion-O's wedding ring and put her hand over it. "Was there anything else in the capsule?"

"Yes, I saw a sword," Sylvia turned around to get his sword and Erica pulled Lion-O's ring off and put it in her pocket. Sylvia turned back and showed Erica the Sword of Omens in the claw shield. "He may be some kind of fighter."

"Wouldn't he make a great husband for the queen?"

"Have you lost your mind, Erica? This is a complete stranger. We don't know anything about him. He could be evil."

"If he is evil, then hide his weapons until we know more about him when he awakens."

"I agree with you on that, Erica. Put it in my suitcase while I check this man's pulse. It's a good thing we're about to land. His pulse is weaker than before." Sylvia looked Lion-O over and begin thinking. Hmm, he doesn't look evil, but then again looks can be deceiving. I wonder who you are.


Panthro, Bengali and WilyKat returned to the lair wondering how they will tell Cheetara the bad news about her husband. They entered the room and Cheetara was in there with Snarf and Snarfer. They have been keeping her calm, but by the look on her face, they can tell that she has been crying.

"You didn't find him, did you?" Cheetara asked rising from her seat.

Panthro spoke, "No. We searched the area and the Feliner. It was empty. There was blood on the Feliner. We think it's Lion-O's."

"He's in pain. I know it. His pulse is weakening, but I sense he is getting help."

Bengali was confused. "How do you know that, Cheetara? I know that you can tell when Lion-O is in danger with your sixth sense but...."

"Ever since Lion-O and I married, my connection to him has gotten stronger. I don't know if it's the pregnancy or that we're married, but I feel closer to him now. I don't know if he feels it, but I know when he's in pain and whatever I'm feeling is far stronger than when I can tell Lion-O's in danger by my sixth sense," the cheetah stated firmly. Feeling a sudden lost of strength, Cheetara suddenly leaned against the control panel heavily to keep her balance.

"Gee, Cheetara, you're looking tired. Maybe you should lie down and get some rest. Snarfer. Snarfer."

"I don't want to rest, Snarfer. I want to find Lion-O."

"You can't go looking for Lion-O, especially not in your condition, Cheetara. Take Snarfer's advice and get some rest." WilyKat said.

Panthro walked over and took the stubborn Cheetara's arms. "Come on, Cheetara. Whether you like it or not, you're going to your bedroom and rest. We brought the Feliner back. Kat is going to continue to search for clues there and Bengali and I are going to go back out, but you are staying here."


Lion-O received the medical help he needed just in time. Sylvia and the castle medical team worked together to help Lion-O. After an x-ray and surgery, Lion-O was put in the sickbay room of the castle. He had a large bandage wrapped around his head and his bare chest. His condition was upgraded to stable after the minor surgery done to his head. Sylvia has been watching him carefully, hoping that he would soon wake up. That way, she would know how badly he has been affected.

At that moment, the planet's ruler, Queen Diana entered with her royal advisor, Erica. Diana stood out more than her sister in her white dress that brought out her with long brown hair and almond shaped brown eyes. She walked over to the bed where Lion-O was resting and looked him over. She looked at her sister.

"How is he?"

"Stable condition. It seems that he was hit in the head more than once with a sharp object. My guess is that it was some kind of metal. A pipe. A crowbar, maybe. Through the x-rays, I see that he doesn't have any major physical damage to his head. It's not broken or cracked. I'm amazed. He must have one tough head. However, he has four broken ribs. Three on the right. One on the left. The bones will heal soon enough, but I'm more worried about his mental health. The longer he is out, the worse his condition may be," Sylvia explained.

"Where did you find this man?" Diana asked.

"We found him in a capsule, floating in space," Sylvia answered.

"What quadrant were you two flying in?" the queen asked curiously.

Sylvia bowed her head down, "The Felinus Quadrant."

"The Felinus Quadrant?! What were you thinking?! The most dangerous people, the Mutants and Lunatacs live in that quadrant! This man could be a spy, preparing to attack our planet," Diana pointed out.

"He can't be from Plundarr or the Luna Moons. He doesn't look like a Mutant or Lunatac," Erica stated.

"Besides, sister, our planet has been hidden from that crazy bunch for years. The cloaking device, we design to conceal our planet from anyone in space, keeps us safe."

Diana sighed, "Yes, I suppose you are right, but why was this man floating in a capsule, injured?"

"He might have been a slave for them and escaped," Erica guessed.

"Yes, the mutants and Lunatacs are known to have slaves," Diana thought, "But he doesn't look like one." She leaned over Lion-O and looked at his skin that weren't covered by bandages. She carefully lifted his upper body up and looked at Lion-O's back. She gently laid him back on the soft pillows. "Do you see what I see, Erica?"

"You mean a man with an incredible body?"

Diana rolled her eyes. "Besides that."

Erica shrugged her shoulders. "I don't see anything. Why?"

"That's exactly my point. This man doesn't have any whip marks on his back or chest. If he was a slave, he would have that on him."

"You know, from his features, he looks like a lion in a way," Sylvia thought.

"A cat?" Diana question. "The only Cat People in the Felinus Quadrant were Thunderians on the planet Thundera, but that planet exploded years ago. I remember father telling me about it. Father was a young man when it happened. He said the Thunderians escaped but were surprised attacked by the mutants. I think they all were killed trying to escape their dying planet."

"Well, why didn't your father order ships to come to the Thunderians aid, Diana?" Erica asked. "I don't remember this."

"Father wasn't king yet. I was just a baby and I don't think you were born yet. Grandfather once before, ordered our soldiers to aid Thunderians when the Mutants and Lunatacs attacked them. Grandmother thought it was best that we stay out of their business since we live in a different quadrant from them. Grandfather didn't listen. He felt that he should help all good people. After aiding Thundera, the Mutants and Lunatacs attacked us, and Thundera didn't help us. This came after a severe attack the Mutants and Lunatacs gave the planet Thundera. Father said that since we were too far from them and that they might have been weaken by the Mutants and Lunatacs that they couldn't get to us. Our grandmother was killed during the attack and grandfather was so angry that Thundera didn't help, that he cut off ties to all planets. He ordered that a cloaking device be built to cover the whole planet and it was made so. Of course grandfather never recovered from grandmother's death and died soon afterwards."

"The bad thing about the cloaking device is that we are cut off from the rest of the galaxy. We don't know their progress in scientific development. We don't know what is going on. We don't know anyone or have any allies we can tie ourselves to. Suppose the cloaking device fails and we are attacked. What then, Diana?" Sylvia asked.

"So that's why you and Erica were flying in space? You weren't just testing that new ship, you were looking for allies to join with us. Have you forgotten the risk of doing such a thing?!" Diana shouted.

"No, it's just that we can't remain hidden forever. We need to find allies and you could have done that if you went to the Interstellar Council Meeting," Sylvia argued back.

"Come on, Diana, Sylvia has a point, and if we weren't flying in space, we wouldn't have picked up this man who obviously needed help," Erica pointed out.

Diana looked back at Lion-O. "You're right about that, but never are you to fly in space to search for allies. We're fine on our own. Now back to this man. He looks more like a fighter than a slave as you thought. Was there any ID in the capsule? A weapon of any sort?"

"No, there wasn't anything," Erica spoke. Sylvia remained quiet. "My queen, wouldn't he make the perfect husband for you?"

'That's a new low for you, Erica; trying to marry me off to the sick. I wish you will stop doing that, and I don't care if father wanted me married before he died or that you are my royal advisor. Have you given any thought that this man might be married?"

"I don't see a ring, and if he was married, why isn't his wife with him?" Erica questioned.

Diana and Sylvia looked back at Lion-O and notice that both his hands were bare. Sylvia looked at Lion-O's hand more closely.

I could have sworn that he had a ring on when I was treating him, and why didn't Erica mentioned this man's sword.

"He may have a girlfriend or fiancée. I hardly believe that a man like him isn't taken unless he is..."

"No, he is not that," Erica said.

"And how would you know that?" Diana questioned.

"I just do. I know about these things."

Diana rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Sylvia, alert me when he has awaken. I'd like to have a talk with this man. Right now, I have other matters to attend to."

Sylvia waited until Diana left before speaking again.

"Why didn't you tell Diana about this man's sword and shield?"

"This man may be the right guy for her to marry."

"What has that got to do with his weapons, and have you forgotten that when he wakes up, he may not want the queen?"

"How can he resist Diana? She is very beautiful."

"Yes, she is, but what if he has someone. I could have sworn I saw a ring on him," Sylvia carefully thought.

"We'll deal with that when the time is right, but for now, you be quiet, for your sister's well-being. You want her to happy, don't you?"

"Yes, I do, but--"

"She's a complete workaholic, always thinking about her planet and its well-being, not herself, especially after the king died a little over two years ago."

"Yes, she has always been a serious girl. From when mother died when we were both young and now after father's passing. However, it's good that she is serious and into her role as queen. I think it helps her deal with the death."

"A man will make her very happy, and we all want our queen to be happy, instead of the depressed, worried, workaholic she is now, right?" Erica persuaded.

Giving up, Sylvia sighed, "Okay, Erica, I won't say anything."


Cheetara tossed and turned all night, trying to sleep, worrying over Lion-O. Hours after first light, she rolled over and awakens, looking at Lion-O's side of the bed and his pillows. For the first time since they married, Lion-O wasn't there. Sure, she expected him not to be there since he was to be gone for a week, but this was different. Lion-O was missing and she had no idea where he could be. She rubbed his side of the bed and pillows, missing him, worrying about him, wondering where he was. She managed to lift herself up and sat up in the bed. The blonde Thundercat took Lion-O's pillow and hugged it.

"Lion-O, where are you? I sense that you are not as weak as before. You're getting help, and whoever is doing that, I thank them."

She looked up when she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in."

Snarf entered the vast room, pushing a cart of food towards Cheetara and Lion-O's bed. "Good morning, Cheetara. Snarf. Snarf. I brought you some breakfast."

"Thanks, Snarf, but I don't feel like eating."

"Cheetara, did you eat anything last night?"

The cheetah looked away.

"Cheetara, I know that you are worried about Lion-O, but you can't stop eating. What about your baby? You baby needs its nutrition. Lion-O wouldn't want you to miss a meal because of him. Now, I'm going to sit here and watch you eat your food and take your prenatal vitamins or my name isn't Snarf. Snarf. Snarf," the furry creature put Cheetara's plate of food on her lap, sat across from her and folded his arms in an upset manner, watching and making sure the cheetah eats.

Cheetara got her prenatal vitamins off her nightstand and Snarf poured a glass of water from the pitcher on the cart and gave it to Cheetara. Cheetara popped the pills in her mouth and swallowed it with the water. She had to admit it. Snarf was right. It wouldn't be right to harm herself or her child just because Lion-O was missing. Lion-O wouldn't have wanted that and she doesn't want that either. After waiting for a moment to let it settle, Cheetara begin eating her breakfast.

"Any word on Lion-O?"

"No, Panthro and Bengali have been up all night, searching for him and clues and didn't find any."

With her husband missing, it was up to Cheetara to take control. "I want a Thundercat meeting noon today. Have Snarfer set up the controls in the council room to open communications to 3rd Earth for Pumyra and Lynx-O. All Thundercats must know."


Early the next morning around six, Diana hurried out of her bedroom and into sickbay after Erica told her that Lion-O was awakening. When she entered, she took a seat by Lion-O as he was stirring. Slowly his eyes opened. He looked around the room until his vision cleared and saw Diana.

"Who are you?"

"I am Queen Diana of the planet Minerva," she pointed to her right. "This is my sister and royal doctor, Princess Sylvia, and behind me is my royal advisor, Erica. They found you floating in space in a capsule. You were seriously injured. They brought you here and my sister helped you. Now can you tell us who you are and why you were in the capsule beaten up so badly?"

"I don't think I can," Lion-O responded.

"Why not?" Diana asked.

"Because I don't remember who I am or where I come from."


At noon, Cheetara, Panthro, WilyKat, Bengali, Snarf and Snarfer sat around the council table while Pumyra and Lynx-O were on the computer monitors at Cat's Lair and the Tower of Omens.

With everyone in attendance, Cheetara began the meeting. "Lynx-O, Pumyra, I have some bad news. Lion-O was ambushed in the Feliner yesterday on his way to the Interstellar Council Meeting. He was hurt badly. Panthro, Bengali and WilyKat went to aid Lion-O, but they didn't find his body in the Feliner, but they found blood, his blood in the Feliner."

Everyone can hear the vulnerability in Cheetara's voice. Her pain. The anguish. How hurt she is, but how amazing she was handling it and pulling herself together as she talked about her husband and the dim possibility of his health.

"Oh, no. Cheetara, he's not dead, is he?" Pumyra asked.

"No," Cheetara was stern. "They didn't find a body. He is not dead. I felt his pain when he was hit and he was seriously injured, but he is not dead. I know he's not dead."

"What do you plan to do, Cheetara?" Lynx-O asked.

"I contacted the Interstellar Council yesterday and told them that Lion-O won't be coming because of personal reasons. Now they won't look for him and reveal to the other rulers about Lion-O's absence being as serious as it is. Rataro is expected to be there and if he is to learn about what happened to Lion-O, he may attack. We must keep this away from the public. If anyone finds out, especially the Mutants or Lunatacs, we will be in a very vulnerable position because we don't have Lion-O .....or the Sword of Omens."

"Lion-O took the Sword of Omens with him?" Lynx-O question.

Cheetara quietly nodded. "Yes. The others couldn't find it in the Feliner. Whoever took Lion-O, took the Sword of Omens."

"Without the Sword of Omens, what are we to do if there is an attack?" Lynx-O asked.

"I don't know. We just have to hope it doesn't happen, and if it does, we fight with everything we got," Cheetara spoke shakily but strongly.

Bengali jumped in the conversation. "Have you tried finding Lion-O with your psychic powers?"

"I can't use my powers. My doctor said it might not be safe if I used my powers this late in my pregnancy. It would weaken my body more, like I was yesterday when my sixth sense went off. It could have a negative affect on the baby."

Panthro slammed his fist on the table upset and growled, "There must be some way we can find Lion-O."

The council doors opened. Everyone looked at the doors, wide eyed and dropped mouths.

Cheetara was most affected as she looked at the door. "I don't believe it. Tygra."


Parts 76-78: Lion-O tries to remember who he is. Diana becomes drawn to Lion-O. Erica and Lydia drug Lion-O. Tygra let's everyone at Cat's Lair knows whose boss. Cheetara have sudden abdominal pains. WilyKit begins her revenge on Panthro.

I should have know the stupid Sword would interfere. More fanfics.

Wiley Kit is getting pretty nasty.  The showdown between her and Panthro should look pretty good. Main page.