--Best enjoyed with a dash of atx.
Mulder Is Not Dead

I'm reading
And right in the middle of the newsgroup
I come across some bad news
Or something that keeps knocking at my brain
I think I'll go insane
If I keep seeing this old thread
It's something that I dread
But it's just begging to be said
"Mulder is NOT DEAD"

All the newbies
Who want to get in on the fun
Only seem to have one question
And that one is repeated evermore
To even out the score
We make up answers in our head
But when all is done and said
They still persist on with this thread
"Is he really dead?"

Mulder is not dead
Are you all people crazy?
Are your memories hazy?
Remember Anasazi and that fire
He got out even then
And we still do not know how
But Chris Carter has this way
Of making things OK.

So please guys
If you're tempted to be asking
That Question that's so tasking
Or wonder if this is the last season.
Remember this and grin
Cause newbies come and newbies go
We won't really spoil the show
For those who ask and do not know
"X in the Window?"

Author: Martha

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