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Computer Literacy
BCIS 1010, 3 Semester Credits
Fall Semester 1999


Instructor: Ms. Ann Gordon
CEU – Moab Higher Education Center; Office Phone: 259-7257
Instructor Contact: Available for awhile immediately after class; also available at the college Computer Lab at various times Monday through Thursday when not teaching other classes. I will be able to meet personally with students most any time I am not teaching. If you need assistance, you can leave a message with CEU or you can call me at home.
Instructor E-mail addresses: and
Your E-mail messages will reach me faster if you use the address.

Class Time:
Tuesday and Thursday, 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.     First Class: August 24, 1999   •   Last Class: December 16, 1999

Course Materials:
Ten (10) blank Floppy Disks, 3.5 inch, High Density
New Perspectives for Office 97 Professional Edition, Enhanced
by Parsons, Oja, et al. Course Technology, 1998; ISBN: 0-7600-5798-2

Course Resource:
Course Technology maintains an extensive Web site for students and faculty using their texts. Access this site at and you will find both sales and support pages (see the inside cover of your textbook). Students may go directly to the Student Files used in the tutorial assignments by going to: These files generally download in compacted (or zipped) format and have to be "unzipped" for use. Most of the time, I will do this and copy the necessary files onto the floppy disks for you. If you lose or misplace a disk and you cannot locate me, you can recreate your own disk from this site.

No prerequisites required, though some typing skills and computer experience will be helpful.

Course Description:
This course uses the Microsoft Office program suite to teach students basic Windows 95, word processing, data processing, spreadsheet, graphics, presentation, and Internet skills. Following the completion of this course, students will be able to utilize the programs in Microsoft Office 97 for business as well as personal use. The course also covers computer terminology, simple hardware maintenance and upgrades, and computer ethics. This course can be used fulfill the Computer Literacy (CL) requirement for CEU graduation.

Course Learning Objectives:

  1. To provide students with the knowledge and skills required to use an integrated computer package, specifically the applications included in the MSOffice 97 Suite.
  2. To help students acquire marketable skills for enhanced employment opportunities.
  3. To teach students proper computer techniques for designing and producing various types of word processing documents.
  4. To teach students how to create and format spreadsheets, as well as how to write and use mathematical formulas.
  5. To strengthen student knowledge of computer database functions, including inputting, processing, querying and outputting data.
  6. To acquaint students with the common commands and techniques used in working with the Windows 95 desktop and applications.
  7. To show students how to create computer presentations as well as how they can be used in front of a group.
  8. To familiarize students with ways of integrating data from one Office 97 application to another.
  9. To help students understand how copyright laws pertain to data and graphics posted on the Internet and available in software packages.
  10. To strengthen the student's skills in accuracy, proofreading, formatting, and working under pressure.
  11. To strengthen student skills in reading and following oral and written instructions.

Outcomes Assessment:
Students must demonstrate skills and knowledge by completing assignments in each of the applications covered. Students will need to send and receive E-mail messages, create Word and Excel documents, understand how tables and queries work in Access, and create a PowerPoint presentation. Students should complete assignments and hand them in on time, answer terminology test questions, and write answers to textbook Quick Checks. When students can successfully create documents and/or complete assignments within a given time frame, they will have learned the concepts.

Testing and Assignments:
Tests will usually be announced in advance. Assignments will be given from the textbook as well as handouts. Assignments will be graded according to how well the student followed directions. Assignments handed in late will have points deducted. Students will be asked not to complete homework assignments during the class lecture and demonstration. It is important for the whole class that students pay attention during lesson presentation.
If students anticipate being absent from class, they should hand in assignments before the absence or before the next classtime. Makeup tests and quizzes will be given after the scheduled test date only if prior arrangements have been made. If prior arrangements are not made, students will take the alternate test, which will be more difficult. Any student caught copying or cheating on a homework assignment will receive a Zero on that assignment; this includes handing in someone else's work as one's own.

Classes will start promptly. Students are expected to be on time and to attend regularly. Lecture notes and class outlines will be available for each class; these will list subjects covered that day, assignments due, test dates and homework. If you miss a class, be sure to get one of these outlines from the instructor or from the office. Poor class attendance can affect a student's final grade because we cover much material each class period. In addition, the instructor presents material that is not in the textbook. For most people, there is a direct correlation between attendance and test/assignment performance.

Evaluation and Grading:
Class and Homework Assignments (50%)
Written and Demonstration Tests (50%)

Assignment Grading:

  1. Assignments are worth from 10 to 50 points and are due before the beginning of class.
  2. Late assignments are worth 2/3 credit.
  3. In-class assignments are due at the end of class unless otherwise specified.
  4. Only ONE assignment can be redone, provided the original assignment was handed in on-time and was completely finished before being submitted to the instructor.

Final Grades:
Final grades will be based on the following scale:

      94-100 = A                76- 79 = C+
      90- 93 = A-               73- 75 = C
      86- 89 = B+               70- 72 = C-
      83- 85 = B                59- 69 = Ds
      80-82  = B-               58 or Below = Eeek

Incomplete grades will be given according to the existing CEU policy on Incompletes, as outlined in the CEU catalog. The student can request an Incomplete grade when unable to complete the class work because of serious illness, death in the family or other legitimate reason. Incomplete grades will be given at the discretion of the instructor. You must complete the coursework of an Incomplete class the next time the course is offered or within a year, whichever occurs first.

Lab Use:
This course requires students to spend enough time on a computer so that most of the program functions become second nature. If the student does not have a computer at home, then time should be budgeted for work in the computer lab so that assignments can be properly completed. Lab hours will be posted the first week of class.
Printing: Remember, you may be limited in the number of pages you can print, so check your work well before printing by proofing it on the screen, checking Print Preview, and making sure you are not going to print more pages than anticipated. Special care should be taken when printing pages from the Internet. Make certain you perform a Print Preview before printing pages from a Web site.

Computer Literacy Exam:
At the end of this class, students will be given an opportunity to take the CEU Computer Literacy exam. Students must pass this test with a score of 80% or higher in order to meet the requirements of USU. The CL test is not part of this course and the CL test grade does not affect the student's grade for this course. However, the Computer Literacy course is designed to adequately prepare students for this CL exam. If you can successfully complete the assignments in this course, you should be able to pass the CL test at the required proficiency rate.

Syllabus Changes:
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus and other class policies at any time. Any such changes will be announced in class, but all students will be responsible for the changes even if not in attendance the day the change was announced.

Obtaining Help:
I do not have regular office hours on campus. You may leave a message for me at the office to call you regarding a problem or need for consultation. You can call me at home; the office has my number. Although I reserve the time immediately preceding a class for preparation, I am generally available for an extended time after class and at other times when I am at the college. Please talk to me if you have questions.

I look forward to working with all of you; thank you for taking the class.

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