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Linny's Mountain Home Page

Linny's Mountain Home Page

Mountain Links

My Mountain Home
My Mountain Church
Utah Skies

Health Links

My Weight Loss Story

More Links

STOP Domestic Violence
Dedicated to "Koona"
Lessons From The Geese
Sand Sculptures
Save An Aussie
Spot's Corner

Medical Transcription Links

MT Networking
Getting Started

Educational Links

Animal Planet
Discovery Channel

The Art of Web Page Building

Free Web Building Help.
Angelfire's best homepage of the month.
Pongo's HTML Tutorial and More.

Hello! Welcome to Linny's Mountain Home Page. My name is Linda (Linny), and I live in the beautiful and pristine mountains of Northeastern Utah. I'm married to a great guy named, Lenny. He's a pastor. We've been married for twenty five years. We have an 18-year-old daughter named, Alexandra(Alex). She is our joy. My interests and hobbies include hiking, biking, camping, skiing, water sports, dancing and anything that has to do with "cyber" space. Currently, I'm working at the Park City School District as a coordinator for a literacy program called "I Can Read." If you would like to learn more about becoming a volunteer tutor then click here.
I used to work for a medical transcription networking center website called MT Daily as an archivist and monitor. You can read all about that here. If you are interested in finding out more about getting started in medical transcription, then click on this link.
My website will most likely be ever evolving, so feel free to check back every once in awhile to see what's new. But now that you're here, take a break, enjoy the music, and your mountain journey with me.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. I hope you have enjoyed your stay! Please come back and visit again. ~Linny

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