Movie Index Welcome to our movie page! Each short movie contains original music, lyrics, and nature photography, which is designed to be uplifting and inspirational. *Note: It is best to view the files with a highspeed internet connection. Video files are large, and even a short video file can take over an hour to view on a dialup connection.
Serenity We are not alone. There is one whom we can turn to for guidance and inspiration...Jesus Christ, our Savior, who gave his life for us. He is always there to give instruction, but he honors each person's free agency. Whether we follow his counsel, or a different path, it is our choice. He hopes that we will choose his path because doing so will lead us to happiness, and he wants us to be happy. He loves us, and misses us, and wants us to return home to him.

Length: 7 min 57 sec.

Prairie Dawn God has given us many wondrous gifts; fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink, good food to nourish us. He has blessed us with abundant beauty in nature that sustains us, uplifts us, and inspires us...and God has given each of us talents. Through faith, obedience, and effort, we can enlarge these talents and use them to help each other.

Length: 6 min 16 sec.

Amnesty The Lord knows that life isn't easy, but He is there to help us work through our difficult trials. Through the scriptures, He has given instructions and guidelines for us to follow so that we may grow and learn to be like Him. By following His counsel and doing what's right here, we truly can obtain happiness; for the Lord loves us, and wants each of us to be happy.

Length: 4 min 59 sec.

Beautiful Ideas Beautiful Ideas portrays the creative process one goes through with God as a partner. By listening to the inspirational thoughts sent by God, nurturing and sharing them, we are able to create beautiful masterpieces which can help to inspire each other.

Length: 3 min 55 sec.