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Please choose a form of HTML Coding for the Fantasy Alliance WebRing:

1.The NON-TABLE Format The original, classic format for the WebRing coding...

2.The TABLE Format The newer, neater, more packed format. Better for pages that use FRAMES.

The NON-TABLE Format

Please copy the HTML coding from THIS TEXT file and place it into your HTML document. The fragment should look like what is below...

[The Fantasy Alliance WebRing] [Next Fantasy Alliance Site]

This Fantasy Alliance WebRing site is owned by YOUR_NAME_HERE.

Click for the [ Next | Skip It | Next 5 | Prev | Random ]

Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

The TABLE Format

Please copy the HTML coding from THIS TEXT file and place it into your HTML document. The fragment should look like what is below...

[The Fantasy Alliance WebRing] [Next Fantasy Alliance Site]

This Fantasy Alliance WebRing site is owned by YOUR NAME.

Click for the [ Next | Skip It | Next 5 | Prev | Random ]

Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

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