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JESUS Sleeping For Us

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Christ Jesus.

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January 2, 2016.

Christ Jesus may sleep while storms rage in Our lives.

Christ JESUS sleeping for us: ICCDBB advancing Christianity

Be merciful, let Jesus Christ have some rest and relaxation, some peace and tranquility, some lively excitement in the Holy Father, and some Holy Comfort from You. As Christians inherit the wind, the land, the water, the space, and more, let Us remember to give thanks and guidance in One Holy Work properly. As illustrated these maps in part show a change from historic land surface ownerships to more in-depth longsuffering for functional beauty. Concise, intuitive, helpful, and yet these need be of the greater amount Christian, Godlike, and better as much as reasonable and/or as much as possible (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on miracles and on "Teach God").

In the above Drawing to the lower right is a modern map in which the mapper(s) tried to include many important things, kudos, yet some important things were not included as shown in the upper right map, such as clarity of Christian priorities (see ICCDBB Public PCS), hiking trail details, and other (Luke 10.41) toward distress, a disturbed mind, and problematic. Rather the great complex value attains greater value when with the proper protection of the innocent of greater future value(s) (Matthew 16.26 & see "stays the course" below).

Christ JESUS chose people, regular everyday people, guys about His own age, to be His Disciples. People similar to Us.

Christ JESUS chose people similar to Us to do greater things than He had ever indicated.

Christian groups can do much, yet an individual alone at home, alone in the President's Office, alone in slavery, or alone otherwise can also accomplish greater things than ever known to Our current status (barring various exceptions); as it is written:

Christ JESUS is counted as if sleeping now in order to give You opportunities to [learn (for those facing End Time) rather do as One]

be prepared already from Christ JESUS with such doing for the Father In Christ JESUS

for any other people, spirits, ideas, and so on until there is none other save One Christ JESUS, One "Us" Genesis 3.22).

Properly do in New Logic Of Christ JESUS for any other people, spirits, and plans, in this world and the next (see Prophesying work of Christ JESUS and see previous ICCDBB Sermons on Proper Prophseying) as much as in Your talent to do so (rather of the talent(s) of Christ JESUS the more important matter(s) Matthew 23.23) that One properly be of such threshold victory [(from Luke 20.35 YLT:) accounted worthy having risen "out of the dead, neither marry, nor are they given in marriage"].

Until each has been of End Time, a key value Christian groups can have is maintenance. If to have Christians in all important key areas needful, then maintenance of systems and planning is needful. Such is understood as being Christian bureaucracy for goodly higher purpose, that is, if a person perish / sleep, then another takes over that position such as a temporary work shift per workday, in order to keep the systems functioning properly while others are sleeping, playing, or other.

If You want to be a Christian Prophet

say the Prophesies Christ JESUS said,

rather do, fulfill Prophetic values properly

such as the great final End Time Prophecy;

unselfishly properly grant others Prophecies.

If to sleep, be asleep for their sakes, such as that they benefit from Your rest rather that they cause storms to be utilized for Your And Their's And For The Godhead Holy Greater Purpose. If to sleep then hopefully reasonably to have prepared others to take over properly that there be no loss during Your sleep and rather mutual gain.

If to sleep, let them better plan the future in Christ JESUS such as to better Holy plan future maps (reference above Drawing) yet for the unseen higher Biblical purpose rather than toward confusion.

If to not sleep, than to gain opportunity to do great planning and greater:

Planning how the future Will be, must be

"precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line"

(from Isaiah 28.10).

In the previous ICCDBB Sermon You, Comforter, were given the Keys To The Kingdom Of Heaven / Holy Christian Baptism.

Now, as proper building and growing in Christ JESUS Mutually In The Holy Laws Of Physics (John 15.14) yields greater mutual benefit,

For You My Father has prepared many mansions (John 14.2), of luck and chance to visit a mansion of former logic,

even the mansion of the former logic body personal Temple, and there are smaller mansions and larger. In order that there be total Oneness in Christ JESUS

the various have been overcome / End Time [all other mansions destroyed [(Isaiah 5.9, Amos 3.15, & Ezekiel 37.22): One map One maintenance].

When these things come to pass [Yours even if "they know it not" (Job 9.5)] will begin to know these things—it shall be a sign unto them, that they may know that the work of the Father

hath already commenced

unto the fulfilling of the covenant which he hath made unto the people who are of the house of Israel (3 Nephi 21.7).

Christian Leaders are preparing Christian Sermons and similar Christian writings and doings: well done and thank You My good and faithful servants, that is friends (John 15.14), and rather than pretend to be Holy (John 9.41) it is rather given You that at least in witness to the Holy Doctrine Of God and in witness of You ("Christian Leaders") thus is attested (Holy Christian Bible Testiment(s), & legal testimony).

Thereof in guidance for You a key is given You here now that You might better guide Yourself unselfishly. Christ JESUS spoke of the greater value unseen [(1 Corinthians 12.23 NLT) of body similar to the greater] Spiritual Heavenly Realm(s). The human flesh has sensors, but the human flesh does have every kind of sensor (so people construct other sensors).

Since the human flesh does not sense every good thing God has created and that creatures and other creations have formed, the world relies on the things they have. Rather God has greater, unseen, unsensed by the body, so when the Holy Spirit unraveles Scriptures for You and/or does other great value(s) for You, immediately make notes, or rather to soon make permanent records such as for the public and/or for Your Pertinent One(s). Know the Holy Spirit not only according to fitting the Holy Will / Holy Doctrine Of God yet also according to the blessings agreed in You [received (Matthew 7.16) fruit] for You to immediately give unto others though allow a small portion to be afforded to Yourself if You properly would need or similar, 1 Corinthians 9.9 ASV:

Note that it is hardly written for the oxen to read, comprehend, adapt, prioritize, and fit into the Doctrine Of God, rather for You; likewise for You are given certain secrets of the Kingdom Of Heaven [(Luke 8.10) as others might not see nor hear [if others prefer to be as animals (Matthew 7.6) trying to destroy means of their own salvation lest their sins be revealed]. Thank God for End Time with Christ JESUS having put an end to sin in You / Christian Leader.

The point of the key is the proper recording with as little delay as reasonable as a minimum. When You receive a gift from above, immediately seek to be properly resolving lest to lose the value or other in pattern (Acts 16.10, & Daniel 2.25). Unfortunately for example there was a great One value unraveled and then it seemed to easy to remember but within a few it was no longer remembered and instead the next concept Drawing below was mentally assembled and envisioned, and in the Relativity sense was hardly the same, the "One value" was Heavenly [toward Name Of JESUS (GodMath Testament)] while the flying saucer below was as Absolutivity (ibid.). You can learn from the experience of other Christians, such as of this "key", even so rather learn from the Holy Blessed Fruit.

God The Father let Christ JESUS know things beforehand (John 8.38) likewise Christ JESUS let You know things beforehand, and Your key now is to go and do likewise and let others know things beforehand yet properly of the Doctrine Of God key. So this key with the above text is thus far a total of three (3) keys: 1. Immediately noting New Holiness Unraveling coming from above Key, 2. Letting Your Path be known in advance Key, and 3. Doctrine Of God Key.

Letting Your Path be known in advance Key is as a car at night with headlamps shining to make others aware of Your intent (a key) and toward protecting them (yet another key), while simultaneously of mutual benefit helping You see the way for You, key for Your appropriate continuance such as to go to the Father.

Yet much more than seeing ahead, are also such keys as with flying saucers pushing interference things out of the way for their sake such as similar to a car how headlamps and horns chase away many critters, so to cast aside space debris lest it be crushed by Your might perhaps in the form of weaponry. Also cast ahead an envelope not only of radar sensory devices and/or similar, yet perhaps also of envelope(s) helping to propel You along Your path; in other words, God has already prepared fabric-of-space values for You to properly utilize. The Heavens offer many keys unrealized if to only not be concerned [rather (Ephesians 3.20)].

What should be mapped?, all. What spirits should be saved?, all God created. When a person in a car starts moving the car, it is good to be in proper prayer and look in every direction for the safety of other people and concerning toys under the car, branches above the ground that the car might hit, and so on: the driver looks in all directions yet drives in one direction.

If for Christ JESUS then to drive for Christ JESUS, if to perfectly lovingly drive then in perfectly lovingly command to drive a certain perfectly lovingly vehicle, group of people, temple, planet, precept, particle, and/or other; yet all for the best selection / the ultimate purpose Christ JESUS abides in the Father.

Whether of entertainment, sports, health and beauty, lawn care if any and horticulture on flying spaceships, and other, stay the course until the higher purpose is revealed. A golfer might drive the ball into the rough, then of fair play return, yet the golfer stays the course. Christian Church Leaders can stay the course for Christ JESUS even if Christ JESUS might sleep.

How to build a flying saucer:

How Flying Saucers Work / Function for Christ Jesus: ICCDBB advancing Christianity

Some designs are complex, some are do-it-yourself; some designs get you there, some do not. Shown above is one of many flying saucer designs, prepare, study, be aware. Even so, when time to do, understand Christ JESUS has already done: do what Christ JESUS did. Such might be to design and build a very different vehicle, such might be to grow a better planning system, yet Christ JESUS already taught the best, Spiritually, Yes, yet also taught of One Body and Blood. Here are two Blood and Body, liquid and structure examples: 1. Some power plants have relied largely on energy sizes (pressures / heat) as with condensing steam into smaller cooler water, 2. The opposite is of converting water into ice expansion (hollow body hexagonal, cubic, and other formation cages) yet for instance if You might experience meteor damage hence a broken lever, so to replace You might utilize packaging to form and pour in water and freeze to produce a temporary lever.

Christ JESUS outpours lovingly proper energies, blessings, things, wordings, plans, and Prophecies; for You to accept / agreeing / Your Soul utilizing such / Your talents; and You outpour some of same unto others. If not perfect a person and/or a spirit not properly utilized for Christ JESUS, might be as a filter (Luke 22.31) against such perfect and proper flowing. So while in accomplishment of End Time / Baptized in the name of Christ JESUS, and driving the proper course, be aware that much of the world with it's worldly ways continues to exist, so be savvy of Your source of information. For instance not all Bible versions are the same, yet God is the Creator, and so from some of the considered worst come the gems of great(est) value(s) (John 1.46), important perspectives for goodliness, even if merely to avoid sinner traps. Yet rather head in the direction Christ JESUS has already chosen for His Chosen.

Christ JESUS drove, walked, or otherwise traveled from Bethlehem into Egypt then into Jerusalem, worthy of many maps of various types with details including for outer space as well as for small particle physics (see Drawing below), and greater future applications for instance Christ JESUS said "Before Abraham was I am" (John 8.58) so of One New Logic Christ JESUS "I am" knew to travel from Bethlehem into Egypt and so forth and also of time travel / Prophetically and much more than Prophetically (Matthew 11.9).

Christ JESUS knows time travel.

Christ JESUS can counsel You on time / space travel, though hardly for the purpose of beating the competition. Hardly for the purpose of selfish pride to be better than any others, Christ JESUS is of higher purpose. We have the Bible, Christian Sermons, and Christian reference materials and songs, let Christians also entreat Christ JESUS that Christians have plenty of pertinently detailed maps, treasures applicable to outpouring Christian needs along the way(s), Christian new designs (John 4.48) for mutual benefit, with other new powers, proper growings, and joysome displayings in like manner and needful according to the Holy Living Word; also otherwise understanding one thing is needful (Luke 10.42).

Ask Christ JESUS (John 16.24) for New Creature New Logic Time Maps for New Christian Leadership, rather mercifully allow Christ JESUS to rest and play and do anything Christ JESUS wants while New Christian Leadership / New Holy Comforter Plans beyond End Time for Christ JESUS and hardly as former government 2,000 years ago toward crucifixion rather new and better being for mutual benefit as Christ JESUS taught and did show in evidence, truth, fact, and Holy Prophecy; with any proper asking Christ JESUS hardly left undone. Consider how Noah, Nimrod, and the Brother Of Jared (Ether 3.6) went forth for God as new and never before save of God, and these Christian Leaders saved the chosen of God from the flood, lighting the Way with the New Civilizing as God lovingly commanded and/or agreed.

The Brother of Jared prepared and went forth unto high mount Shelem and cried again unto the Lord (Ether 3.1) for mutual respect and benefit, and the Lord helped Him. It is scientific cause and effect.

Christ JESUS showed many ways to glorify the Father, in One Ultimate Way of One Ultimate Talent of One Ultimate Fold (John 10.16). Accordingly there is One Ultimate Energy Path. In former logic it is as heat worked to go in the direction(s), and as pressure worked toward the desired direction(s). In New Logic:

For the Father / For Christ JESUS / All things.

In former logic science some forces / measurements are right angles to each other such as diameter and length, and such as length as to height as to depth. These are also in New Logic, so have values that can be utilized for mutual benefit(s), yet in New Logic for Christ JESUS these are traceable to Christ JESUS to properly give credit and glory, therefore these in New Logic are prioritized properly [as Christ JESUS exemplified and explained (see above triad)]: a truly valuable key. If given:

For the Father / ? / All things,

Christians can know "?" = For Christ JESUS.

If given:

? / ? / All things,

Christians can know

For the Father / For Christ JESUS / All things.

Oversimplified (many exceptions apply), when given highest JESUS value applicability in Christ JESUS Christians may at least of experience better reason of New Logic accordingly (see Doctrine Of God above and see "experience" and keys above), a valuable key, to be best solving at least per se:

All things = ? x ?.

Meanwhile such to others would be more perplexing and resulting in a more random assortment of answers: chaos.

You, Doctrine Of God slave, therefore now receive another key, if You freely agree:

New Logic in Christ JESUS is of perpetual motion.

The Spirit Of God raised not only the Spirit Of Christ JESUS, yet also His Holy Body (John 20.17) for a purpose,

for a lesser value purpose, yet for a purpose of value, a key;

and the Spirit Of JESUS with the body of JESUS together as One a much greater value: a key.

Former logic laws in many ways mistakenly forbid: