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Unfortunately the above pic sometimes does not appear.

So, what were they trying to tell us?

Starting with the big illustrations, they tell us about the radiant big Sun, likely a standard such as showing the relative size of a beaver or similar animal. Above were perhaps a crescent Moon and Moon. Under the Sun seems to be a tiny distant mountain possibly denoting solstice or equinox. Bigger than the beaver is the big long curvy trail below mid pic, and the sites along the way, such as how animals fit into the trail, so we might find food. Mid bottom of the page seems to be a ladder and a person on top building the ladder, and above to the right a large person is shown with 10 fingers, yet the person's fingers are shown more toward counting, as indicated below at the bottom where there seems to be a drinking hole where animals visit, a pool of water with ripples and a stream flowing to the right. On the left are big people shown. Also on the left are wiggly lines, not likely snakes, more likely water. Throughout are paw-prints to help us identify species. These are important for food, clothing, bedding, and building shelters. Toward the lower right corner is an unusual design, perhaps a waterfall coming from a cave, perhaps a wet cave with possible flood danger, less useful for human cave dwellers as a camp site compared to a dry cave, though worth seeing. Below the "waterfall" is a person and in the corner is a relative size drawing of an animal with horns. We can be thankful. Let us go and do likewise. Here is one of the first known schools of enlightenment. We can imagine it was one of the first revered institutions for future generations. Or we can imagine it was simply stuff some people felt like writing, since we have free choice. In mid pic there is a strongly etched cross. X marks the spot.

Perhaps a decade ago there came an opinion that the T cross or "X" was added in more recent times, according to expert close inspection of the aging of the surface, and that sounds right, though it possible was due to scratching more clearly over an area already scratched. Other info reasonably is that when the original was made there were symbols that looked similar to the objects, such as the Sun looking similar to the Sun rather than similar to the word and letters "Sun". So the T cross or X is a little more symbolic and a more advanced concept than many of the other etchings. The T cross or X is not on the long trail and has no paths leading to it, and while less likely perhaps it was a nearby burial site or represented a geographic formation or big tree.

In trying to depict with accuracy in descriptions, the illustrator would have likely normally not drawn a T cross nor X, and instead a more circular cave, as this (as I think it was) and similar drawings were typically found in caves, and areas similarly protected from weather at overhangs, in Europe [and elsewhere]. Etchings not protected from weather have very distinct surface aging, with surface removal and rounding.

Concerning adding a T cross or X, if there was only an individual person that made the original illustration, then may have been not so goodly that another person add a T cross or X (reference the ICCDBB Main Site link on cave exploration pics with criteria on not destroying yet saving with pristine preserving of items appropriately). Yet if many illustrators were involved in composing the illustration of similar mindedness, then it may have been proper to add illustrative and more advanced symbolic values similar in pattern to writing Chapter 2 of the Book of Genesis, and then Chapter 3, ...and Exodus, and so on.

The first Illustrator that started posting the above information likely knew more concerning the topic than any strangers, newcomers to the region. While that Illustrator may have had goodly intentions, those new to the posting may have found the posting not easy to immediately understand and therefore according to their lack they sinfully may have let it confuse, pain, and anger them, even though that Illustrator seemed to have done much the opposite, to help them as much as possible.

When thinking about Jesus Christ be mindful that instead of dwelling on your personal past limitations, rather rely on Jesus Christ able to help more than anyone has ever helped you previously.

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