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Updates to IDKB

November 26th, 2005: Updated Dance Utah. My Teacher is certified now, and we are doing awesome. Also fixed/eliminated some old links... please email me if you get the chance with more broken things... thanks!

December 14th, 2004: Yes, I Stink... I stink the big one... I haven't updated in forever and a day... it's True... Here are the updates that weren't online:
March: Went on Tour to Northern California
April: Started Dating Fabulous Bryce Shelley.
June: Worked at the BYU clogging and Folkdance Camps, and at Camp Rince Ceol: California.
July: Went to Europe, including Belgium, France, and Switzerland, with the BYU folkdancers.
September: Got engaged, started teaching Irish at BYU.
November: Got Married to said fabulous Bryce Shelley.
December: Three days later, did Christmas Around the World at BYU.
Yup, I stink, I stink real bad... working on it.

September 26th, 2003: Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me... lol, just kidding. It wasn't the best birthday, but whatever...

August 29th, 2003: I MADE PAC!!! I am now a member of the Brigham Young University International Folk Dance Ensemble Performing Arts Company!!!!! Or as it's called, PAC. It's the top Folk Dance team at BYU, and we get to go to France and Belgium this summer!!! I'll start posting pictures soon, but until then you can get the scope of the program by looking at my buddy Masaki's pictures.

August 20, 2003: I'm Back from Camp Rince Ceol! It was a great experience... and if I can just free up some space, I'll post my pictures from all four sessions. CARA BUTLER, I've gotta make you a fanpage, you are awesome. Jean Butler... hmm, we'll see... (not)
June 13, 2003: Well, this is my life... Emailing my Teacher about our capes for Power Academy's new costumes, before ironing another Rinceoiri Don Spraoi's costume for a student, while checking the Utah Scottish Festival schedule to see if I can see An Dragan Ceilteach perform tomorrow, and emailing the McTeggart school to see about an old feis t-shirt for my collection, and insanely curious as to why none of the Shelley school has entered in this year's Utah Feis and Championships. Do Celtic Beat know about the Eileen Martin Workshop, and will anyone from Sean Ceili come? Also, to anyone who can read this, if you know Jill Polkinghorne, tell her that I'm really really sorry that she decided to leave Utah... we need more teachers like her...
June 2, 2003: The Unofficial Bernadette Flynn Tribute Page has been retired after nearly five years of adoration. Thank you to all who have supported her in her dancing. I have added Scottish Dance groups to my Dance Utah page, as well as updated information for each of the groups. Stay tuned!
May 31st, 2003: New Western Region Guy in The Reel Men Page.
May 14th, 2003: New Tunes in the I*D*K*B's Feis Music Collection! and in case you didn't notice, Dance Utah is a new page that has been up, in case you're interested in Irish dance in Utah. Have a great Day!
February 17th, 2003: Added cutie-p'tootie Dillon Casey, and new Western Region Heartthrob Owen Barrington to the Reel Men Page. And I am still accepting pictures of your fave reel men (hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge!)
February 16th, 2003: Yes, drag me out and shoot me, give me lashings with a wet spaghetti noodle for being really really busy at BYU, where I'm TA for the advanced Irish class, in the Celtic Folk music ensemble, and lots of other stuff! But before you beat me, check out Random Irish Dance Thoughts, Edition #9!

December 25th, 2002:Shona Nollaig to all my good friends, fellow dancers and musicians, and to the unfortunate random person who happens upon my site. Have a great holiday break, and don't forget to practice!

November 7, 2002: My Solo dress is arriving today!!!!! I will have tons of pics up as soon as I can... which means in a few months, of course. I am soooooooo excited!

October 23, 2002: Added Lunasa to All strung outEver heard of Geek Farimones? Well, apparently I give them off like a skunk!!!!Not that it's really an update to IDKB... just felt like venting...

September 26, 2002: Its my Birthday!!!!! Feel free to mail me presents!!! I love the stuff in Diochra's new T-shirt and stuff shop, and of course, the prints on Email me for my mailing address!!! and Happy Birthday to ME!

August 21, 2002:Added Elf-fancier to my About Me page. Major block on the Secret Project.

August 8, 2002: Marie of the site Aoibneas, won my exclusive Expert Surfer award! Good Job Marie. go watch the Net. I added Aoibneas to the Irish Knots section. Also, Riana has won 1st in the July Feis! Here is her Champ Photo!. Also, fixed some images on my Natalie fansite.

August 6, 2002: More work on the Secret Project (Dum dum dum). Salivating yet? P.s. The LOTR:FOTR DVD and VHS are out!!!! I WANT! (oh, my birthday is Sept. 26th... hint hint, nudge nudge.)

August 5, 2002: Went to the Utah Feis and Champs this weekend... it was really well run, they got done with solos in no time flat... and they actually had a musician this year... kudos to the committe and all of the winning dancers, you looked fantastic! I just added an award from Irish Dancers Heart... Thanks Iris!

August 1, 2002: IDKB Got the Priobadh Gaelac Award! Yay, thanks Katey!!!! I also removed the Enya Midi from my about me page.

July 31, 2002: IDKB recieved an award from the Hornpiper's Tune!!!

July 25, 2002: Worked on the Secret Project. Hoping to have it completed in time for Oireachtas season, but we'll see. Are you curious yet? Oh, and I added Haste to the Wedding to the Ceol section.

July 18, 2002- Added A Dress Designer's Award from Diochra (about 5 months late!) to Awards.

July 14, 2002- New Tune in the Ceol section.

July 9, 2002: We have a new Reel Men addition. Also added Clickyfeet to my list of links!

July 4th, 2002: Happy Independence Day!!! I found some great stuff on Natalie Sliwinsky and Trinity, take a look at my Natalie Fanpage for more info!

July 2, 2002- Riana cleaned up at this month's Webfeis, winning first in both the Championship and also in the Inter-regional Anniversary Special! Check out Riana's Webfeis to see her awards!

June 24, 2002- Released Irish Dancers Kick Butt... a charmed life. Placed intro dialogue, new logo on EireLibra's Creations pages... some are freaking out, so please be patient while all the bugs are worked out. Please Email me if you find any broken links. Thanks, and Enjoy the little revamp!

June 21, 2002- Lots and lots of cleanup... (aka broken links, broken pics, links that opened in the frames, new colors in most of the pages, etc.) Awarded an Expert surfer award to Ashe.

June 20, 2002- Uploaded new Ceol section.

June 18, 2002- Uploaded Costume pictures.

June 13, 2002- Sorry I haven't been around, folks... remind me not to schedule my redesign in the same time frame as my computer meltdown and double jaw surgery! I put together a new costume page, with all my costumes!

May 29, 2002- I hate Angelfire! I hate dinosaur computers! I hate not being able to work on angelfire because of slow Dinosaur computers!

May 28, 2002- I hope everyone had a great memorial day! I was gone, so I didn't have much time to do anything. Today I worked mainly on the EireLibra's Creations section.

May 23, 2002- Disconnected Page. Uploaded all EireLibra's Creation Files to a new home... when done with that I will have a new link for y'all. Mainly reworking and making new graphics for the redesign. I found a fabric store online, and used a scan of raw silk for the background... cool, huh?