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***********Reel Men************

Pictures of your Favorite Reel Men!
Feel free to send me an Email to Recommend your favorite guy dancer, ones with pictures are the best!

Darren Smith-Trinity

The Western Region's Heartthrob... Owen from Alaska!

Our youngest Reel Man, Dillon Casey, with his Sister Shannon!

Oliver Sach, New Zealand

Chris Conklin, GA

Dean McCarthy, England

Kevin McKee, Las Vegas

Angelo S., California

Raymond Chambers, Corby, England.

Hey, scots must be braver... lookie at that kilt on Bernie Pike, Virginia Nice looking, ay?

And here is Ianfrom VA

Yep, you guessed it, another tribute page... this is my tribute to that rare yet magnificent creature, the Irish dancing male. (rince gaelocha vir viri) He appears very stridently, masked by many of the female gender (rince gaelocha femina). They may compete in Kilts (caledonia subligar) or in pants (pants). Their dancing tends to be more masculine in composition, employing stamps, clicks, and fast movements.
They also seem to be thronged by the female of their species, adored and admired.

Darren Smith is one of the only males in the Touring Trinity Company... he is an excellent dancer and a brave one too (the kilt never lies)
Dillon Casey is a 6-year old Open dancer from England! So cute!
Oliver Sach is a dancer in New Zealand, Open Champion, and he also has a brother closely following him in the ranks. (email him!)
Chris Conklin is a dancer in the Southern US Region, He is in open championships, and is a great guy. (email him!)
Dean McCarthy is a dancer in England, and he is an open championship dancer with the Brooks Academy. (email him!)
Kevin McKee is a dancer in Las Vegas. He is currently non cert, and teaches a group of dance conservatory students. He is also trying out for LOTD T3.. (email him!)
Angelo is a Prelim Dancer in the Western US Region, he Qualified for worlds at this years Western Region Oireachtas! Congrats Angelo!
Ian just barely earned his way into prelim! He dances in the Southern Region with the Rythm of Ireland school. email him!
Ray, 15, is a champion dancer from England, and has placed 36th at the worlds! email him!

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Cheer your fave Reel Man!

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*Irish Dancers Kick Butt!*

10 reasons why Guys should irish dance. (graciously lended from Eowyns site.)

Guys Great Sites!

Oliver Sach NZ
Kevin LV
Dean ENG
Pics of Chris on the Celtic Cafe Dancers group
Reel Men Irish Dancers
Irish Pride- Ian, VA
Clicky Feet- Ray, England