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U.S.W.A. Local 2894


     Local  2894 President      

                        Tony Koski

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the U.S.W.A. Local 2894 newsletter.

   In the first six months of my tenure as president, I have found it to be a very rewarding experience. We have 

many well qualified people on all of our committees, which includes our Executive, Grievance, Negotiating and 

Health and Safety committees. We have a good mixture of long  standing experienced committee members as

 well as newly appointed members with the desire to learn and contribute to the success of both our local and our 


   We are looking into the possibility of having Union training through the International office sometime in the near 

future. This training would include courses for Stewards, Negotiating committee members as well as courses for our

new Health and Safety committee members.

    At this time I would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement.

    In closing, I would like to remind everyone that " The true strength of a union lies in the solidarity of it's membership"


    In Solidarity

    Tony Koski


    USWA Local 2894

Your Union Executive :

  • President - Tony Koski
  • Vice President - Kevin Baker
  • Recording Secretary- Gary Kennedy
  • Financial Secretary- Karen Chute
  • Treasurer- Lee Correia
  • Guide- Pat Duggan
  • Inside Guard - John Billings
  • Outside Guard - Chris Van Trigt
  • Trustees - Peter Ashman , Ken Wylie, Bill Bowdring


Stewards By Dept.     

Chief Steward   - Gary Kennedy

Dept. 08     Micheal Shubert           Brian Sage

Dept. 15     Dougal Reid                  Lional Skanes

Dept. 17     Margaret Cordon           Amanda Boyd

Dept. 22     John Dwyer

Dept. 26     Chris Hall                     Rick Britton                   Brad Richards

Dept. 27     Curtis Penny                 Ken Bruce

Dept. 29     Geoff Gignac               Troy Cowie

Dept. 52/61  Chris Van Trigt           Gino Feletto

Dept. 54/65  Wade MacPherson      Tony Capa


 Announcements: If you have a birthday, retirement or an

anniversary that you would like to appear here please contact the editor.

Editors Note :  With this newsletter we hope to be able to get information out to our members, that cannot for good reasons, get out to our monthly meetings. There is still no substitute for attending regular meetings to know what truely is going on within the local, so this newsletter is not intended to replace just supplement the information from these meetings.

We feel that in these times of cutbacks, lay-offs and cancellations we must have better communications with the locals membership. We will welcome any input, whether  it be articles or announcements, or just suggestions to what you would like to see on these pages.

Chris Van Trigt


Regular Monthly Meeting First Monday Of Every Month


Contact Information

519-                  ext 335
Postal address
500 Conestoga Blvd, Cambridge On,
Electronic mail
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Last modified: January 18, 2004