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Counter-Strike Maniacs

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CopyRight 2004

The Circulation of this paper has been strictly limited.
It is issued for the personal use of ...

The Counter-Strike Maniacs Code of Conduct
Adhere to all the given rules!
If you fail to comply with any of the following rules, you will be considered for dismissal from the clan :

1. You must respect the decisions of you're Superiors
All Clan Leaders have the final say in everything.

2. You must be in IRC at least twice a week and check the website regularly
This is to show that you are still an active participant of Csm,
and to keep you informed of the latest news (Clannies, New Recruits, etc)

3. Promote the clan as much as possible
It is everybody's duty in the Clan to encourage and promote the clan in every possible way.
This also includes the wearing of the “Csm” CS tag. You are NOT permitted to wear the tag in mIRC.

4. Do not cause trouble on the servers
If you carry the “Csm” Tag, you belong to the Csm group, and so your actions reflect back onto the clan.
That is why your behavior on ANY server should at all times be a positive reflection of the clan.

5. Be helpful
Try and be as helpful as you can. Do not be troublesome towards members and/or anyone else.

6. Play at your best
As we are striving to be one of the better clans in SA, we need to keep our CS performance up,
and so if you are seen to be slacking and not putting the same amount of effort in as in the beginning,
you could be dropped from the team you are in, or even kicked from the clan.

7. Stay Updated
To defeat your enemy you have to know more than him, so you are instructed to join the Irc #Csm and the IRC channel
at least twice a week to stay fully updated on what is happening and it is recommended that you visit the Counter-Strike Maniacs Site at least once a week.

8. Going away for a LONG time (more than 2 Weeks)
If you are planning on leaving for a time period longer than 2 weeks you must inform one of the Leaders or Co-Leaders
at least 3 days before the time. We will not accept any excuses afterwards.

9. Clan Meetings/Practices
These events will be held, to discuss any issues that have occurred during that week.
If you do not attend these meetings and something is decided which you are not aware of and you are in disagreement with that decision,
you will not be able to change it. That is why you have to attend these meetings.
Clan Practices will be held When we can
Please be in the #Csm Channel 10 minutes before the time to discuss arrangements.

10. Warnings!:
Warnings are issued to members, who do not attend important meetings or clan practices.
When the member has accumulated a total of 3 warnings, he/she will be removed from the Clan, with immediate effect.
Csm is striving to become one of the better clans in South Africa,
and so to achieve this we have to be professional in all the activities we aim to achieve.
That is why we have implemented these rules and regulations.
If you fail to comply with any of the aforementioned rules, you will be considered for dismissal from the clan.

And Finally… Have FUN.

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