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The word 'Buddha' is a title, it means 'one who is awake' in the sense of having 'woken up to reality and become enlightened, understanding life in the deepest way possible. Buddha discovered enlightenment. During this experience he found the answer to end suffering. He saw that suffering was caused by man’s craving and greed, but there was a state of perfect peace and bliss in which greed, hatred and ignorance were absent. He referred to this state as Nirvana.

It has been estimated that there are over 350 million followers of Buddhism around the world. In some countries it is the prominent religion. It is becoming increasingly popular in many Western countries including the UK, continental Europe and the USA. There are two kinds of Buddhists. Lay followers who live everyday lives, and monks and nuns who dedicate their whole lives to the Buddha's teachings. Buddhism urges us all to be kind to all living things, to practise generosity, to act responsibly and take responsibility for our actions, to be honest and truthful, and to keep the mind clear.

The happiness Buddah is sometimes called the Hotei Buddah, and he usually has a string of pearls. The pearls represent wisdom and knowledge, so the North-east of the home or room would be an ideal spot for him. Welcome him into your home and be blessed with an abundance of wealth and wisdom. Kuan Yin is the goddess of mercy and compassion (not shown here, but we have plenty in stock). She is the protector of women and children. She should be placed in the North-west, for helpful friends and mentors or the West for children and creativity sectors of your home. Always remember to give her an elevated position. A Kuan Yin image is the perfect gift for anyone thinking of starting a family or a family with young children.

The large Happiness Buddah holding a large sack on his back and is said to carry all of your troubles away. His tummy is symbolic of material and spiritual wealth. Place him in a south-east position in your home or office for wealth luck. Rub his tummy for luck but remember to give him thanks when luck comes your way.

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