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Christian aid
EUHPP Khartoum
British Embassy Khartoum

Christisn aid Khartoum 
/Christian Aid Small Grants ( Khartoum Committee 
Income support to poor families(5800 $)
Training of 26 women in small business management, 14 in para-veterinary basis and 55 as sub committees at the working sites. Distribution of 150 chicken for 25 poor families, 35 families benefited from small retailing activity support either as individuals or as groups. In addition to support of vet drugs which utilized to treat sick goats and chicken by the trained women. Furthermore some of the support utilized as office stationery, desks, computer battery and slight maintenance for 


2/ EU HPP micro projects 
Improve nutritious status of IDP women (50000 Euro)

-          Literacy course as on going activity

-          Paravets training

-         Purchase and transportation of shoes making unit

-         Staff and volunteers training

-         Distribution of poultry

-         Distribution of milky goats

-         Support to female poor students at the basic school level

-         Strengthening courses for poor male and female for basic education graduates (eighth level)

-         Leadership training for women committees

-         Establishment of groups and individuals retailing shops

-         Staff salaries, per diem   and office management cost

-         Repair for old vehicle and purchase of used vehicle 



3/ British Embassy Khartoum
Institutional and Income Support For IDP women  (14000$)

The project is institutional and income support for poor families in Sinkat area , mainly the support was for  shoes making units operate manually ,  but through the EU & CIDA support the society managed  to bring machinery factories , so the thinking is now to utilize this allocated fund in materials for the women in the three sites.



4/ CIDA 
Support of income to poor families (10000 $)

-          Improve family income sources through employment of jobless members in each family, Through out the year.

-          Improve the community organizational capacity and provide the necessary skills to fulfill the work.



Annual report 2004





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