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WELCOME         AITANAINA                 MARAHIB

               ABU HADIA        SOCIETY       FOR WOMEN       AND 






Eastern Sudan’s citizens achieve rightful and responsible leadership through vibrant human and social capital base in which balanced and fair power relations are peacefully distributed and circulated




Improve the social, economic, and cultural standards of eastern Sudan’s citizens so that they can shape their future in a sustainable manner.




Improve the living conditions of 25,317 beneficiaries in Red Sea State through promotion of their livelihoods and basic social services/facilities, building of their capacity, and peaceful advocacy for claiming their rights and assuming responsibilities in the period 2007-2010, with special emphasis on women and girls.





NGO Profile

-          The society initiated in 1985 in Sinkat – Rural Red Sea Hills – Sudan

-          It aim to improve the livelihood conditions of the poor with concentration on women

-          It named after Dr. Mohammed Bidri Abu Hadia for his unprecedented     efforts   in the female education support

-          It is now working in the Red Sea Hills area in Sudan.

The society have got more than 250 members and volunteer cadre who are engaged in other NGOs and fill high positions in the public secter. More than 200 Ahfad girls university graduates are registered as part - timer committed volunteers .

                    - The Society have got good relations with sister NGOs and donors in / outside Sudan

                    - On going projects are now funded through the following donors


                                - EU Humanitarian plus - micro projects - Khartoum      

                                                 Self help and nutritional awareness among  Sinkat rural women

                                  - Christian Aid ( Khartoum )

                                                    Support to poor families in Sinkat area

                                     - British Embassy ( Khartoum )

                                           Income and institutional support to poor families

                                     - CIDA Canada International and Development agency

                                           Income support to 60 families in Sinkat

                                      - Environment trust for Africa - Canada 

                                         Training of women in Manual looms 

                                        - Livelihoods and awareness from French Embassy in Khartoum 

                                             - Water , IGAs, Girls Education problems and health awareness.

                                       - Awareness and training programme for women - IRI

                                                      Training and education of women in leadership and organization skills

                                      - Land and women rights promotion project - EIDHR - EU

                                                        Address land dispute issues among the Beja tribes in Red Sea State and FGM awareness project , in addition to education support focus on girls education.

                                      - Oxfam Canada capacity building project  2006 - 2010

                                          Address the NGO capacity and support the NGO to achieve its mandate   in appropriate

Contact Information

Postal address
Port Sudan - Hai Elshati - Block 2 Ohsien towl
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Last modified: September 7  /2006


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