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Welcome to the 6 Elements Homepage

      My name is Chris and I just started to make a website. I started it from HTML Goodies. This site will be updated every monday-friday. This site is deticated to Breakdancing.

I will be putting pics and videos of the team at pratice or events. We practice every Wednesday after school and at home when we can. The Team started last year by juniors and a sophmore.(David, Eddy, Ed, Jimmy, Mike and John) Jimmy has transfered schools and Mike is bussy with work. This year Me (Chris), Alex, Sam, Ray, and Rob, joined the team. You can check the Team by the link above. Hope you enjoy what i got, peace.

What is Breakdancing?

         Breakdancing has been a major element of the Hip-Hop culture. From the beginning, breakers have displayed mind blowing acrobatics. In addition to displaying such stunts, breakdancing also encompasses the many of the laws of physics. With every kick, twist, and spin, physics has played a major role. Breakers have seemed to have been "defying the laws of physics" for decades now. However, in truth, breakers have been using physics in order to manipulate their bodies to display this form of art known as breakdancing


*This site is currently under construction, sorry for the Inconvenience.*