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Mr. Khursheed Warsi is prolific writer and a research scholar of the the first water. He has several standard books of national and international character written both in English and urdu to his credit.The present book, "Status Of Women In Islam" a welcome addition to contemporary islamic literature, offers a comparative study of several writers on same issue which covers not only the problems of the Muslim women but also those of the west.I believe that he book shell equally draw the attention of the women of the Estate as well as those of the West and may b a blessing for the both.

Prof.S.M.Mahfuz Ali
Adjunct Professor of
English at
S.Z. Islamic Centre,
University of Karachi.


A Muslim-Christian dialogue, for the first time in the history of Pakistan
Continue with the Introduction
Book: Status of women in Islam



The book is a collection of highly readable articles on the subject written by perceptive Mislims scholars, both Pakistani and foriegn. The book simply presents different opinions alongwith h
is own viewpoint.The articles and annotations are persuasive enough to solve the enigma in the light of islamic
Shariah. it is a praisworthy effort effort and merit wide readership by the muslims and non-muslims alike, because the women in the west and the east do not enjoy the rights and respect which Islam confers on the weaker sex. The orthodox Christianity
considers woman as an "evil" " other of all human ills" and the "door of hell".In contrast, the Musim woman
enjoy equal respect with man. The Holy Quran says
" We have created all human-beings to be equally worthy of
. (17:70).


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