IRE Combat Logs

All logs are put in order of newest to oldest, with their dates labeled on the side (dd/mm/yyyy).

Edhain - Paladin (21/6/2009)
Bloodloch vs Enorian War (20/6/2009)
Anya - Cabalist (26/2/2009) Shortly after liaison rounds

Macian - Werebear (27/6/2008)
Desian - Indorani (8/4/2008)
Team FFA - Using Retard and Hailstorm (25/2/2008)

Bloodbath + Use of the Aiming artipower (6/12/2007)
Draiman - Vampire (28/6/2007)
Acino - Vampire (27/5/2007)

Daius - Werebear (9/11/2006)
2 Werebears and 4 Daru OOA (17/10/2006)
Retardation Assault - Irruel, Yos, Osai, plus more!(16/10/2006)
FFA - Zyphen and Sayde (7/10/2006)
Sanosuke - Werebear (18/6/2006)
Essisisormo - Luminary (28/4/2006)
Bloodbath (16/2/2006)
Wedric - Druid (21/1/2006)

Exodus - Syssin (29/12/2005)
SDI, round 2 (3/12/2005)
SDI, round 1 (3/12/2005)
Enorian Sewers, Osai and me - Osai's Perspective (28/11/2005)
Xarian - Cabalist (7/11/2005)
Strung - Bloodborn (6/11/2005)
FFA - Lowen, Inaeternum, Ravek, Daskalos (23/10/2005)
Luthien - Indorani (23/10/2005)
Metheri - Vampire (13/9/2005)
Rlift - Monk (3/9/2005)
Strung - Bloodborn (2/9/2005)
Dourif - Druid (24/7/2005)
Bilexius - Vampire (16/7/2005) The log where I first tested my herb balance
Kaestrin - Daru (27/6/2005)
Shrine of Ascension, log 2 (26/6/2005)
Shrine of Ascension, log 1 (26/6/2005)
Inaeternum - Infernal (4/5/2005) Pre-herb balance
Resiak - Sentinel (16/4/2005) Overpowered mauls, ow
War Fight - Povox, Zhukov, Thrasius (15/4/2005) lol buggy shine
Shrine of Ascension - Carly and Caboose (1/4/2005)
Sotere - Monk (1/4/2005)

Vasilus - Sentinel (27/10/2004)

Haven, Nicci - In the Wastes (08/05/2009)
FFA - Kadvar, Ishin, Zion, Illidan (28/01/2009)

Serivalis - Bloodborn (25/12/2008) Frozen pound
Anya - Cabalist (18/9/2008)
Ashtan Group - Desian, Mazzion, plus others (7/8/2008)
Ryryk - Magi (25/7/2008) first real test of my salve tracker
Jeromy - Druid (21/7/2008)
Noon - Infernal (9/5/2008)
Fight within Ciem - Kadvar, Zhukov, Kylari, Enliel (15/4/2008)

Xarian - Bloodborn (8/3/2007)
Ezrax - Cabalist (5/3/2007)
Kylan - Daru (28/2/2007)
Uthegen - Sentinel (10/1/2007)
Daius - Werebear (10/1/2007)


FFA - Alrion (9/3/2006)

The client used in these logs is MUSHclient.

*** LAST UPDATED 21/06/2009 ***

If you would like to contact me about anything here, you can send me an AIM on Legacy Kikon, or you can leave me an email.
All logs come from Iron Realms Entertainment games, you can see and play them all at