H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric grins and nods.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
say how many tickets did you buy?
You say, "How many tickets did you buy?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "Your ticket numbers: 160 202 203 204 205 206 403 408 410 412
414 416 418 420 422 424 426 428 430 432 434 436 438 440 442 444 446 448 450 452
454 456 458 460 462 464 466 468 470."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "Times that by two."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "Since whenever I buy a ticket, I buy one for Lyne as well."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric ...
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "..."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric ill laugh if i win and you dont
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Ill laugh if i win and you dont."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric ive got three tickets
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Ive got three tickets."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "I'll cry."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric *grin*
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "*grin*."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Rising higher in the sky, the sun illuminates the land, confining darkness to 
the shadows.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Unranked."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
say aye, i dont want ranked
You say, "Aye, i dont want ranked."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
take sovereigns from pack
You get 79348 gold sovereigns from a canvas backpack.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
give 500 gold to wedric
You give 500 gold sovereigns to Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric throws down the gauntlet and issues a formal challenge to face him in 
single combat. ACCEPT WEDRIC in order to do so.
look at WEDRIC
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]He is a Human and is a muscular figure, looking to
 be about five feet, eleven 
inches tall when standing. Looking drained, his face has a haggard and pale 
appearance. Yet, as if drawing strength from an unknown source, he holds 
himself strong and confidently. His eyes are eerie, for a hazel-brown iris is 
surrounded by a pale malachite color where the whites should be. Strangely 
enough, the pupils are malachite green as well. His thick brown hair falls down
to his shoulders, and has a strange green taint to it. Flakey-white markings of
second-degree burns are visible on the skin not covered by his clothes. He is 
a fiery ring
an herbal haversack
a necklace set with ruby and onyx beads
a mysterious obsidian ring
a Morgun amber band
a plain leather weaponbelt
a silver ring bearing the word "Firelash"
a suit of steel chain mail
a pack sewn of human flesh
a beaded necklace made of onyx
a pair of grey trousers
plain brown boots
a plain belt
a grey shirt
a plain grey cloak

H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
accept wedric
Caves in the Arena.

You see exits leading east, south and west.
You accept Wedric's challenge, and enter the portal, ready to do battle.
enemy Wedric
order entourage kill Wedric
outc moss
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]Wedric is now one of your enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You have no entourage.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the
 cache to 168.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
outc pentagon
outc disc
spin pentagon
spin disc
embed reverberation
You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 280.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 224.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]All your reflections wink out of existence!
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
outc moss
eat moss
You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the cache to 167.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
Moss eatting reflex is now ON

Wedric tells you, "Bah, I have no moss, hm."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
Rebound Reflex is now ON

A barely heard tone echoes through the room.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
Mass Reflex is now ON
apply mass

You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pyramid
outc diamond
spin pyramid
spin diamond
embed forest
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
smoke pipe133451
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your skin.
Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 234.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 228.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
A forest of small sharp crystals rises up from the ground.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc egg
outc disc
spin egg
spin disc
embed tremors
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in the
 cache to 221.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 223.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins to
 hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
As the tremors vibration embeds itself, a low rumbling can be heard.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
outc cube
spin diamond
spin cube
embed revelation
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "Lemme borrow one piece? *flutter*."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 227.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 crystal cube, bringing the total in
 the cache to 249.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a crystal cube, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
wedric harvest one
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Harvest one."
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
A crystal-clear tone permeates the air.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc disc
outc polyhedron
spin disc
spin polyhedron
embed adduction
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 222.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 254.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs -b]
Wedric tells you, "...I cant."
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs -b]
A feeling of oppression, as if the air is compressing into you, overcomes you.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs -b]
wedric oh right
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Oh right."
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed alarm
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 252.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3249 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3249 B:100% [cs -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3249 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [cs -b]
A loud ringing sound momentarily fills the air.
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
outc polyhedron
spin cylinder
spin polyhedron
embed stridulation
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 231.
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 253.
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [cs -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
A high-pitched keening sound fills the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pentagon
spin pentagon
embed dissipate
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 279.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
A low, thrumming vibration fills the air.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed disorientation
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 251.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
Your surroundings distort momentarily.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc polyhedron
spin polyhedron
embed energize
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 252.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [cs -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3474 B:100% [cs -b]
A slightly charged, vibrating circle of energy appears on the ground and then 
fades from view.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
spin cylinder
embed palpitation
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 230.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3249 B:100% [cs -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3249 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3249 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc cylinder
outc spiral
spin sphere
spin cylinder
spin spiral
embed dissonance
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 74.
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 229.
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 250.
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [cs eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3319 B:100% [cs -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3319 B:100% [cs -b]
A dissonant hum fills the air.
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc egg
spin sphere
spin egg
embed harmony
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 73.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in the
 cache to 220.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins to
 hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
A pleasant harmony wafts by.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
spin diamond
embed oscillate
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 226.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3474 B:100% [cs -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3474 B:100% [cs -b]
A multi-toned, discordant music is faintly heard.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs eb]
The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1129
Forest              Kikon                         1134
Tremors             Kikon                         1139
Revelation          Kikon                         1145
Adduction           Kikon                         1150
Alarm               Kikon                         1156
Stridulation        Kikon                         1161
Dissipate           Kikon                         1166
Disorientation      Kikon                         1171
Energize            Kikon                         1176
Palpitation         Kikon                         1181
Dissonance          Kikon                         1186
Harmony             Kikon                         1192
Oscillate           Kikon                         1197
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric come get some moss then

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Come
 get some moss then."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
give moss to wedric
You detect nothing here by that name.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Caves in the Arena.
A small forest of sharpened crystals protrudes from the ground.
You see exits leading east, south and west.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
No worries. You're not a selfish bastard as is.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
unenemy vasilus
Vasilus Eskanryia is not currently an enemy of yours.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You are now targeting 'wedric'
unenemy wedric
You declare that Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion will no longer be one of 
your enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
cast waterweird at me
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You summon a water weird to assist you in water
H:3926 M:3644 B:100% [cs -b]
outc bayberry
eat bayberry
You remove 1 bayberry bark, bringing the total in the cache to 39.
H:3926 M:3644 B:100% [cs -b]
You eat some bayberry bark.
Your eyes dim as you lose your sight.
H:3926 M:3644 B:100% [csb -b]You are already an insomniac.
H:3926 M:3544 B:100% [csb -b]
outc hawthorn
eat hawthorn

You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csb -b]You remove 1 hawthorn berry, bringing the total in
 the cache to 44.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csb -b]You eat a hawthorn berry.
The world around fades to silence as you lose your hearing.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Your mind is already touched by the Under King.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have already filled your mind with clarity.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "God I hate when Mush decides to lock up."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric heh, mine never does that
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Heh, mine never does that."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "Try."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "Cry."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A gateway of light blazes into existence before your eyes.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric steps in through an ethereal portal.
He is followed by a soulmaster, a mighty gryphon, and a swarm of bees.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric come get some moss then
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Come get some moss then."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
"Meh," you utter noncommitally.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
The corners of Wedric's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
give moss to wedric
You give some irid moss to Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Thanks."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric leaves to the east, a wyvern reflected in his eyes.
He is followed by a soulmaster, a mighty gryphon, and a swarm of bees.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel your density return to normal.
apply mass
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on
 your skin.
Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1026
Forest              Kikon                         1031
Tremors             Kikon                         1036
Revelation          Kikon                         1042
Adduction           Kikon                         1047
Alarm               Kikon                         1053
Stridulation        Kikon                         1058
Dissipate           Kikon                         1063
Disorientation      Kikon                         1068
Energize            Kikon                         1073
Palpitation         Kikon                         1078
Dissonance          Kikon                         1083
Harmony             Kikon                         1089
Oscillate           Kikon                         1094
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast ring
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You call upon the power of the elements to extend the life of your vibrations.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric bah, ill have to put up with that gryphon
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Bah, ill have to put up with that
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Kikon, and Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "Hehe."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "I'm ready."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1169
Forest              Kikon                         1169
Tremors             Kikon                         1169
Revelation          Kikon                         1169
Adduction           Kikon                         1169
Alarm               Kikon                         1169
Stridulation        Kikon                         1169
Dissipate           Kikon                         1169
Disorientation      Kikon                         1169
Energize            Kikon                         1169
Palpitation         Kikon                         1169
Dissonance          Kikon                         1169
Harmony             Kikon                         1169
Oscillate           Kikon                         1169
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric ok go
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Ok go."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc sphere
outc torus
spin sphere crystal
spin torus crystal
embed sonicportal wedric
You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 72.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "K."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 torus crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 76.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a finely sculpted crystal
 torus, and it begins to hover in 
the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A piercing sound cleaves through the air.
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A portal opens in the air in front of you, edges vibrating madly.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc pyramid
spin pyramid
embed focus
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You step through a sonic portal.
Centre of Grove of Valor.
The shimmering form of a soulmaster floats in the air. A mighty gryphon rests 
regally in the shadows. A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby. Wedric 
Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here, wreathed about in roots. He wields a 
sharpened quarterstaff in his hands.
You see exits leading north and east.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 233.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:3441 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3441 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:2553 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2553 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A mighty gryphon slashes you viciously.
H:2358 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2968 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A chorus of vibrating tones can be heard.
H:2968 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2968 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast flood

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2968 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast flood
Summoning the elemental waters, you magically flood the ground.
H:2968 M:3154 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2968 M:3154 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3164 M:3339 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2718 M:3339 B:100% [csdb -b]
A mighty gryphon slashes you viciously.
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:2018 M:3339 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2410 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami

Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:1522 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:1522 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:1522 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami
cast tsunami

You bleed 47 health.
H:1475 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1475 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:1475 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:1475 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1671 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1671 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast tsunami
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You summon a massive wave to rid this place of those around you.
H:1671 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

A mighty gryphon slashes you viciously.
H:1491 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1491 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:1491 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1491 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:1491 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2074 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2074 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:1186 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
The bees sting you into paralysis.
outc bloodroot
eat bloodroot
H:701 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami

Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:701 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami
cast tsunami
You remove 1 bloodroot leaf, bringing the total in the cache to 65.
H:701 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:255 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:255 M:3304 B:100% [csdb eb]
A mighty gryphon slashes you viciously.
H:30 M:3304 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast tsunami
You eat a bloodroot leaf.
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
H:30 M:3304 B:100% [csdb eb]You summon a massive wave to rid this place of
 those around you.
H:30 M:2904 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:30 M:2904 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:30 M:2904 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:30 M:2904 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:30 M:2904 B:100% [csdb -b]
You fall to the ground as the last drops of life-giving blood drain out of your
You have been defeated and are thrown out of the Arena.
unenemy all
Rebound Reflex is now OFF
Mass Reflex is now OFF
Moss eatting reflex is now OFF
The spectator stands of the Fields of Valor.
There are 2 sonic portals here.
You see exits leading northeast and east.
H:0 M:2904 B:100% [eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You have no enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric meh
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Meh."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "...quick."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "Again?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You fight down fear as Wedric enters from the northeast, a wyvern reflected in 
his eyes.
He is followed by a soulmaster, a mighty gryphon, and a swarm of bees.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "What happened?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say im  horriple at handling damage
You say, "Im horriple at handling damage."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You've baffled me!
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Comprehension flashes across Wedric's face.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric gives you the once over.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say and the damage that came from that hurt
You say, "And the damage that came from that hurt."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "You didn't have me enemied."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Vibes weren't hitting."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say vine whip 500, bees 500, maul 700, gryphon 300

Wedric looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You say, "Vine whip 500, bees 500, maul 700, gryphon
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Whoa."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Vine whip did 500?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say yes
You say, "Yes."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
parry head
outc kola
eat kola
outc echinacea
eat echinacea
You will now attempt to parry attacks to your head.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]Your vision sharpens with light as you gain night
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You listen intently for an instant of silence. 
 Finding it, you focus on it and
its clarity, protecting your mind against corruption.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 kola nut, bringing the total in the cache
 to 53.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You eat a kola nut.
An instant feeling of excitement and edginess overcomes you.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 echinacea, bringing the total in the
 cache to 5.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You eat an echinacea root.
You now possess the gift of the third eye.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "..."
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "That's... new."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say actually maul 900
You say, "Actually maul 900."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
touch cloak
drink levitation
drink speed
drink frost
drink venom
outc sileris
apply sileris
apply caloric
You caress the tattoo and immediately you feel a cloak of protection surround 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a Syssin venom vial.
Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a chestnut vial.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a multicoloured,
 mother-of-pearl vial.
A chill runs over your icy skin.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a poisonous venom vial.
You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c -b]You remove 1 sileris, bringing the total in the
 cache to 21.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c -b]You apply a sileris berry to yourself.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c -b]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c eb]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c eb]

You may drink another affliction-healing elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c eb]You shake with tremendous effort as you summon the
 power of all four physical 
elements in a tremendous act of will.
The strength of earth is at your command.
The power of air is harnessed to your will.
Elemental fire burns at your behest.
Purest water soothes you into calm.
H:3926 M:2704 B:100% [c -b]
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3238 B:100% [c -b]
Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
H:3926 M:3238 B:100% [c -b]
The sileris berry juice hardens into a supple purple shell.
H:3926 M:3238 B:100% [cs -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3238 B:100% [cs -b]

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3238 B:100% [cs eb]You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
cast stoneskin
Calling the powers of the elemental earth to you, you coat yourself in 
magically-supple granite.
H:3926 M:3629 B:100% [cs -b]
You no longer enjoy the grace of the gods.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
cast chargeshield at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
cast chargeshield at me

You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
cast chargeshield at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You call upon the powers of air and earth to weave
 a non-conducting energy 
shield around you.
H:3926 M:3504 B:100% [cs -b]H:3926 M:3504 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3504 B:100% [cs eb]
say leave the gryphon behind, so i can last a bit longer
You say, "Leave the gryphon behind, so i can last a bit longer."
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]

Wedric puts some gold sovereigns in a pack sewn of human flesh.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]Adahn, Alkaiser, Arnika, Catlin, Darklordxavier,
 Dea, Eilanis, Eim, Eragorn, 
Ewvlel, Ferow, Forcystus, Gangoroth, Gelf, Iltarien, Ilyusha, Jahlael, Jayle, 
Jonathin, Kaolla, Kikon, Lafayette, Maeghann, Malacki, Melssinia, Metheri, 
Missari, Mortain, Nagli, Nahuaque, Numai, Nytiark, Ryzer, Sotere, Stella, 
Therwyn, Wedric, and Wylliam.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "K."
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]
take sovereigns from pack
A canvas backpack doesn't contain that.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric leaves to the northeast, a wyvern reflected in his eyes.
A soulmaster floats off to the northeast.
A swarm of bees flies off to the northeast.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [cs eb]
Arena Staging Grounds.
A cute little humgii is sitting here placidly, attached to a leash. The 
shimmering form of a soulmaster floats in the air. A swarm of bees hovers 
menacingly nearby. Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here. He wields a 
sharpened quarterstaff in his hands.
You see exits leading north, south and southwest.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [cs eb]
A great weight seems to have been lifted from Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
say and whats up with the soulmaster
You say, "And whats up with the soulmaster."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
"I dunno," Wedric says with a vacant look on his face.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
l at soulmaster
The ghostly form of a soulmaster shimmers in the air, its visage dominated by a
pair of enormous glowing red eyes that flash and swirl in a incomprehensible 
pattern of swirling hypnotic colours.
A soulmaster seems to be unafraid.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric gets some gold sovereigns from a pack sewn of human flesh.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric throws down the gauntlet and issues a formal challenge to face him in 
single combat. ACCEPT WEDRIC in order to do so.
look at WEDRIC
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]He is a Human and is a muscular figure, looking to
 be about five feet, eleven 
inches tall when standing. Looking drained, his face has a haggard and pale 
appearance. Yet, as if drawing strength from an unknown source, he holds 
himself strong and confidently. His eyes are eerie, for a hazel-brown iris is 
surrounded by a pale malachite color where the whites should be. Strangely 
enough, the pupils are malachite green as well. His thick brown hair falls down
to his shoulders, and has a strange green taint to it. Flakey-white markings of
second-degree burns are visible on the skin not covered by his clothes. He is 
a fiery ring
an herbal haversack
a necklace set with ruby and onyx beads
a mysterious obsidian ring
a Morgun amber band
a plain leather weaponbelt
a silver ring bearing the word "Firelash"
a suit of steel chain mail
a pack sewn of human flesh
a beaded necklace made of onyx
a pair of grey trousers
plain brown boots
a plain belt
a grey shirt
a plain grey cloak

H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
say its not loyal to anyone
You say, "Its not loyal to anyone."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
accept wedric
Grove of Valor near Modi river.

You see exits leading northeast, southwest, west and northwest.
You accept Wedric's challenge, and enter the portal, ready to do battle.
enemy Wedric
order entourage kill Wedric
outc moss
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]Wedric is now one of your enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You order a water weird to kill Wedric.
A water weird obeys your command.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the
 cache to 166.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "It's mine *pose*."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
outc pentagon
outc disc
spin pentagon
spin disc
embed reverberation
You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 278.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 221.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
A barely heard tone echoes through the room.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pyramid
outc diamond
spin pyramid
spin diamond
embed forest
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 232.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 225.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [cs -b]
A forest of small sharp crystals rises up from the ground.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [cs -b]
wedric wha... how'd you get a soulmaster?
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Wha... how'd you get a 
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc egg
outc disc
spin egg
spin disc
embed tremors
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in the
 cache to 219.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 220.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins to
 hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2879 B:100% [cs -b]
Wedric tells you, "No clue."
H:3926 M:2954 B:100% [cs -b]
As the tremors vibration embeds itself, a low rumbling can be heard.
H:3926 M:2954 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
outc cube
spin diamond
spin cube
embed revelation
H:3926 M:2954 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 224.
H:3926 M:2954 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 crystal cube, bringing the total in
 the cache to 248.
H:3926 M:2954 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:2954 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a crystal cube, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2954 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2654 B:100% [cs -b]
A crystal-clear tone permeates the air.
H:3926 M:2654 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc disc
outc polyhedron
spin disc
spin polyhedron
embed adduction
H:3926 M:2654 B:100% [cs eb]
You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 219.
H:3926 M:2654 B:100% [cs eb]
outc moss
eat moss
You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 251.
H:3926 M:2654 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2654 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:2654 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2354 B:100% [cs -b]You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:2835 B:100% [cs -b]You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the
 cache to 165.
H:3926 M:2835 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3205 B:100% [cs -b]
Moss eatting reflex is now ON
Rebound Reflex is now ON

A feeling of oppression, as if the air is compressing into you, overcomes you.
H:3926 M:3280 B:100% [cs -b]
Mass Reflex is now ON
apply mass

You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed alarm
H:3926 M:3280 B:100% [cs eb]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
H:3926 M:3280 B:100% [cs eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3280 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 249.
H:3926 M:3280 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3280 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2980 B:100% [cs -b]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:2980 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:2980 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3350 B:100% [cs -b]
A loud ringing sound momentarily fills the air.
H:3926 M:3350 B:100% [cs -b]
smoke pipe133451
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3350 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
outc polyhedron
spin cylinder
spin polyhedron
embed stridulation
H:3926 M:3350 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 228.
H:3926 M:3350 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 250.
H:3926 M:3350 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3350 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3350 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3050 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3125 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3495 B:100% [cs -b]
outc hawthorn
eat hawthorn

A high-pitched keening sound fills the air.
H:3926 M:3495 B:100% [cs -b]You remove 1 hawthorn berry, bringing the total in
 the cache to 43.
H:3926 M:3495 B:100% [cs -b]
You eat a hawthorn berry.
The world around fades to silence as you lose your hearing.
H:3926 M:3495 B:100% [csd -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pentagon
spin pentagon
embed dissipate
H:3926 M:3495 B:100% [csd eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3495 B:100% [csd eb]You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish
 all possibility of sleep.
H:3926 M:3395 B:100% [csd eb]
outc bayberry
eat bayberry
You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 277.
H:3926 M:3395 B:100% [csd eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3395 B:100% [csd eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3095 B:100% [csd -b]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3095 B:100% [csd -b]You remove 1 bayberry bark, bringing the total in
 the cache to 38.
H:3926 M:3095 B:100% [csd -b]You eat some bayberry bark.
Your eyes dim as you lose your sight.
H:3926 M:3095 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3095 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3095 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3095 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3465 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed disorientation
H:3926 M:3465 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 248.
H:3926 M:3465 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3465 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3165 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3240 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc polyhedron
spin polyhedron
embed energize
H:3926 M:3240 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3240 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the
 total in the cache to 249.
H:3926 M:3240 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3240 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2940 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3310 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3310 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
spin cylinder
embed palpitation
H:3926 M:3310 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 227.
H:3926 M:3310 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3310 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3010 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3085 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3455 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3455 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc cylinder
outc spiral
spin sphere
spin cylinder
spin spiral
embed dissonance
H:3926 M:3455 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 71.
H:3926 M:3455 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 226.
H:3926 M:3455 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 247.
H:3926 M:3455 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3455 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3455 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3455 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3155 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3155 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3155 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3525 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc egg
spin sphere
spin egg
embed harmony
H:3926 M:3525 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 70.
H:3926 M:3525 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 218.
H:3926 M:3600 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3600 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3600 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3300 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3300 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3300 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
spin diamond
embed oscillate
H:3926 M:3300 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3670 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 223.
H:3926 M:3670 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3670 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3370 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3370 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3370 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3445 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1124
Forest              Kikon                         1129
Tremors             Kikon                         1134
Revelation          Kikon                         1140
Adduction           Kikon                         1145
Alarm               Kikon                         1150
Stridulation        Kikon                         1155
Dissipate           Kikon                         1160
Disorientation      Kikon                         1166
Energize            Kikon                         1171
Palpitation         Kikon                         1176
Dissonance          Kikon                         1181
Harmony             Kikon                         1186
Oscillate           Kikon                         1192
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
envenom rapier126215 with curare
envenom rapier126215 with slike
envenom rapier126215 with curare
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You rub some curare on an ornate steel rapier.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast ring
You rub some slike on an ornate steel rapier.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You rub some curare on an ornate steel rapier.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You call upon the power of the elements to extend the life of your vibrations.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb -b]
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You shut your eyes and concentrate on the wise Under King. A moment later, you 
feel inextricably linked with the underworld and its passengers.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]Your mind is already touched by the Under King.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch mindseye
Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You rub your hands together greedily.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You already are a selfish bastard.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric ready?
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Ready?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]

Wedric tells you, "Hang."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your mind is already touched by the Under King.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1173
Forest              Kikon                         1173
Tremors             Kikon                         1173
Revelation          Kikon                         1173
Adduction           Kikon                         1173
Alarm               Kikon                         1173
Stridulation        Kikon                         1173
Dissipate           Kikon                         1173
Disorientation      Kikon                         1173
Energize            Kikon                         1173
Palpitation         Kikon                         1173
Dissonance          Kikon                         1173
Harmony             Kikon                         1173
Oscillate           Kikon                         1173
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You are already an insomniac.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
order entourage kill wedric
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
A water weird is already hostile towards Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast efreeti
You rub your hands together briskly, heating them with friction, and with a 
word, throw them open. A fiery efreeti appears before you, swirling in a vortex
of flame.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3639 B:100% [csdb eb]
order entourage kill wedric

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3639 B:100% [csdb eb]A water weird is already hostile towards Wedric.
You order a fiery efreeti to kill Wedric.
A fiery efreeti obeys your command.
H:3926 M:3639 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
enemy wedric
Wedric is already an enemy.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You are now targeting 'wedrc'
You are now targeting 'wedric'

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1157
Forest              Kikon                         1157
Tremors             Kikon                         1157
Revelation          Kikon                         1157
Adduction           Kikon                         1157
Alarm               Kikon                         1157
Stridulation        Kikon                         1157
Dissipate           Kikon                         1157
Disorientation      Kikon                         1157
Energize            Kikon                         1157
Palpitation         Kikon                         1157
Dissonance          Kikon                         1157
Harmony             Kikon                         1157
Oscillate           Kikon                         1157
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "K."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric alright go
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Alright go."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc sphere
outc torus
spin sphere crystal
spin torus crystal
embed sonicportal wedric

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 69.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 torus crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 75.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a finely sculpted crystal
 torus, and it begins to hover in 
the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A piercing sound cleaves through the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A portal opens in the air in front of you, edges vibrating madly.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc pyramid
spin pyramid
embed focus

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You step through a sonic portal.
Centre of Grove of Valor.
This area is unnaturally flooded with water. The shimmering form of a 
soulmaster floats in the air. A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby. Wedric 
Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here. He wields a sharpened quarterstaff in his 
You see exits leading north and east.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 231.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
All your reflections wink out of existence!
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3480 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:3480 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:2592 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You begin to untangle yourself from the forest
H:2592 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
A chorus of vibrating tones can be heard.
H:2592 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:2107 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2107 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
drink health

Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2107 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2941 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:2941 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2941 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2941 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast flood

You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:2941 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:2941 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast flood
The ground already is covered with water.
H:2941 M:3454 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 26 health.
H:2915 M:3454 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2915 M:3454 B:100% [csdb eb]The ground already is covered with water.
H:2915 M:3204 B:100% [csdb eb]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3111 M:3279 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3111 M:3279 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3111 M:3279 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3503 M:3649 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast tsunami

A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3057 M:3649 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You summon a massive wave to rid this place of those around you.
The rush of water quickly pushes Wedric out of the room.
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
A soulmaster floats off to the east.
A swarm of bees flies off to the east.
H:3057 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3057 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3057 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
You fight down fear as Wedric enters from the east, a wyvern reflected in his 
H:3057 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 24 health.
H:3033 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]

A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3033 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3033 M:3249 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric

Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3033 M:3249 B:100% [csdb eb]Come now, you don't really mean that.
H:3033 M:3249 B:100% [csdb eb]Sticky strands of webbing spray out to cover
 Wedric as you touch the web 
H:3033 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3229 M:3434 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3762 M:3434 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3316 M:3434 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3708 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3708 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric has writhed free of his bindings.
H:3708 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:3708 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric

You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3708 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3708 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You weave fire and air together to transfix Wedric, but succeed only in curing 
his blindness.
H:3708 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3904 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3904 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some bayberry bark.
H:3904 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 21 health.
H:3883 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3883 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:3883 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3883 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric lets out a piercing cry of longing.
H:3883 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast illusion Illiad casts a net of stupidity over your mind.                  
              You feel your limbs stiffen and lock in response to an unseen

Wedric lets out a piercing cry of longing.
H:3883 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast illusion Illiad casts a net of stupidity over your mind.                  
              You feel your limbs stiffen and lock in response to an unseen

Wedric lets out a piercing cry of longing.
H:3883 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3883 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:3398 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]

You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3398 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3398 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3398 M:3579 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast illusion Illiad casts a net of stupidity over your mind.                  
              You feel your limbs stiffen and lock in response to an unseen
H:3398 M:3579 B:100% [csdb eb]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3398 M:3579 B:100% [csdb eb]You conjure up your illusion.
H:3398 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2952 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2952 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2952 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats a bloodroot leaf.
H:2952 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats a bloodroot leaf.
H:2952 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats a bloodroot leaf.
H:2952 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3540 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3540 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3540 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3540 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 15 health.
H:3525 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3525 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:3525 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3525 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
You weave fire and air together to transfix Wedric, but succeed only in curing 
his blindness.
H:3525 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3525 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3525 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats a goldenseal root.
H:3525 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats a goldenseal root.
H:3525 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:3040 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3040 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3040 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3650 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3650 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3650 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3650 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric eats some bayberry bark.
H:3650 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3650 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:2762 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2762 M:3504 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You weave fire and air together to transfix Wedric, but succeed only in curing 
his blindness.
H:2762 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2762 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2512 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2512 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2512 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2512 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2512 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2512 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2512 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:2512 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2512 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some bayberry bark.
H:2512 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2904 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some bayberry bark.
H:2904 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2904 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
The stings paralyse your right arm.
apply mending to arms
H:2419 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2419 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2419 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
Both your arms must be free and functioning to do that.
H:2419 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2419 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your arms.
The bones in your right arm mend.
H:2615 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:2615 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
H:2615 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2615 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2615 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3247 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3247 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3247 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3247 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:3247 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3247 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:3247 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:3247 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2801 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric touches a tree of life tattoo.
H:2801 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2801 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2801 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 7 health.
H:2794 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me

You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:2794 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me

The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
H:2794 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2794 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2794 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
cast reflection at me

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2794 M:3604 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:1906 M:3604 B:100% [csdb eb]You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:1906 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me

Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:1906 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2298 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2298 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2298 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2298 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2298 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2298 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2494 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2989 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2989 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]

Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
H:2989 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2739 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:2739 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You grab hold of a nearby branch and swing nimbly
 up into the treetops.
You are too tangled up in vines to move.
H:2739 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 26 health.
H:2713 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You begin to untangle yourself from the forest
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]

You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health

A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You grab hold of a nearby branch and swing nimbly
 up into the treetops.
You are too tangled up in vines to move.
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]

You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2228 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2620 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:2620 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric inhales deeply, then lets out an earth-shaking roar as a jet of 
white-hot fire shoots from his nostrils directly at you.
apply mending
H:1808 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You grab hold of a nearby branch and swing nimbly
 up into the treetops.
In the trees above Centre of Grove of Valor.

You see exits leading north and east.
H:1808 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You can swing no higher.
H:1808 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on
 your skin.
The raging fire about your skin goes out.
H:1808 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield
drink health

You bleed 18 health.
H:1790 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:1344 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:1344 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:1344 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1344 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:1927 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You begin to untangle yourself from the forest
H:1927 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
drink health
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2123 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:2123 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:2123 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:2123 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2123 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2515 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric swings gracefully up from the ground.
H:2515 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield
drink health

You watch in amazement as Wedric begins to cling to the branches in such a 
clever way that he maintains a great deal of freedom of action.
H:2515 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 12 health.
H:2503 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2503 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You touch the shield tattoo and suddenly a nearly
 invisible magical shield 
forms around you.
H:2503 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
H:2503 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Your body is unbalanced, subterfuge evades you at this time.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A massive, translucent hammer rises out of Wedric's tattoo and smashes your 
magical shield.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You carefully watch your footing and swing down
 from the treetops.
Centre of Grove of Valor.
This area is unnaturally flooded with water. A small forest of sharpened 
crystals protrudes from the ground. A mighty gryphon rests regally in the 
shadows. A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby.
You see exits leading north and east.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3135 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 2 health.
H:3329 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3721 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield

A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3471 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You touch the shield tattoo and suddenly a nearly
 invisible magical shield 
forms around you.
H:3471 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:3441 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
H:3441 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric takes a deep breath, his face slightly flushed.
H:3441 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:3441 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast illusion You are paralysed and cannot do that.                            
              The idea of putting something in your stomach sickens you.

You bleed 7 health.
H:3434 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3434 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
Your aggressive action causes the nearly invisible magical shield around you to
fade away.
You conjure up your illusion.
H:3434 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3434 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3434 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3434 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3434 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:3434 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2988 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3380 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3380 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:3380 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3380 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3380 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3380 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A swarm of bees begins to follow you.
H:3380 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3380 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3576 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
You begin to untangle yourself from the forest vines.
H:3576 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]You must regain balance first.
H:3576 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
cast transfix at wedric
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain balance first.
H:3576 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:3091 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]You must regain balance first.
H:3091 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:3091 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3091 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3091 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:3091 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast illusion You are paralysed and cannot do that.                            
              The idea of putting something in your stomach sickens you.

You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:3091 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:3091 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3287 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 7 health.
H:3280 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast illusion You are paralysed and cannot do that.                            
              The idea of putting something in your stomach sickens you.
cast illusion You are paralysed and cannot do that.                            
              The idea of putting something in your stomach sickens you.
You conjure up your illusion.
H:3280 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3280 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3280 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3280 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
cast transfix at wedric

A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2834 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2834 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2834 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:2834 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2834 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2834 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2834 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:1946 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:1461 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:1461 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
cast transfix at wedric
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:1853 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You begin to untangle yourself from the forest
H:1853 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]You must regain balance first.
H:1853 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
cast transfix at wedric
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:1853 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]You must regain balance first.
H:1853 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
cast transfix at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2364 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]You must regain balance first.
H:2364 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:2364 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2364 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2364 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2364 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 26 health.
H:2338 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:2338 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2338 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2338 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2534 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2534 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:2534 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
cast transfix at wedric
You weave fire and air together to transfix Wedric, but succeed only in curing 
his blindness.
H:2534 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2534 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2534 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2534 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2088 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2088 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:1603 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:1603 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]

You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:1603 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:1603 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1799 M:3579 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:1799 M:3579 B:100% [csdb eb]You grab hold of a nearby branch and swing nimbly
 up into the treetops.
In the trees above Centre of Grove of Valor.

You see exits leading north and east.
H:1799 M:3579 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2191 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You can swing no higher.
H:2191 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 22 health.
H:2169 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2680 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield
You touch the shield tattoo and suddenly a nearly invisible magical shield 
forms around you.
H:2680 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric swings gracefully up from the ground.
H:2680 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You watch in amazement as Wedric begins to cling to the branches in such a 
clever way that he maintains a great deal of freedom of action.
H:2680 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:2195 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel your density return to normal.
apply mass
H:2195 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

The vines cease their ominous rustling.
H:2195 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on
 your skin.
Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
H:2195 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2195 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2195 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:2195 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2195 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2195 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 12 health.
H:2183 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2183 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2183 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2183 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's attack rebounds off your magical shield.
H:2183 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:2183 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2183 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2183 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2575 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3191 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:3191 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]

The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:2706 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You carefully watch your footing and swing down
 from the treetops.
Centre of Grove of Valor.
This area is unnaturally flooded with water. A small forest of sharpened 
crystals protrudes from the ground. A mighty gryphon rests regally in the 
You see exits leading north and east.
Your movement causes your magical shield to dissipate.
H:2706 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield

A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2456 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
You touch the shield tattoo and suddenly a nearly invisible magical shield 
forms around you.
H:2456 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
H:2456 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2456 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2456 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2456 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 7 health.
H:2449 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2449 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3087 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch web wedric
touch web wedric

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]Crafted from an unadorned piece of sturdy
 leather, this weaponbelt has been 
designed for functionality not flair. The primary girth of the belt is 
comprised of a single large, wide piece of leather. Attached at regular 
intervals are additional heavy leather straps and much thinner leather strings 
that serve as hangers and ties for weapons of various types.
It has 59 months of usefulness left.
It is strangely weightless.
The weaponbelt holds the following weapons:
club114245      a stone club
warhammer120770  a blackened warhammer
dagger121996    an obsidian dagger
morning star70836  a morning star
H:3283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:2798 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch web wedric
Missari has been slain in The Sanguine Fields by Prince Ferow D'baen.
H:2798 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Crafted from an unadorned piece of sturdy leather, this weaponbelt has been 
designed for functionality not flair. The primary girth of the belt is 
comprised of a single large, wide piece of leather. Attached at regular 
intervals are additional heavy leather straps and much thinner leather strings 
that serve as hangers and ties for weapons of various types.
It has 59 months of usefulness left.
It is strangely weightless.
The weaponbelt holds the following weapons:
club114245      a stone club
warhammer120770  a blackened warhammer
dagger121996    an obsidian dagger
morning star70836  a morning star
H:2798 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2798 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
Your aggressive action causes the nearly invisible magical shield around you to
fade away.
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2798 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2798 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:2798 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2798 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3190 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Sticky strands of webbing spray out to cover
 Wedric as you touch the web 
H:3190 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch web wedric
drink health
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3190 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3190 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3190 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2744 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2744 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2744 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2744 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2744 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric has writhed free of his bindings.
H:2744 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:1856 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:1856 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 26 health.
H:1830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
drink health
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:1830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You point your staff at Wedric and he screams in
 pain as his skin begins to 
freeze and crack.
H:1830 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2434 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2434 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:1949 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
H:1949 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1949 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:1949 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1949 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2145 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2145 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2145 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2145 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2145 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2145 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:2145 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:2341 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2341 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2341 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2733 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2733 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2287 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2287 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2287 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2287 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You point your staff at Wedric and he screams in pain as his skin begins to 
freeze and crack.
H:2287 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 20 health.
H:2267 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2267 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2267 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2267 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
H:2267 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:1782 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:1782 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:1782 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric inhales deeply, then lets out an earth-shaking roar as a jet of 
white-hot fire shoots from his nostrils directly at you.
apply mending
You flinch and raise your arms in front of your face in an instinctive gesture 
of terror, but the effort is futile. The heat and intensity of the flames are 
too much for your weakened frame to stand, and the last thing you see through 
your charred eyes is a glimpse of the pure, white-hot fire consuming your 
entire body.
You have been slain by Wedric.
You have been defeated and are thrown out of the Arena.
unenemy all
Rebound Reflex is now OFF
Mass Reflex is now OFF
Moss eatting reflex is now OFF
The spectator stands of the Fields of Valor.
There are 2 sonic portals here. A small forest of sharpened crystals protrudes 
from the ground.
You see exits leading northeast and east.
H:0 M:3554 B:100% [eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You currently walk in divine grace and may neither be
 harmed nor harm another. 
To leave this state of protection, you must REJECT GRACE.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
You messily spread the salve over your body, to no effect.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]In a moment of forgiveness, you declare that you have
 no enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric fiddles
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Fiddles."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]

You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]Adahn, Alkaiser, Arnika, Belkor, Catlin,
 Darklordxavier, Dea, Eilanis, Eim, 
Eragorn, Ewvlel, Faroth, Ferow, Gangoroth, Gelf, Iltarien, Ilyusha, Jahlael, 
Jayle, Jonathin, Kaolla, Kikon, Maeghann, Malacki, Melssinia, Metheri, Missari,
Mortain, Nagli, Nahuaque, Numai, Nytiark, Ryzer, Sotere, Stella, Therwyn, 
Wedric, and Wylliam.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "Hehe."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "I've learnt an important lesson."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric five secs away from drinking health
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Five secs away from drinking 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "Don't lose your glasses when fighting."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "I couldn't read the screen half the time cry."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You fight down fear as Wedric enters from the northeast, a wyvern reflected in 
his eyes.
A mighty gryphon strides regally in from the northeast.
A swarm of bees flies in from the northeast.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say again?
You say, "Again?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Sure."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric leaves to the northeast, a wyvern reflected in his eyes.
With a flick of its tail, a mighty gryphon strides out to the northeast.
A swarm of bees flies off to the northeast.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say that was actually fun
You say, "That was actually fun."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Adahn, Alkaiser, Arnika, Belkor, Catlin, Darklordxavier, Dea, Eilanis, Eim, 
Eragorn, Ewvlel, Faroth, Ferow, Forcystus, Gangoroth, Gelf, Iltarien, Ilyusha, 
Jahlael, Jayle, Jonathin, Kaolla, Kikon, Maeghann, Malacki, Melssinia, Metheri,
Missari, Mortain, Nagli, Nahuaque, Numai, Nytiark, Ryzer, Sotere, Stella, 
Therwyn, Wedric, and Wylliam.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Arena Staging Grounds.
A cute little humgii is sitting here placidly, attached to a leash. A mighty 
gryphon rests regally in the shadows. A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby.
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here. He wields a sharpened quarterstaff 
in his hands.
You see exits leading north, south and southwest.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say got enough gold?
You say, "Got enough gold?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric nods his head emphatically.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Kikon Corona (male Xoran)
You have achieved level 74 (Unearthly) and are 77% of the way to the next 
Health: 3926/3926  Mana: 3704/3704
Endurance: 18530/18530  Willpower: 17420/17420
You are ranked 248th in Aetolia.
You are the 12th ranked combatant.
You stand tall as a proud citizen of Enorian.
You have reached the rank of 'Chieftain' in your city.
You are an aide to the Minister of War, and the Minister of Security.
Your class is that of a Magi.
You are an Enemy of Chaos in the Magi.
You are a Continental Wanderer in the Fellowship of Explorers.
You are a member of the clan called 'Them Crazy Arcans.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Royal Enorian Army.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Tanith Warriors.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Tyro-Magi.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Magi Water & Earth Elementals.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Legends of Sapience.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Magi Fire & Air Elementals.'
You are a member of the clan called 'House Corona.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Elysian Guard.'
You are a Master Sergeant in the army of Enorian.
You are Righteous.
You are able to take on proteges.
You are 72 years old, having been born on the 11th of Ios, year 99 of the 
Midnight Age.
You are carrying 78404 gold sovereigns.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
A great weight seems to have been lifted from Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Reject?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Calculating: 3926 / 2 = 1963
reject grace
You no longer enjoy the grace of the gods.
You cry aloud your rejection of divine grace, and leave the protection of the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
Wedric throws down the gauntlet and issues a formal challenge to face him in 
single combat. ACCEPT WEDRIC in order to do so.
look at WEDRIC
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]He is a Human and is a muscular figure, looking to be
 about five feet, eleven 
inches tall when standing. Looking drained, his face has a haggard and pale 
appearance. Yet, as if drawing strength from an unknown source, he holds 
himself strong and confidently. His eyes are eerie, for a hazel-brown iris is 
surrounded by a pale malachite color where the whites should be. Strangely 
enough, the pupils are malachite green as well. His thick brown hair falls down
to his shoulders, and has a strange green taint to it. Flakey-white markings of
second-degree burns are visible on the skin not covered by his clothes. He is 
a fiery ring
an herbal haversack
a necklace set with ruby and onyx beads
a mysterious obsidian ring
a Morgun amber band
a plain leather weaponbelt
a silver ring bearing the word "Firelash"
a suit of steel chain mail
a pack sewn of human flesh
a beaded necklace made of onyx
a pair of grey trousers
plain brown boots
a plain belt
a grey shirt
a plain grey cloak

H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Wait."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
Wedric leaves to the north, a wyvern reflected in his eyes.
With a flick of its tail, a mighty gryphon strides out to the north.
A swarm of bees flies off to the north.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You fight down fear as Wedric enters from the north, a wyvern reflected in his 
A mighty gryphon strides regally in from the north.
A swarm of bees flies in from the north.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric sorry calculating my half health
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Sorry calculating my half 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
cast reflection at me
You do not have the proper elemental channels open.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Pah, never mind."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You shake with tremendous effort as you summon the power of all four physical 
elements in a tremendous act of will.
The strength of earth is at your command.
The power of air is harnessed to your will.
Elemental fire burns at your behest.
Purest water soothes you into calm.
H:3926 M:2704 B:100% [-b]
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3144 B:100% [-b]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Forgot I didn't have gold."
H:3926 M:3144 B:100% [-b]
Wedric mutters discontentedly.
H:3926 M:3144 B:100% [-b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3144 B:100% [-b]

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3144 B:100% [eb]You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3631 B:100% [eb]
Wedric throws down the gauntlet and issues a formal challenge to face him in 
single combat. ACCEPT WEDRIC in order to do so.
look at WEDRIC
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]He is a Human and is a muscular figure, looking to be
 about five feet, eleven 
inches tall when standing. Looking drained, his face has a haggard and pale 
appearance. Yet, as if drawing strength from an unknown source, he holds 
himself strong and confidently. His eyes are eerie, for a hazel-brown iris is 
surrounded by a pale malachite color where the whites should be. Strangely 
enough, the pupils are malachite green as well. His thick brown hair falls down
to his shoulders, and has a strange green taint to it. Flakey-white markings of
second-degree burns are visible on the skin not covered by his clothes. He is 
a fiery ring
an herbal haversack
a necklace set with ruby and onyx beads
a mysterious obsidian ring
a Morgun amber band
a plain leather weaponbelt
a silver ring bearing the word "Firelash"
a suit of steel chain mail
a pack sewn of human flesh
a beaded necklace made of onyx
a pair of grey trousers
plain brown boots
a plain belt
a grey shirt
a plain grey cloak

H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say trying to buy tickets?
You say, "Trying to buy tickets?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Nah, was going to buy some moss."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
accept wedric
Back of the Arena Caves.

You see exits leading north and northwest.
You accept Wedric's challenge, and enter the portal, ready to do battle.
enemy Wedric
order entourage kill Wedric
outc moss
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]Wedric is now one of your enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You order a water weird to kill Wedric.
A water weird obeys your command.
You order a fiery efreeti to kill Wedric.
A fiery efreeti obeys your command.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the
 cache to 164.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
parry head
outc kola
eat kola
outc echinacea
eat echinacea
You will now attempt to parry attacks to your head.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]Your vision sharpens with light as you gain night
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You listen intently for an instant of silence. 
 Finding it, you focus on it and
its clarity, protecting your mind against corruption.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 kola nut, bringing the total in the cache
 to 52.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You eat a kola nut.
An instant feeling of excitement and edginess overcomes you.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 echinacea, bringing the total in the
 cache to 4.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You eat an echinacea root.
You now possess the gift of the third eye.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [eb]
touch cloak
drink levitation
drink speed
drink frost
drink venom
outc sileris
apply sileris
apply caloric
You caress the tattoo and immediately you feel a cloak of protection surround 
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a Syssin venom vial.
Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a chestnut vial.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a multicoloured,
 mother-of-pearl vial.
A chill runs over your icy skin.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a poisonous venom vial.
You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison 
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You remove 1 sileris, bringing the total in the
 cache to 20.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You apply a sileris berry to yourself.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c eb]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c eb]

You may drink another affliction-healing elixir.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c eb]
You shake with tremendous effort as you summon the power of all four physical 
elements in a tremendous act of will.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c eb]You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c eb]
cast stoneskin

Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [c eb]Calling the powers of the elemental earth to you,
 you coat yourself in 
magically-supple granite.
H:3926 M:3629 B:100% [c -b]
The sileris berry juice hardens into a supple purple shell.
H:3926 M:3629 B:100% [cs -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3629 B:100% [cs -b]
cast chargeshield at me

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3629 B:100% [cs eb]
cast chargeshield at me
You call upon the powers of air and earth to weave a non-conducting energy 
shield around you.
H:3926 M:3429 B:100% [cs -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3429 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3504 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric i so suck with forestials... *mutter*
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "I so suck with forestials... 
H:3926 M:3504 B:100% [cs eb]
Kikon, and Wedric.
H:3926 M:3504 B:100% [cs eb]
The efreeti begins to spin faster and faster, and suddenly disappears in a 
blaze of flame.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]
The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
No vibrations found.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "And I suck with Magi :/."
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]
outc pentagon
outc disc
spin pentagon
spin disc
embed reverberation
You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 276.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 218.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]
outc hawthorn
eat hawthorn
You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [cs -b]You remove 1 hawthorn berry, bringing the total in
 the cache to 42.
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [cs -b]You eat a hawthorn berry.
The world around fades to silence as you lose your hearing.
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [csd -b]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3354 B:100% [csd -b]
outc bayberry
eat bayberry

A barely heard tone echoes through the room.
H:3926 M:3354 B:100% [csd -b]You remove 1 bayberry bark, bringing the total in
 the cache to 37.
H:3926 M:3354 B:100% [csd -b]You eat some bayberry bark.
Your eyes dim as you lose your sight.
H:3926 M:3354 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pyramid
outc diamond
spin pyramid
spin diamond
embed forest
H:3926 M:3354 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 230.
H:3926 M:3354 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 222.
H:3926 M:3354 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3354 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3354 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3054 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3054 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric tells you, "Usually vibes screw me over royally."
H:3926 M:3054 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc egg
outc disc
spin egg
spin disc
embed tremors
H:3926 M:3054 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 217.
H:3926 M:3054 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 217.
H:3926 M:3054 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3054 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and
 it begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3054 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2754 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
outc cube
spin diamond
spin cube
embed revelation
H:3926 M:2829 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 221.
H:3926 M:2829 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 crystal cube, bringing the total in
 the cache to 247.
H:3926 M:2829 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:2829 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a crystal cube, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2829 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2529 B:100% [csdb -b]
wedric well, i dont have the nasty ones at the moment
drink mana
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Well, i dont have the nasty ones 
at the moment."
H:3926 M:2529 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc disc
outc polyhedron
spin disc
spin polyhedron
embed adduction
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 216.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the
 total in the cache to 248.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and
 it begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2784 B:100% [csdb -b]
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:3926 M:2859 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:2859 B:100% [csdb -b]
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3340 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed alarm
H:3926 M:3340 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 246.
H:3926 M:3340 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3340 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3040 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3040 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
outc polyhedron
spin cylinder
spin polyhedron
embed stridulation
H:3926 M:3040 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 225.
H:3926 M:3040 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the
 total in the cache to 247.
H:3926 M:3040 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3040 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3040 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2740 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink mana
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3427 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pentagon
spin pentagon
embed dissipate
H:3926 M:3427 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 275.
H:3926 M:3427 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3427 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3127 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3127 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed disorientation
H:3926 M:3127 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 245.
H:3926 M:3127 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3127 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2827 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc polyhedron
spin polyhedron
embed energize
H:3926 M:2902 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the
 total in the cache to 246.
H:3926 M:2902 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:2902 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2602 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink mana
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3188 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
spin cylinder
embed palpitation
H:3926 M:3188 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 224.
H:3926 M:3188 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3188 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2888 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:2888 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc cylinder
outc spiral
spin sphere
spin cylinder
spin spiral
embed dissonance
H:3926 M:2963 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 68.
H:3926 M:2963 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 223.
H:3926 M:2963 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 244.
H:3926 M:2963 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:2963 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2963 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2963 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2663 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink mana
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3280 B:100% [csdb -b]
outc moss
eat moss
You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the cache to 163.
H:3926 M:3280 B:100% [csdb -b]
moss onr
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3650 B:100% [csdb -b]I don't quite catch your drift.
H:3926 M:3650 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc egg
spin sphere
spin egg
embed harmony
H:3926 M:3650 B:100% [csdb eb]
Moss eatting reflex is now ON
You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 67.
H:3926 M:3650 B:100% [csdb eb]
Rebound Reflex is now ON
You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 216.
H:3926 M:3650 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3650 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3650 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3350 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3425 B:100% [csdb -b]
Mass Reflex is now ON
apply mass
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your skin.
Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
H:3926 M:3425 B:100% [csdb -b]
outc moss
eat moss

You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3425 B:100% [csdb -b]
smoke pipe133451
You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the cache to 162.
H:3926 M:3425 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3425 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
spin diamond
embed oscillate
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
The moss slides down without effect.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 220.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast ring

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]You call upon the power of the elements to extend
 the life of your vibrations.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3474 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric well, at least most forestials suck so bad i dont really have to worry
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Well, at least most forestials 
suck so bad i dont really have to worry *snicker*."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Kikon, and Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "*g*."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1172
Forest              Kikon                         1172
Tremors             Kikon                         1172
Revelation          Kikon                         1172
Adduction           Kikon                         1172
Alarm               Kikon                         1172
Stridulation        Kikon                         1172
Dissipate           Kikon                         1172
Disorientation      Kikon                         1172
Energize            Kikon                         1172
Palpitation         Kikon                         1172
Dissonance          Kikon                         1172
Harmony             Kikon                         1172
Oscillate           Kikon                         1172
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast efreeti
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You rub your hands together briskly, heating them with friction, and with a 
word, throw them open. A fiery efreeti appears before you, swirling in a vortex
of flame.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
order entourage kill wedric
A water weird is already hostile towards Wedric.
You order a fiery efreeti to kill Wedric.
A fiery efreeti obeys your command.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric ready?
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Ready?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You shut your eyes and concentrate on the wise
 Under King. A moment later, you 
feel inextricably linked with the underworld and its passengers.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
You rub your hands together greedily.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "Yeah."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc sphere
outc torus
spin sphere crystal
spin torus crystal
embed sonicportal wedric
You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 66.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 torus crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 74.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a finely sculpted crystal
 torus, and it begins to hover in 
the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch mindseye
Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
envenom rapier126215 with curare
envenom rapier126215 with slike
envenom rapier126215 with curare

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You rub some curare on an ornate steel rapier.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You rub some slike on an ornate steel rapier.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You rub some curare on an ornate steel rapier.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc pyramid
spin pyramid
embed focus
You step through a sonic portal.
Centre of Grove of Valor.
A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby. Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is
here, wreathed about in roots. He wields a sharpened quarterstaff in his hands.
You see exits leading north and east.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 229.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3480 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3480 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3480 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3480 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3480 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:3480 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A swarm of bees begins to follow you.
H:3480 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:2592 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2592 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3070 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A chorus of vibrating tones can be heard.
H:3070 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast illusion You raise an ornate steel rapier over your head and begin to
 swing it in a wide circle, gaining speed as you go.

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3070 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:3070 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]You conjure up your illusion.
H:3070 M:3354 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3266 M:3539 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3658 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3658 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3658 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3658 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3212 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3212 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
You weave fire and air together to transfix Wedric, but succeed only in curing 
his blindness.
H:3212 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3212 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3212 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3212 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3212 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3212 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:3212 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some bayberry bark.
H:3212 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3408 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3408 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:3038 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3038 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:3038 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast transfix at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3038 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3038 M:3579 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You weave fire and air together to transfix Wedric, but succeed only in curing 
his blindness.
H:3038 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:3038 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3038 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some bayberry bark.
H:3038 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3038 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3038 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3038 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3038 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3038 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3038 M:3379 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3430 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2984 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2984 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2984 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3180 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3180 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric
The sky above grows dark as you call upon powerful magics. Raising your hands 
balefully, you cause lightning bolts, the hammer of the storm, to shoot from 
your hands and slam into Wedric.
H:3180 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:2292 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2292 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2292 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2292 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2902 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
H:2902 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric

You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:2902 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2902 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric

Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2902 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2902 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:2014 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2014 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric

Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2014 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2014 M:2504 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:2210 M:2579 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2210 M:2579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2210 M:2579 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2210 M:2579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric

A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:1764 M:2579 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1764 M:2579 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:1764 M:2579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast stormhammer at wedric at wedric at wedric
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2156 M:2949 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2156 M:2949 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2156 M:2949 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast transfix at wedric
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
The sky above grows dark as you call upon powerful magics. Raising your hands 
balefully, you cause lightning bolts, the hammer of the storm, to shoot from 
your hands and slam into Wedric.
H:2156 M:1749 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2156 M:1749 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:2156 M:1749 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric inhales deeply, then lets out an earth-shaking roar as a jet of 
white-hot fire shoots from his nostrils directly at you.
apply mending
H:1344 M:1749 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:1976 M:1749 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your skin.
The raging fire about your skin goes out.
H:2172 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2172 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2172 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me

Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2172 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2172 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:2172 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2172 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:2172 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2172 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:1726 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1726 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:1726 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1726 M:1934 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2118 M:2304 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2118 M:2304 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2118 M:2304 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2118 M:2304 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2118 M:2304 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:2118 M:2254 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:2118 M:2254 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:2118 M:2254 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2118 M:2254 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2118 M:2254 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2118 M:2254 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2118 M:2254 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2118 M:2254 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 7 health.
H:2307 M:2329 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2934 M:2329 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric takes a deep breath, his face slightly flushed.
H:2934 M:2329 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2934 M:2329 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me

Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2934 M:2329 B:100% [csdb eb]This spell may only be used to cast one
 reflection on someone. If he or she 
already has one, it may not be used.
H:2934 M:2279 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2684 M:2464 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2684 M:2464 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric whispers a command to the trees and they sway attentively in response.
H:2684 M:2464 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2684 M:2464 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health

The vines cease their ominous rustling.
H:2684 M:2464 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2684 M:2464 B:100% [csdb eb]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2684 M:2464 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3076 M:2834 B:100% [csdb eb]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3076 M:2834 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3076 M:2834 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3076 M:2834 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3653 M:2834 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 7 health.
H:3646 M:2834 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:3646 M:2834 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
All your reflections wink out of existence!
Sticky strands of webbing spray out to cover Wedric as you touch the web 
H:3646 M:2834 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:3646 M:2834 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3646 M:2834 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
H:3646 M:2834 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:3646 M:2834 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3200 M:2834 B:100% [csdb -b]
behead wedric

Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:3200 M:2834 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3200 M:2834 B:100% [csdb -b]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3200 M:2834 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3200 M:2834 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3396 M:2909 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3396 M:2909 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric has writhed free of his bindings.
H:3396 M:2909 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric issues a command and instantly the vines around you begin to oscillate 
H:3396 M:2909 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
staffcast horripilation at wedric

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3396 M:2909 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 7 health.
H:3585 M:3094 B:100% [csdb eb]You point your staff at Wedric and he screams in
 pain as his skin begins to 
freeze and crack.
H:3585 M:2944 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
H:3585 M:2944 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3585 M:2944 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:3926 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:3926 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3926 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric grabs holds of a nearby branch and swings up and out of sight into the 
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
I do not recognize anything called that here.
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb eb]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3480 M:3314 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 7 health.
H:3473 M:3314 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3473 M:3314 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast geyser at wedric
You begin to untangle yourself from the forest vines.
H:3473 M:3314 B:100% [csdb e-]
cast geyser at wedric
You must regain balance first.
H:3473 M:3314 B:100% [csdb e-]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3473 M:3314 B:100% [csdb e-]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:3473 M:3314 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast geyser at wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3473 M:3314 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3865 M:3684 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3865 M:3684 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:3865 M:3684 B:100% [csdb eb]
You grab hold of a nearby branch and swing nimbly up into the treetops.
You are too tangled up in vines to move.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3480 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast geyser at wedric

You bleed 7 health.
H:3473 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]The earth suddenly splits open, and a mighty
 geyser soars skywards.
H:3473 M:3604 B:100% [csdb eb]
H:3473 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:3473 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]You begin to untangle yourself from the forest
H:3473 M:3604 B:100% [csdb --]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:3473 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:3473 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3473 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
H:3473 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3473 M:3604 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:2585 M:3604 B:100% [csdb eb]

You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2977 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health

Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2977 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
Centre of Grove of Valor.
A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby. A nebulous water weird is here. A 
fiery efreeti spins madly here. A small forest of sharpened crystals protrudes 
from the ground. Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here. He wields a 
sharpened quarterstaff in his hands.
You see exits leading north and east.
H:2977 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2531 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3097 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You point your staff at Wedric and he screams in
 pain as his skin begins to 
freeze and crack.
H:3097 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3293 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
H:3293 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:3293 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You begin to untangle yourself from the forest
H:3293 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
cast tsunami
You must regain balance first.
H:3293 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
cast tsunami
cast tsunami

Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]

You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric raises a sharpened quarterstaff over his head and begins to swing it in 
a wide circle, gaining speed as he goes.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami
cast tsunami
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast tsunami

You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3489 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]How do you expect to summon a massive wave if you
 have no water?
H:3489 M:3304 B:100% [csdb eb]How do you expect to summon a massive wave if you
 have no water?
H:3489 M:2904 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3043 M:2904 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 7 health.
H:3036 M:2904 B:100% [csdb eb]How do you expect to summon a massive wave if you
 have no water?
H:3036 M:2504 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast tsunami
cast tsunami
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3428 M:2874 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast tsunami
How do you expect to summon a massive wave if you have no water?
H:3428 M:2474 B:100% [csdb eb]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:3428 M:2474 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3428 M:2474 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3428 M:2474 B:100% [csdb eb]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3428 M:2474 B:100% [csdb eb]You begin to untangle yourself from the forest
H:3428 M:2474 B:100% [csdb e-]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3428 M:2474 B:100% [csdb e-]
touch web wedric
touch web wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3428 M:2474 B:100% [csdb e-]
Wedric begins to bear down on you with his whirling sharpened quarterstaff.
H:3428 M:2474 B:100% [csdb e-]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:3624 M:2659 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3624 M:2659 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink mana
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:3624 M:2659 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:3624 M:2659 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:3624 M:2659 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3624 M:3130 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
touch web wedric
touch web wedric
Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier surrounding Wedric.
H:3624 M:3130 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3178 M:3130 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
touch web wedric
Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier surrounding Wedric.
H:3178 M:3130 B:100% [csdb eb]Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier
 surrounding Wedric.
H:3178 M:3130 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3178 M:3130 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier surrounding Wedric.
H:3178 M:3130 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier surrounding Wedric.
H:3374 M:3205 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3766 M:3575 B:100% [csdb eb]Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier
 surrounding Wedric.
H:3766 M:3575 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier surrounding Wedric.
H:3766 M:3575 B:100% [csdb eb]
A roar of triumph bursts from Wedric and with horrified realization, you watch 
as he brings his whirling sharpened quarterstaff towards your neck, severing 
your head from your body. The last thing you see before death is your own 
crumpling body, neck spitting blood like a fountain.
You have been slain by Wedric.
You have been defeated and are thrown out of the Arena.
unenemy all
Rebound Reflex is now OFF
Mass Reflex is now OFF
Moss eatting reflex is now OFF
The spectator stands of the Fields of Valor.
There are 2 sonic portals here. There are 2 forest of sharpened crystals here.
You see exits leading northeast and east.
H:3766 M:3575 B:100% [eb]
cast reflection at me
cast reflection at me
cast reflection at me
You do not have the proper elemental channels open.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]In a moment of forgiveness, you declare that you have
 no enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]You do not have the proper elemental channels open.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]You do not have the proper elemental channels open.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]You do not have the proper elemental channels open.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric whoops

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Whoops."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Arena Staging Grounds.
A cute little humgii is sitting here placidly, attached to a leash. A mighty 
gryphon rests regally in the shadows. A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby.
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here. He wields a sharpened quarterstaff 
in his hands.
You see exits leading north, south and southwest.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "Hehe."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric i forgot, i didnt have the place flooded
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "I forgot, i didnt have the place 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
<<Magi>>: Eilanis says, "Is that usual for him to win?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "Ah."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "I lucked out badly there, heh."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
gts i just suck against forestials
<<Magi>>: You say, "I just suck against forestials."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Adahn, Alkaiser, Arnika, Belkor, Catlin, Darklordxavier, Dea, Eilanis, Eim, 
Eragorn, Ewvlel, Faroth, Ferenczy, Forcystus, Garandras, Gelf, Iltarien, 
Ilyusha, Jahlael, Kaolla, Kikon, Koron, Laria, Maeghann, Malacki, Melssinia, 
Metheri, Mortain, Nagli, Nahuaque, Nytiark, Ryzer, Sibel, Sotere, Stella, 
Therwyn, Wedric, and Wylliam.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
The following players from the Magi are online:
Eilanis 'the Dark Mage' Ph'dylil.
Kikon Corona.
Nova Arcana Therwyn.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
<<Magi>>: Eilanis says, "Ah."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "You: *writhe free* Grove: *entangle again*."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
<<Magi>>: Eilanis says, "He using grove?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
gts yeah, i need practice in groves
<<Magi>>: You say, "Yeah, i need practice in groves."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
<<Magi>>: Eilanis says, "Once being one, thats one of my easier."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Thrall Jahlael arrives from the north.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
<<Magi>>: Eilanis says, "Aye."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say this is good fun
You say, "This is good fun."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Thrall Jahlael leaves to the north.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
<<Magi>>: Eilanis says, "Groves is as bad as vibes against us."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric nods his head sagely.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say i dunno for you, but its enjoyable
You say, "I dunno for you, but its enjoyable."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Thrall Jahlael arrives from the north.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Thrall Jahlael leaves to the south.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
challenge wedric
You cannot challenge someone to an Arena battle while walking in grace.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
reject grace
You no longer enjoy the grace of the gods.
You cry aloud your rejection of divine grace, and leave the protection of the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
challenge wedric
You cannot challenge a person who walks in grace.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Combat is always fun."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
Arena Staging Grounds.
A cute little humgii is sitting here placidly, attached to a leash. A mighty 
gryphon rests regally in the shadows. A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby.
A nebulous water weird is here. A fiery efreeti spins madly here. Wedric 
Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here. He wields a sharpened quarterstaff in his 
You see exits leading north, south and southwest.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
Wedric cries aloud his rejection of divine grace.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
challenge wedric
You throw down the gauntlet and issue a formal challenge to Wedric to face you 
in single combat.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
<<Magi>>: Eilanis says, "Especially with thorns, bee, and constant loki."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric leaves to the ether, a wyvern reflected in his eyes.
With a flick of its tail, a mighty gryphon strides out to the ether.
A swarm of bees flies off to the ether.
Wedric accepts your challenge, and you walk through the portal after him, ready
enemy Wedric
order entourage kill Wedric
outc moss
to do battle.
Nearing the Grove of Valor. (road).

You see exits leading north, southeast and west.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]Wedric is now one of your enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You order a water weird to kill Wedric.
A water weird obeys your command.
You order a fiery efreeti to kill Wedric.
A fiery efreeti obeys your command.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the
 cache to 161.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
outc pentagon
outc disc
spin pentagon
spin disc
embed reverberation
You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 274.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in the
 cache to 215.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and it
 begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]
You fight down fear as Wedric enters from the west, a wyvern reflected in his 
A mighty gryphon strides regally in from the west.
A swarm of bees flies in from the west.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]
parry head
outc kola
eat kola
outc echinacea
eat echinacea

Wedric leaves to the southeast, a wyvern reflected in his eyes.
With a flick of its tail, a mighty gryphon strides out to the southeast.
A swarm of bees flies off to the southeast.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]Your vision sharpens with light as you gain night
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 kola nut, bringing the total in the cache
 to 51.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]You eat a kola nut.
An instant feeling of excitement and edginess overcomes you.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 echinacea, bringing the total in the
 cache to 3.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]You eat an echinacea root.
You now possess the gift of the third eye.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]
A barely heard tone echoes through the room.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pyramid
outc diamond
spin pyramid
spin diamond
embed forest
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [eb]
touch cloak
drink levitation
drink speed
drink frost
drink venom
outc sileris
apply sileris
apply caloric
You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 228.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 219.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond, and
 it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]You take a drink from a Syssin venom vial.
Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]You take a drink from a chestnut vial.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]You take a drink from a multicoloured, mother-of-pearl
A chill runs over your icy skin.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]You take a drink from a poisonous venom vial.
You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison 
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 sileris, bringing the total in the cache
 to 19.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]You apply a sileris berry to yourself.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]
You may drink another affliction-healing elixir.
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [-b]
A forest of small sharp crystals rises up from the ground.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc egg
outc disc
spin egg
spin disc
embed tremors
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [eb]You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in the
 cache to 215.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [eb]
Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in the
 cache to 214.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins to
 hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2879 B:100% [-b]
The sileris berry juice hardens into a supple purple shell.
H:3926 M:2879 B:100% [s -b]
As the tremors vibration embeds itself, a low rumbling can be heard.
H:3926 M:2879 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
outc cube
spin diamond
spin cube
embed revelation
H:3926 M:2879 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 218.
H:3926 M:2879 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 crystal cube, bringing the total in the
 cache to 246.
H:3926 M:2879 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:2879 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a crystal cube, and it begins to
 hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2879 B:100% [s eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2579 B:100% [s -b]
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3219 B:100% [s -b]
A crystal-clear tone permeates the air.
H:3926 M:3219 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc disc
outc polyhedron
spin disc
spin polyhedron
embed adduction
H:3926 M:3219 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in the
 cache to 213.
H:3926 M:3219 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 245.
H:3926 M:3219 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3219 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3219 B:100% [s eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2919 B:100% [s -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:2919 B:100% [s -b]
A feeling of oppression, as if the air is compressing into you, overcomes you.
H:3926 M:2919 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed alarm
H:3926 M:2919 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 243.
H:3926 M:2919 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2919 B:100% [s eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2619 B:100% [s -b]
A loud ringing sound momentarily fills the air.
H:3926 M:2694 B:100% [s -b]
wedric i wish i had soulstorm :P
drink mana
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "I wish i had soulstorm :P."
H:3926 M:2694 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
outc polyhedron
spin cylinder
spin polyhedron
embed stridulation
H:3926 M:2694 B:100% [s eb]You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3154 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 222.
H:3926 M:3154 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 244.
H:3926 M:3154 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3154 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3154 B:100% [s eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2854 B:100% [s -b]
Wedric tells you, "Hehe."
H:3926 M:2854 B:100% [s -b]
A high-pitched keening sound fills the air.
H:3926 M:2854 B:100% [s -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:2854 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pentagon
spin pentagon
embed dissipate
H:3926 M:2854 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 273.
H:3926 M:2854 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and it
 begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:2854 B:100% [s eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2554 B:100% [s -b]
drink mana
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3116 B:100% [s -b]
outc moss
eat moss

A low, thrumming vibration fills the air.
H:3926 M:3116 B:100% [s -b]You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the
 cache to 160.
H:3926 M:3116 B:100% [s -b]
Moss eatting reflex is now ON
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3486 B:100% [s -b]
Rebound Reflex is now ON

You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed disorientation
H:3926 M:3486 B:100% [s eb]
Mass Reflex is now ON
You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 242.
H:3926 M:3486 B:100% [s eb]
smoke pipe133451
You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3486 B:100% [s eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3186 B:100% [s -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3186 B:100% [s -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3186 B:100% [s -b]
apply mass
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your skin.
Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
H:3926 M:3186 B:100% [s -b]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3186 B:100% [s -b]
Your surroundings distort momentarily.
H:3926 M:3186 B:100% [s -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3186 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc polyhedron
spin polyhedron
embed energize
H:3926 M:3186 B:100% [s eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3556 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 243.
H:3926 M:3556 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3631 B:100% [s eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3331 B:100% [s -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3331 B:100% [s -b]
A slightly charged, vibrating circle of energy appears on the ground and then 
fades from view.
H:3926 M:3331 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
spin cylinder
embed palpitation
H:3926 M:3331 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 221.
H:3926 M:3331 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3331 B:100% [s eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3031 B:100% [s -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3031 B:100% [s -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3031 B:100% [s -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3401 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc cylinder
outc spiral
spin sphere
spin cylinder
spin spiral
embed dissonance
H:3926 M:3401 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 65.
H:3926 M:3476 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 220.
H:3926 M:3476 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 241.
H:3926 M:3476 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and it
 begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3476 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3476 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3476 B:100% [s eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3176 B:100% [s -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3176 B:100% [s -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3176 B:100% [s -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3546 B:100% [s -b]
A dissonant hum fills the air.
H:3926 M:3546 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc egg
spin sphere
spin egg
embed harmony
H:3926 M:3546 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 64.
H:3926 M:3546 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in the
 cache to 214.
H:3926 M:3546 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and it
 begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3546 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins to
 hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3546 B:100% [s eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to
 embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3246 B:100% [s -b]
A pleasant harmony wafts by.
H:3926 M:3246 B:100% [s -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3246 B:100% [s -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3616 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
spin diamond
embed oscillate
H:3926 M:3616 B:100% [s eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 217.
H:3926 M:3691 B:100% [s eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3691 B:100% [s eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3391 B:100% [s -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3391 B:100% [s -b]
A multi-toned, discordant music is faintly heard.
H:3926 M:3391 B:100% [s -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3391 B:100% [s eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3391 B:100% [s eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [s eb]
touch cloak
You caress the tattoo and immediately you feel a cloak of protection surround 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You listen intently for an instant of silence.  Finding it, you focus on it and
its clarity, protecting your mind against corruption.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric i should of swung or reflected for behead, meh
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "I should of swung or reflected 
for behead, meh."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Kikon, and Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
The efreeti begins to spin faster and faster, and suddenly disappears in a 
blaze of flame.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1104
Forest              Kikon                         1109
Tremors             Kikon                         1115
Revelation          Kikon                         1120
Adduction           Kikon                         1125
Alarm               Kikon                         1130
Stridulation        Kikon                         1135
Dissipate           Kikon                         1140
Disorientation      Kikon                         1146
Energize            Kikon                         1151
Palpitation         Kikon                         1156
Dissonance          Kikon                         1161
Harmony             Kikon                         1166
Oscillate           Kikon                         1172
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
Wedric tells you, "Yeah."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
cast ring

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You do not have the proper elemental channels open.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You shake with tremendous effort as you summon the power of all four physical 
elements in a tremendous act of will.
The strength of earth is at your command.
The power of air is harnessed to your will.
Elemental fire burns at your behest.
Purest water soothes you into calm.
H:3926 M:2704 B:100% [cs -b]You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3306 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3306 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3676 B:100% [cs -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric i saw no water, and i was shit, reflect whore macro
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "I saw no water, and i was shit, 
reflect whore macro."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric then died
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Then died."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
cast reflection at me
You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [cs -b]
outc hawthorn
eat hawthorn
You remove 1 hawthorn berry, bringing the total in the cache to 41.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [cs -b]You eat a hawthorn berry.
The world around fades to silence as you lose your hearing.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csd -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csd -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csd eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csd eb]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csd eb]
outc bayberry
eat bayberry
You remove 1 bayberry bark, bringing the total in the cache to 36.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csd eb]
You eat some bayberry bark.
Your eyes dim as you lose your sight.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "Hehe."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You shake with tremendous effort as you summon
 the power of all four physical 
elements in a tremendous act of will.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast stoneskin
Calling the powers of the elemental earth to you, you coat yourself in 
magically-supple granite.
H:3926 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric tells you, "I'm ready."
H:3926 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast chargeshield at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast chargeshield at me
You call upon the powers of air and earth to weave a non-conducting energy 
shield around you.
H:3926 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast waterweird at me
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You do not have the power to summon more than one
 water weird.
H:3926 M:3644 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast efreeti
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
All your reflections wink out of existence!
You rub your hands together briskly, heating them with friction, and with a 
word, throw them open. A fiery efreeti appears before you, swirling in a vortex
of flame.
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [csdb -b]
order entourage kill wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
order entourage kill wedric

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3579 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]A water weird is already hostile towards Wedric.
You order a fiery efreeti to kill Wedric.
A fiery efreeti obeys your command.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]

You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1056
Forest              Kikon                         1061
Tremors             Kikon                         1067
Revelation          Kikon                         1072
Adduction           Kikon                         1077
Alarm               Kikon                         1082
Stridulation        Kikon                         1087
Dissipate           Kikon                         1092
Disorientation      Kikon                         1098
Energize            Kikon                         1103
Palpitation         Kikon                         1108
Dissonance          Kikon                         1113
Harmony             Kikon                         1118
Oscillate           Kikon                         1124
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast ring
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You call upon the power of the elements to extend the life of your vibrations.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3589 B:100% [csdb -b]
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You shut your eyes and concentrate on the wise
 Under King. A moment later, you 
feel inextricably linked with the underworld and its passengers.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You rub your hands together greedily.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric ok go
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Ok go."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc sphere
outc torus
spin sphere crystal
spin torus crystal
embed sonicportal wedric
You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 63.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 torus crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 73.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a finely sculpted crystal
 torus, and it begins to hover in 
the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3589 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc pyramid
spin pyramid
embed focus
You step through a sonic portal.
You are blind and can see nothing but darkness.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 227.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A swarm of bees begins to follow you.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:3038 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3038 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3038 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast flood

Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3038 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2592 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2984 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:2984 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2984 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2984 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2984 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast flood
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3484 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast flood
cast flood
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3484 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3484 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast flood
Summoning the elemental waters, you magically flood the ground.
H:3484 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards onto you and mauls you viciously.
H:2596 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:2792 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]You begin to untangle yourself from the forest
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb --]
drink health

Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb --]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb --]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb --]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb --]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2307 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:1861 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:1861 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami

You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:1861 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:1861 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:1861 M:3529 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami
cast tsunami
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2253 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast tsunami
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2253 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2253 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2253 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast tsunami
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You summon a massive wave to rid this place of those around you.
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
H:2253 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2253 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 26 health.
H:2227 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2227 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
The bees sting you into paralysis.
outc bloodroot
eat bloodroot
H:1742 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1742 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:1742 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2341 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You remove 1 bloodroot leaf, bringing the total
 in the cache to 64.
H:2341 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat a bloodroot leaf.
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.
H:2341 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch shield

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another plant.
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb eb]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield

You touch the shield tattoo and suddenly a nearly invisible magical shield 
forms around you.
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb -b]H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2537 M:3489 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3125 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

You bleed 12 health.
H:3113 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:2628 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2628 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3095 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:3095 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric inhales deeply, then lets out an earth-shaking roar as a jet of 
white-hot fire shoots from his nostrils directly at you.
apply mending
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch mindseye

You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on
 your skin.
The raging fire about your skin goes out.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch mindseye
Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are suddenly heightened.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2283 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:1994 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
staffcast horripilation at wedric

You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:1994 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 1 health.
H:1993 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1993 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2438 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2438 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
Your aggressive action causes the nearly invisible magical shield around you to
fade away.
You point your staff at Wedric and he screams in pain as his skin begins to 
freeze and crack.
H:2438 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric takes a deep breath, his face slightly flushed.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You begin to untangle yourself from the forest vines.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]You must regain balance first.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2830 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain balance first.
H:3026 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:3026 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:2541 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:2541 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
staffcast horripilation at wedric

You have recovered equilibrium.
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2541 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2541 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2095 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric springs forwards and mauls your left arm.
H:1207 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1207 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 26 health.
H:1181 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:1181 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:1181 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:1720 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You point your staff at Wedric and he screams in
 pain as his skin begins to 
freeze and crack.
H:1720 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1720 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
H:1720 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:1720 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:1720 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1720 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:1720 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1720 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:1916 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1916 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:1916 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2308 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2308 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2308 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:2308 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2308 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2308 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2308 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:1823 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1823 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You point your staff at Wedric and he screams in pain as his skin begins to 
freeze and crack.
H:1823 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
H:1823 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1823 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:1823 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 16 health.
H:1807 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1807 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:1807 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:1361 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:1361 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:1911 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:1911 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:1911 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1911 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:1911 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
cast reflection at me

A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:1911 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards and mauls your left arm.
H:1023 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1023 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:1023 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1023 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1023 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1023 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:1023 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1219 M:3629 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:1219 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
H:1219 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1219 M:3579 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
cast reflection at me
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:1611 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1611 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me

You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:1807 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2346 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2346 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2346 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric springs forwards and mauls your left arm.
H:1458 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:1458 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:1458 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1458 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
cast reflection at me
You begin to untangle yourself from the forest vines.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb --]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb e-]
cast reflection at me
cast reflection at me
You must regain balance first.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb e-]You must regain balance first.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb e-]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb e-]
cast reflection at me
drink health
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb e-]You must regain balance first.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb e-]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
cast reflection at me
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
cast reflection at me
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:1012 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards and mauls your left arm.
You cease to wield an elemental staff.
Your left arm breaks from all the damage.
apply restoration to arms
touch tree
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
cast reflection at me
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]You touch the tree of life tattoo.
The bones in your left arm mend.
H:124 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:124 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:124 M:3604 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch shield
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:516 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:1071 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1071 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:1071 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:1071 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch shield
touch shield
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1071 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
H:1071 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:1071 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:625 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch shield
touch shield
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:625 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch shield
touch shield
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:625 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:625 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:625 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield
You touch the shield tattoo and suddenly a nearly invisible magical shield 
forms around you.
H:821 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:821 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's attack rebounds off your magical shield.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Your left arm is fully healed!
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]

You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]


You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]Your body is unbalanced, subterfuge evades you at
 this time.
H:1017 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 7 health.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Your body is unbalanced, subterfuge evades you at this time.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]Your body is unbalanced, subterfuge evades you at
 this time.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You grab hold of a nearby branch and swing nimbly up into the treetops.
In the trees above Centre of Grove of Valor.

You see exits leading north and east.
Your movement causes your magical shield to dissipate.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You can swing no higher.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
You can swing no higher.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You can swing no higher.
H:1010 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:564 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:956 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You can swing no higher.
H:956 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health

The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:471 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:971 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric swings gracefully up from the ground.
H:971 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You watch in amazement as Wedric begins to cling to the branches in such a 
clever way that he maintains a great deal of freedom of action.
H:971 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric eats some irid moss.
H:971 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:971 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield

Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:971 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
You touch the shield tattoo and suddenly a nearly invisible magical shield 
forms around you.
H:971 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:971 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:971 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You bleed 7 health.
H:964 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
H:964 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:964 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:964 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
--++!   YOU CAN TOUCH TREE AGAIN   !++--
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:964 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

Wedric inhales deeply, then lets out an earth-shaking roar as a jet of 
white-hot fire shoots from his nostrils directly at you.
apply mending
You flinch and raise your arms in front of your face in an instinctive gesture 
of terror, but the effort is futile. The heat and intensity of the flames are 
too much for your weakened frame to stand, and the last thing you see through 
your charred eyes is a glimpse of the pure, white-hot fire consuming your 
entire body.
You have been slain by Wedric.
You have been defeated and are thrown out of the Arena.
unenemy all
Rebound Reflex is now OFF
Mass Reflex is now OFF
Moss eatting reflex is now OFF
The spectator stands of the Fields of Valor.
There are 2 sonic portals here. There are 3 forest of sharpened crystals here.
You see exits leading northeast and east.
H:0 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
H:0 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
You messily spread the salve over your body, to no effect.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]In a moment of forgiveness, you declare that you have
 no enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You fight down fear as Wedric enters from the northeast, a wyvern reflected in 
his eyes.
A mighty gryphon strides regally in from the northeast.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
A great weight seems to have been lifted from Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric peers at a forest of sharpened crystals unscrupulously.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric sits down.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric stands up and stretches his arms out wide.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Psh."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
cry wedric
You collapse into Wedric's arms and begin to cry.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric whispers soothing words to you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You shake with tremendous effort as you summon the power of all four physical 
elements in a tremendous act of will.
The strength of earth is at your command.
The power of air is harnessed to your will.
Elemental fire burns at your behest.
Purest water soothes you into calm.
H:3926 M:2704 B:100% [-b]
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3259 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3259 B:100% [eb]
parry head
outc kola
eat kola
outc echinacea
eat echinacea
You will now attempt to parry attacks to your head.
H:3926 M:3259 B:100% [eb]Your vision sharpens with light as you gain night
H:3926 M:3259 B:100% [eb]You listen intently for an instant of silence. 
 Finding it, you focus on it and
its clarity, protecting your mind against corruption.
H:3926 M:3159 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 kola nut, bringing the total in the cache
 to 50.
H:3926 M:3159 B:100% [-b]You eat a kola nut.
An instant feeling of excitement and edginess overcomes you.
H:3926 M:3159 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 echinacea, bringing the total in the
 cache to 2.
H:3926 M:3159 B:100% [-b]You eat an echinacea root.
You now possess the gift of the third eye.
H:3926 M:3159 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [eb]
touch cloak
drink levitation
drink speed
drink frost
drink venom
outc sileris
apply sileris
apply caloric
You caress the tattoo and immediately you feel a cloak of protection surround 
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a Syssin venom vial.
Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a chestnut vial.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a multicoloured,
 mother-of-pearl vial.
A chill runs over your icy skin.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a poisonous venom vial.
You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison 
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c -b]You remove 1 sileris, bringing the total in the
 cache to 18.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c -b]You apply a sileris berry to yourself.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c -b]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c eb]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c eb]
You may drink another affliction-healing elixir.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c eb]
Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [c eb]
The sileris berry juice hardens into a supple purple shell.
H:3926 M:3234 B:100% [cs eb]
say fine
You say, "Fine."
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs eb]
secure right
unwield right
wield right tower
You cease to wield an ornate steel rapier in your right hand, securing it 
conveniently on your weaponbelt.
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs eb]You aren't wielding anything.
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs eb]You begin to wield a tower shield in your right
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs e-]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs eb]
You nod your head sagely.
H:3926 M:3384 B:100% [cs eb]
The corners of Wedric's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
H:3926 M:3384 B:100% [cs eb]
say that'll help... i assume
You say, "That'll help... i assume."
H:3926 M:3459 B:100% [cs eb]
Arena Staging Grounds.
A cute little humgii is sitting here placidly, attached to a leash.
You see exits leading north, south and southwest.
H:3926 M:3459 B:100% [cs eb]
reject grace
You no longer enjoy the grace of the gods.
You cry aloud your rejection of divine grace, and leave the protection of the 
H:3926 M:3459 B:100% [cs -b]
You fight down fear as Wedric enters from the southwest, a wyvern reflected in 
his eyes.
A mighty gryphon strides regally in from the southwest.
H:3926 M:3459 B:100% [cs -b]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Gold."
H:3926 M:3459 B:100% [cs -b]
Wedric cries aloud his rejection of divine grace.
H:3926 M:3534 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3534 B:100% [cs eb]
give 1000 gold to wed
You give 1000 gold sovereigns to Wedric.
H:3926 M:3534 B:100% [cs eb]
challenge wed
You throw down the gauntlet and issue a formal challenge to Wedric to face you 
in single combat.
H:3926 M:3534 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric leaves to the ether, a wyvern reflected in his eyes.
With a flick of its tail, a mighty gryphon strides out to the ether.
Wedric accepts your challenge, and you walk through the portal after him, ready
enemy Wedric
order entourage kill Wedric
outc moss
to do battle.
Modi river with muddy bank.

You see exits leading southeast, southwest and northwest.
H:3926 M:3534 B:100% [cs eb]Wedric is now one of your enemies.
H:3926 M:3534 B:100% [cs eb]A water weird does not see who you want killed.
A fiery efreeti does not see who you want killed.
H:3926 M:3534 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the
 cache to 159.
H:3926 M:3534 B:100% [cs eb]
outc pentagon
outc disc
spin pentagon
spin disc
embed reverberation
You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 272.
H:3926 M:3609 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 212.
H:3926 M:3609 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3609 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3609 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs -b]
A barely heard tone echoes through the room.
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pyramid
outc diamond
spin pyramid
spin diamond
embed forest
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 226.
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 216.
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3309 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3009 B:100% [cs -b]
outc hawthorn
eat hawthorn
You remove 1 hawthorn berry, bringing the total in the cache to 40.
H:3926 M:3009 B:100% [cs -b]You eat a hawthorn berry.
The world around fades to silence as you lose your hearing.
H:3926 M:3009 B:100% [csd -b]
A forest of small sharp crystals rises up from the ground.
H:3926 M:3009 B:100% [csd -b]
outc bayberry
eat bayberry

You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csd -b]You remove 1 bayberry bark, bringing the total in
 the cache to 35.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csd -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc egg
outc disc
spin egg
spin disc
embed tremors
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csd eb]You eat some bayberry bark.
Your eyes dim as you lose your sight.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 213.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb eb]
You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 211.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and
 it begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3084 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2784 B:100% [csdb -b]You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and
 banish all possibility of sleep.
H:3926 M:2684 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:2684 B:100% [csdb -b]
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3196 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
outc cube
spin diamond
spin cube
embed revelation
H:3926 M:3196 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 215.
H:3926 M:3196 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 crystal cube, bringing the total in
 the cache to 245.
H:3926 M:3196 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3196 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a crystal cube, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3196 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2896 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:2896 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc disc
outc polyhedron
spin disc
spin polyhedron
embed adduction
H:3926 M:2971 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 210.
H:3926 M:2971 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the
 total in the cache to 242.
H:3926 M:2971 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and
 it begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2971 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:2971 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2671 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed alarm
H:3926 M:2671 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 240.
H:3926 M:2671 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2671 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2371 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
outc polyhedron
spin cylinder
spin polyhedron
embed stridulation
H:3926 M:2446 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 219.
H:3926 M:2446 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the
 total in the cache to 241.
H:3926 M:2446 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2446 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:2446 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2146 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pentagon
spin pentagon
embed dissipate
H:3926 M:2146 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 271.
H:3926 M:2146 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:2146 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:1846 B:100% [csdb -b]
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:2418 B:100% [csdb -b]
outc moss
eat moss
You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the cache to 158.
H:3926 M:2418 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed disorientation
H:3926 M:2418 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:2788 B:100% [csdb eb]
Moss eatting reflex is now ON
You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 239.
H:3926 M:2788 B:100% [csdb eb]
Rebound Reflex is now ON
You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:2788 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2488 B:100% [csdb -b]
Mass Reflex is now ON

You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:2488 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc polyhedron
spin polyhedron
embed energize
H:3926 M:2488 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the
 total in the cache to 240.
H:3926 M:2488 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:2488 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2188 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:2188 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:2558 B:100% [csdb -b]
wedric how do you beat a druid... feh
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "How do you beat a druid... feh."
H:3926 M:2633 B:100% [csdb -b]

You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
spin cylinder
embed palpitation
H:3926 M:2633 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3209 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 218.
H:3926 M:3209 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3209 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2909 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:2909 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc cylinder
outc spiral
spin sphere
spin cylinder
spin spiral
embed dissonance
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 62.
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 217.
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 238.
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3279 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2979 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3054 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3424 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc egg
spin sphere
spin egg
embed harmony
H:3926 M:3424 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 61.
H:3926 M:3424 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric its too painful *cry*
You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 212.
H:3926 M:3424 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3424 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3424 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3124 B:100% [csdb -b]You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Its
 too painful *cry*."
H:3926 M:3124 B:100% [csdb -b]
Kikon, and Wedric.
H:3926 M:3124 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
spin diamond
embed oscillate
H:3926 M:3124 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3124 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 214.
H:3926 M:3124 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3124 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:2824 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3194 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3269 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "It can be tricky, yeah."
H:3926 M:3269 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Kikon Corona (male Xoran)
You have achieved level 74 (Unearthly) and are 77% of the way to the next 
Health: 3926/3926  Mana: 3704/3704
Endurance: 18530/18530  Willpower: 17090/17420
You are ranked 248th in Aetolia.
You are the 12th ranked combatant.
You stand tall as a proud citizen of Enorian.
You have reached the rank of 'Chieftain' in your city.
You are an aide to the Minister of War, and the Minister of Security.
Your class is that of a Magi.
You are an Enemy of Chaos in the Magi.
You are a Continental Wanderer in the Fellowship of Explorers.
You are a member of the clan called 'Them Crazy Arcans.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Royal Enorian Army.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Tanith Warriors.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Tyro-Magi.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Magi Water & Earth Elementals.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Legends of Sapience.'
You are a member of the clan called 'Magi Fire & Air Elementals.'
You are a member of the clan called 'House Corona.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Elysian Guard.'
You are a Master Sergeant in the army of Enorian.
You are Righteous.
You are able to take on proteges.
You are 72 years old, having been born on the 11th of Ios, year 99 of the 
Midnight Age.
You are carrying 76738 gold sovereigns.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric *chin*
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion,
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast ring
You call upon the power of the elements to extend the life of your vibrations.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
smoke pipe133451
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
apply mass
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your skin.
Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb -b]
outc moss
eat moss
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the
 cache to 157.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
The moss slides down without effect.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1192
Forest              Kikon                         1192
Tremors             Kikon                         1192
Revelation          Kikon                         1192
Adduction           Kikon                         1192
Alarm               Kikon                         1192
Stridulation        Kikon                         1192
Dissipate           Kikon                         1192
Disorientation      Kikon                         1192
Energize            Kikon                         1192
Palpitation         Kikon                         1192
Dissonance          Kikon                         1192
Harmony             Kikon                         1192
Oscillate           Kikon                         1192
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You shut your eyes and concentrate on the wise Under King. A moment later, you 
feel inextricably linked with the underworld and its passengers.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You rub your hands together greedily.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch mindseye
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are
 suddenly heightened.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
wedric ready?

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Ready?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "Whenever."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc sphere
outc torus
spin sphere crystal
spin torus crystal
embed sonicportal wedric
You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 60.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 torus crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 72.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a finely sculpted crystal
 torus, and it begins to hover in 
the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A piercing sound cleaves through the air.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast efreeti

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
All your reflections wink out of existence!
You rub your hands together briskly, heating them with friction, and with a 
word, throw them open. A fiery efreeti appears before you, swirling in a vortex
of flame.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]
A portal opens in the air in front of you, edges vibrating madly.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb eb]
order entourage kill wedric
You order a fiery efreeti to kill Wedric.
A fiery efreeti obeys your command.
A water weird does not see who you want killed.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric thorns and bees go through shield... so annoying
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Thorns and bees go through 
shield... so annoying."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "Yep."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc pyramid
spin pyramid
embed focus
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You step through a sonic portal.
Centre of Grove of Valor.
This area is unnaturally flooded with water. The shimmering form of a 
soulmaster floats in the air. A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby. Wedric 
Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here, wreathed about in roots. He wields a 
sharpened quarterstaff in his hands.
You see exits leading north and east.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 225.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
All your reflections wink out of existence!
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
A swarm of bees begins to follow you.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards and mauls your left arm.
H:2833 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:2833 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2833 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2833 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2833 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You begin to untangle yourself from the forest vines.
H:2833 M:3404 B:100% [csdb --]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3278 M:3404 B:100% [csdb --]
A chorus of vibrating tones can be heard.
H:3278 M:3404 B:100% [csdb --]
touch web wedric

You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:3278 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:2793 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2793 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
touch web wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2793 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:2793 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
touch web wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2793 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2793 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2311 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:2311 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2311 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2311 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier surrounding Wedric.
H:2311 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]Your attack is repelled by the prismatic barrier
 surrounding Wedric.
H:2311 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric springs forwards and mauls your left arm.
H:1218 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
Sticky strands of webbing spray out to cover Wedric as you touch the web 
H:1218 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:1610 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1610 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:1610 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch web wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:1610 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:1610 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:1610 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:1806 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:1806 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1806 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:1806 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2378 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric has writhed free of his bindings.
H:2378 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:1893 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:1893 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1893 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cr e
I do not understand.
H:2089 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2089 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:2089 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cr e

Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2089 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:1607 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
You begin to untangle yourself from the forest vines.
H:1607 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards and mauls your left arm.
H:514 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]Could you be a bit clearer?
H:514 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:514 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:514 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
drink health
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:514 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:514 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:514 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:514 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:514 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:906 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:906 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:906 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:906 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You grab hold of a nearby branch and swing nimbly up into the treetops.
You are too tangled up in vines to move.
H:906 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:421 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]

You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:421 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You grab hold of a nearby branch and swing nimbly
 up into the treetops.
In the trees above Centre of Grove of Valor.

You see exits leading north and east.
H:421 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
You can swing no higher.
H:421 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You can swing no higher.
H:421 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:421 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You can swing no higher.
H:421 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You can swing no higher.
H:421 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
drink health
You can swing no higher.
H:421 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:1053 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric swings gracefully up from the ground.
H:1053 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You watch in amazement as Wedric begins to cling to the branches in such a 
clever way that he maintains a great deal of freedom of action.
H:1053 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:1053 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]

Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:1053 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:571 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:571 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You carefully watch your footing and swing down
 from the treetops.
Centre of Grove of Valor.
This area is unnaturally flooded with water. A small forest of sharpened 
crystals protrudes from the ground.
You see exits leading north and east.
H:571 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast aerial
You suck in your breath, and with a mighty blast of air, exhale it while 
uttering a word of magic. Suddenly, the invisible hands of an aerial grab you 
and fly you up into the skies.
Flying above Centre of Grove of Valor.

You see exits leading north and east.
H:571 M:3454 B:100% [csdba -b]
drink health

You bleed 10 health.
H:561 M:3454 B:100% [csdba -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:561 M:3454 B:100% [csdba -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:76 M:3454 B:100% [csdba -b]
A fiery efreeti falls away to the ground.
H:76 M:3454 B:100% [csdba -b]
A water weird falls away to the ground.
H:76 M:3454 B:100% [csdba -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:272 M:3529 B:100% [csdba -b]
drink health
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:664 M:3704 B:100% [csdba -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:664 M:3704 B:100% [csdba -b]
Wedric has left 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
Wedric has entered 'Centre of Grove of Valor'.
H:664 M:3704 B:100% [csdba -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:1224 M:3704 B:100% [csdba -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1224 M:3704 B:100% [csdba eb]
lose bees
drink health
You move about quickly and lose a swarm of bees.
H:1224 M:3704 B:100% [csdba e-]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
H:739 M:3704 B:100% [csdba e-]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:739 M:3704 B:100% [csdba e-]
You hear a rustling, and glance about yourself to find that the undergrowth 
around you has snaked and twisted together, trapping you within.
H:739 M:3704 B:100% [csdba e-]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:739 M:3704 B:100% [csdba eb]
The forest looms up menacingly before you.
H:739 M:3704 B:100% [csdba eb]
White lightning forks down from the skies, converging on a distant point.
A bolt of whitest lightning streaks down from the heavens and engulfs you.  You
writhe and shake in noiseless agony as the pure electricity ripples over your 
You have been slain by Wedric.
You have been defeated and are thrown out of the Arena.
unenemy all
Rebound Reflex is now OFF
Mass Reflex is now OFF
Moss eatting reflex is now OFF
The spectator stands of the Fields of Valor.
There are 2 sonic portals here. There are 3 forest of sharpened crystals here.
You see exits leading northeast and east.
H:0 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
H:0 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
drink health
In a moment of forgiveness, you declare that you have no enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric haha
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Haha."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric doh
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Doh."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "..."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric tells you, "Don't think I've ever killed someone with lightning before."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric dam crash aliases
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Dam crash aliases."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric fah its c * not cr *
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Fah its c * not cr *."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Adahn, Alkaiser, Arnika, Belkor, Catlin, Darklordxavier, Dea, Eilanis, Eim, 
Eragorn, Ewvlel, Ferenczy, Ferow, Gangoroth, Garandras, Gelf, Iltarien, 
Jahlael, Jolarais, Kaolla, Kikon, Koron, Laria, Liandra, Maeghann, Malacki, 
Melssinia, Missari, Mortain, Nagli, Nahuaque, Nytiark, Parhelion, Ryzer, Sibel,
Sotere, Stella, Therwyn, Wedric, and Wylliam.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
The spectator stands of the Fields of Valor.
There are 2 sonic portals here. There are 3 forest of sharpened crystals here. 
A fiery efreeti spins madly here. A nebulous water weird is here.
You see exits leading northeast and east.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Arena Staging Grounds.
A cute little humgii is sitting here placidly, attached to a leash. The 
shimmering form of a soulmaster floats in the air. A mighty gryphon rests 
regally in the shadows. Nova Arcana Liandra Ta'sa is here. She wields a tower 
shield in her left hand. Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here. He wields 
a sharpened quarterstaff in his hands.
You see exits leading north, south and southwest.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Nova Arcana Liandra leaves to the north.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say seriously not fair
You say, "Seriously not fair."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
The corners of Wedric's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
(Magi): Parhelion says, "Therwyn, may I speak to you for a moment please?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
ccalc 2311 - 1218
Please explain.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
(Magi): Therwyn says, "Certainly."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Calculating: 2311 - 1218 = 1093

Wedric cries aloud his rejection of divine grace.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion says, "Again?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say 1.1l
You say, "1.1l."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say 1.1k
You say, "1.1k."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
combat status kikon
*********************[ Combat history for Kikon Corona. ]**********************
Rating                 Won                    Lost
508                    39                     18

Date                   vs                     Result         Change     Rating
2005/10/29 07:11       Vasilus                Win                 3        508
2005/10/28 14:37       Allanon                Win                 6        505
2005/10/26 13:02       Inaeternum             Win                 7        499
Type MORE to continue reading. (4% shown)
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say maul
You say, "Maul."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
(Magi): Liandra says, "I am running a free for all for fire tier two."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
The stars wink into existence, familiar constellations illuminating the night 
with tales of myth and legend.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric peers about himself unscrupulously.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric strikes a pose.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
say i think i forgot stoneskin
You say, "I think i forgot stoneskin."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You no longer enjoy the grace of the gods.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
(Magi): Liandra says, "Any restrictions anyone wants?"
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Comprehension flashes across Wedric's face.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
challenge wedric
You throw down the gauntlet and issue a formal challenge to Wedric to face you 
in single combat.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Wedric leaves to the ether, a wyvern reflected in his eyes.
He is followed by a soulmaster, a mighty gryphon, and a swarm of bees.
Wedric accepts your challenge, and you walk through the portal after him, ready
enemy Wedric
order entourage kill Wedric
outc moss
to do battle.
Top of the Lanosian tower.

You see a single exit leading down (open pine door).
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]Wedric is now one of your enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You order a fiery efreeti to kill Wedric.
A fiery efreeti obeys your command.
You order a water weird to kill Wedric.
A water weird obeys your command.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
parry head
outc kola
eat kola
outc echinacea
eat echinacea
You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the cache to 156.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You will now attempt to parry attacks to your head.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]Your vision sharpens with light as you gain night
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You listen intently for an instant of silence. 
 Finding it, you focus on it and
its clarity, protecting your mind against corruption.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 kola nut, bringing the total in the cache
 to 49.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You eat a kola nut.
An instant feeling of excitement and edginess overcomes you.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 echinacea, bringing the total in the
 cache to 1.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You eat an echinacea root.
You now possess the gift of the third eye.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [eb]
touch cloak
drink levitation
drink speed
drink frost
drink venom
outc sileris
apply sileris
apply caloric
You caress the tattoo and immediately you feel a cloak of protection surround 
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a Syssin venom vial.
Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a chestnut vial.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a multicoloured,
 mother-of-pearl vial.
A chill runs over your icy skin.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a poisonous venom vial.
You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison 
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c -b]You remove 1 sileris, bringing the total in the
 cache to 17.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c -b]You apply a sileris berry to yourself.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c -b]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c eb]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c eb]
You may drink another affliction-healing elixir.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c eb]
Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [c eb]
The sileris berry juice hardens into a supple purple shell.
H:3926 M:3679 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric meh, i think ill just never fight a druid in their grove
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Meh, i think ill just never fight
a druid in their grove."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Kikon, and Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You shake with tremendous effort as you summon the power of all four physical 
elements in a tremendous act of will.
The strength of earth is at your command.
The power of air is harnessed to your will.
Elemental fire burns at your behest.
Purest water soothes you into calm.
H:3926 M:2704 B:100% [cs -b]
You take a drink from an oaken vial.
Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
H:3926 M:3138 B:100% [cs -b]
outc moss
eat moss
You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the cache to 155.
H:3926 M:3213 B:100% [cs -b]
Moss eatting reflex is now ON
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3583 B:100% [cs -b]
Rebound Reflex is now ON
Mass Reflex is now ON

You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3583 B:100% [cs -b]
apply mass
smoke pipe133451
You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your skin.
Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
H:3926 M:3583 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3583 B:100% [cs eb]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3583 B:100% [cs eb]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3583 B:100% [cs eb]
cast efreeti

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3583 B:100% [cs eb]You are unable to summon more than one efreeti.
H:3926 M:3333 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3703 B:100% [cs eb]
order entourage kill wedric
A fiery efreeti is already hostile towards Wedric.
A water weird is already hostile towards Wedric.
H:3926 M:3703 B:100% [cs eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "You should try out retard or something."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric in a grove? Are you bloody crazy?
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "In a grove? Are you bloody 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Kikon, and Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "I dunno >_>."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric .... god sake
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, ".... god sake."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "Or you could surround the grove with retard vibes."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Wedric tells you, "Then tsunami."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric you lose respect points for that suggestion, grove entangle and bees
 will eat me alive

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "You
 lose respect points for that 
suggestion, grove entangle and bees will eat me alive."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
wedric around the grove, yeah, ive thought of that
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion,
 "Around the grove, yeah, ive 
thought of that."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
Kikon, and Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
No vibrations found.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
outc pentagon
outc disc
spin pentagon
spin disc
embed reverberation

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 270.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 209.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
A barely heard tone echoes through the room.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pyramid
outc diamond
spin pyramid
spin diamond
embed forest
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 224.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 213.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
A forest of small sharp crystals rises up from the ground.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc egg
outc disc
spin egg
spin disc
embed tremors
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]
outc hawthorn
eat hawthorn
You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 211.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 208.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins to
 hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [cs eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]You remove 1 hawthorn berry, bringing the total in
 the cache to 39.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [cs -b]You eat a hawthorn berry.
The world around fades to silence as you lose your hearing.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csd -b]
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csd -b]You clench your fists, grit your teeth, and banish
 all possibility of sleep.
H:3926 M:3304 B:100% [csd -b]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3304 B:100% [csd -b]
outc bayberry
eat bayberry

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3304 B:100% [csd -b]You remove 1 bayberry bark, bringing the total in
 the cache to 34.
H:3926 M:3304 B:100% [csd -b]
As the tremors vibration embeds itself, a low rumbling can be heard.
H:3926 M:3304 B:100% [csd -b]You eat some bayberry bark.
Your eyes dim as you lose your sight.
H:3926 M:3304 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3674 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
outc cube
spin diamond
spin cube
embed revelation
H:3926 M:3674 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3674 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 212.
H:3926 M:3674 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 crystal cube, bringing the total in
 the cache to 244.
H:3926 M:3674 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3674 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a crystal cube, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3674 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3374 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3374 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3449 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc disc
outc polyhedron
spin disc
spin polyhedron
embed adduction
H:3926 M:3449 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "Whenever."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 disc crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 207.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the
 total in the cache to 239.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin an opaque crystal disc, and
 it begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed alarm
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 237.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3104 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3474 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
outc polyhedron
spin cylinder
spin polyhedron
embed stridulation
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 216.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the
 total in the cache to 238.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc pentagon
spin pentagon
embed dissipate
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 pentagon crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 269.
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a milky crystal pentagon, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3619 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3319 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc spiral
spin spiral
embed disorientation
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 236.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc polyhedron
spin polyhedron
embed energize
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 polyhedron crystal, bringing the
 total in the cache to 237.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a sharply angled crystal
 polyhedron, and it begins to hover
in the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc cylinder
spin cylinder
embed palpitation
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 215.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3179 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc cylinder
outc spiral
spin sphere
spin cylinder
spin spiral
embed dissonance
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 59.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 cylinder crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 214.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 spiral crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 235.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a cylindrical crystal, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a dark crystal spiral, and it
 begins to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3549 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3249 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3324 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3324 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc sphere
outc egg
spin sphere
spin egg
embed harmony
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 58.
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 egg crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 210.
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a crystal egg, and it begins
 to hover in the air.
H:3926 M:3694 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3394 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
outc diamond
spin diamond
embed oscillate
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 diamond crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 211.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a shimmering crystal diamond,
 and it begins to hover in the
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You shut your eyes and concentrate on the wise Under King. A moment later, you 
feel inextricably linked with the underworld and its passengers.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You rub your hands together greedily.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Kikon, and Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast reflection at me
You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel your density return to normal.
apply mass
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on
 your skin.
Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast scry at wedric
You create a pool of water in the air in front of you, and look through it, 
sensing Wedric at Centre of Grove of Valor.
H:3926 M:3674 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3674 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3674 B:100% [csdb eb]
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]The following vibrations reside here:
Vibration           Owner                         Seconds left
Reverberation       Kikon                         1111
Forest              Kikon                         1116
Tremors             Kikon                         1121
Revelation          Kikon                         1126
Adduction           Kikon                         1132
Alarm               Kikon                         1137
Stridulation        Kikon                         1141
Dissipate           Kikon                         1146
Disorientation      Kikon                         1151
Energize            Kikon                         1157
Palpitation         Kikon                         1162
Dissonance          Kikon                         1167
Harmony             Kikon                         1172
Oscillate           Kikon                         1177
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast ring
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
All your reflections wink out of existence!
You call upon the power of the elements to extend the life of your vibrations.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3479 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast reflection at me
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You cast a spell of reflection over yourself.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3654 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc sphere
outc torus
spin sphere crystal
spin torus crystal
embed sonicportal wedric
You remove 1 sphere crystal, bringing the total in the cache to 57.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 torus crystal, bringing the total in
 the cache to 71.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a perfect crystal sphere, and
 it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a finely sculpted crystal
 torus, and it begins to hover in 
the air.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals
 to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb eb]
wedric ready?

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch mindseye
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Ready?"
H:3926 M:3664 B:100% [csdb eb]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Touching the mindseye tattoo, your senses are
 suddenly heightened.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A portal opens in the air in front of you, edges vibrating madly.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric tells you, "Already said so :p."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast stoneskin

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Calling the powers of the elemental earth to you,
 you coat yourself in 
magically-supple granite.
H:3926 M:3629 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
cast chargeshield at me
You call upon the powers of air and earth to weave a non-conducting energy 
shield around you.
H:3926 M:3504 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3689 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
cast efreeti

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
All your reflections wink out of existence!
You rub your hands together briskly, heating them with friction, and with a 
word, throw them open. A fiery efreeti appears before you, swirling in a vortex
of flame.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3454 B:100% [csdb -b]
order entourage kill wedric
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
order entourage kill wedric
A water weird is already hostile towards Wedric.
You order a fiery efreeti to kill Wedric.
A fiery efreeti obeys your command.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]A water weird is already hostile towards Wedric.
A fiery efreeti is already hostile towards Wedric.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
outc pyramid
spin pyramid
embed focus

You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You step through a sonic portal.
Centre of Grove of Valor.
The shimmering form of a soulmaster floats in the air. A swarm of bees hovers 
menacingly nearby. Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here. He wields a 
sharpened quarterstaff in his hands.
You see exits leading north and east.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You remove 1 pyramid crystal, bringing the total
 in the cache to 223.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You vigorously spin a pyramid carved of crystal,
 and it begins to hover in the 
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
With a forceful gesture, you command the crystals to embed themselves into the 
H:3926 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:3560 M:3404 B:100% [csdb -b]You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
A swarm of bees begins to follow you.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards and mauls your left arm.
H:3096 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:3096 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:3096 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health

The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
H:2611 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch web wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch web wedric

A chorus of vibrating tones can be heard.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch web wedric
touch web wedric

Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch web wedric
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch web wedric
touch web wedric
Sticky strands of webbing spray out to cover Wedric as you touch the web 
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3056 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:2690 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:2690 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2690 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
H:2690 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
H:2205 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
drink health
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:2597 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:2597 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric has writhed free of his bindings.
H:2597 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:2597 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:2597 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must be wielding a staff of the magi to cast that spell.
wield staff
H:2597 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:2597 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
Wedric springs forwards and mauls your left arm.
H:1767 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:2405 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You must be wielding a staff of the magi to cast
 that spell.
wield staff
H:2405 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 26 health.
H:2379 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:2379 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
staffcast horripilation at wedric
You must be wielding a staff of the magi to cast that spell.
wield staff
H:2379 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You begin to wield an elemental staff in your
 left hand.
H:2379 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:2379 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]You must regain balance first.
H:2379 M:3704 B:100% [csdb e-]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:2575 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.
H:2575 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You are already wielding an elemental staff in
 your left hand.
H:2575 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
smoke pipe133451
You point your staff at Wedric and he screams in pain as his skin begins to 
freeze and crack.
H:2575 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:2575 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:2575 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:2575 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You take a long drag off your pipe.
H:2575 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch shield
You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:2575 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
A pair of vines suddenly lashes out from the undergrowth to entangle you!
H:2575 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his skin.
H:2575 M:3554 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch shield
touch shield
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:2771 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
A water weird wounds Wedric with a glancing cut.
H:2286 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric springs forwards and mauls your left arm.
H:1456 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch shield
You begin to untangle yourself from the forest vines.
H:1456 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
A thorn covered vine whips out from behind you, tearing many bleeding wounds 
into your flesh.
H:1090 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
touch shield
touch shield
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1090 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1090 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:1090 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:1090 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
drink health
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1090 M:3704 B:100% [csdb --]
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
H:1090 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1090 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1090 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:1090 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You bleed 42 health.
H:1048 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric bursts into flame as a fiery efreeti spins into him.
H:1048 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield
touch shield
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
H:1440 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You continue to untangle your body from the forest vines.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Wedric.
---- DO NOT SLASH! ----
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
Wedric takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield
You are too tangled up in vines to do that.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
You have writhed free of your entanglement by vines.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
A prismatic barrier springs up around Wedric.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb eb]
touch shield
You touch the shield tattoo and suddenly a nearly invisible magical shield 
forms around you.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric's prismatic barrier dissolves into nothing.
Wedric's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
---- SLASH! SLASH! ----
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
touch shield
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric takes a long drag off his pipe.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
drink health
You must regain equilibrium first.
H:1924 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
The swarm of bees angrily stings you in multiple places.
The bees sting you into paralysis.
outc bloodroot
eat bloodroot
Wedric yelps in pain as a water weird bashes him.
H:1439 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:1439 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
The elixir flows down your throat without effect.
H:1439 M:3704 B:100% [csdb -b]
Wedric inhales deeply, then lets out an earth-shaking roar as a jet of 
white-hot fire shoots from his nostrils directly at you.
apply mending
You flinch and raise your arms in front of your face in an instinctive gesture 
of terror, but the effort is futile. The heat and intensity of the flames are 
too much for your weakened frame to stand, and the last thing you see through 
your charred eyes is a glimpse of the pure, white-hot fire consuming your 
entire body.
You have been slain by Wedric.
You have been defeated and are thrown out of the Arena.
unenemy all
Rebound Reflex is now OFF
Mass Reflex is now OFF
Moss eatting reflex is now OFF
The spectator stands of the Fields of Valor.
There are 2 sonic portals here. There are 3 forest of sharpened crystals here.
You see exits leading northeast and east.
H:0 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
H:0 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You remove 1 bloodroot leaf, bringing the total in the
 cache to 63.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You eat a bloodroot leaf.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You may drink another health or mana elixir.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
You messily spread the salve over your body, to no effect.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
crash e
In a moment of forgiveness, you declare that you have no enemies.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You may eat another plant.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]You must regain equilibrium first.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You may apply another salve to yourself.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
You may eat another bit of irid moss.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [-b]
crash e

You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
crash e
There is no undergrowth barring your way in that direction.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]There is no undergrowth barring your way in that
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Koron has been slain by the might of Lethal Coercion, Conner Arcan.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
inc all sileris
inc all ash
inc all cohosh
inc all kola
inc all goldenseal
inc all kelp
inc all lobelia
inc all ginseng
inc all bellwort
inc all elm
inc all bloodroot
inc all valerian
inc all skullcap
inc all moss
inc all pear
inc all echinacea
inc all myrrh
inc all bayberry
inc all hawthorn
You store 3 sileris, bringing the total to 20.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no ash in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no cohosh in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 3 kola nut, bringing the total to 52.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no goldenseal in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no kelp in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no lobelia in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no ginseng in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no bellwort in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no elm in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 7 bloodroot leaf, bringing the total to 70.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no valerian in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no skullcap in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 14 irid moss, bringing the total to 169.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no pear in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 3 echinacea, bringing the total to 4.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You see no myrrh in your inventory.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 8 bayberry bark, bringing the total to 42.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 7 hawthorn berry, bringing the total to 46.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
I cannot fathom your meaning.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
inc all pyramid
inc all torus
inc all pentagon
inc all cylinder
inc all cube
inc all diamond
inc all sphere
inc all polyhedron
inc all spiral
inc all egg
inc all disc
You store 13 pyramid crystal, bringing the total to 236.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 6 torus crystal, bringing the total to 77.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 14 pentagon crystal, bringing the total to
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 21 cylinder crystal, bringing the total to
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 7 crystal cube, bringing the total to 251.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 21 diamond crystal, bringing the total to
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 20 sphere crystal, bringing the total to 77.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 21 polyhedron crystal, bringing the total to
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 21 spiral crystal, bringing the total to 256.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 14 egg crystal, bringing the total to 224.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You store 22 disc crystal, bringing the total to 229.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
(Enorian): Parhelion says, "Er."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
wedric feh, i give up
You tell Wedric Vespertine, Lyne's Champion, "Feh, i give up."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Arena Staging Grounds.
A cute little humgii is sitting here placidly, attached to a leash. The 
shimmering form of a soulmaster floats in the air. A mighty gryphon rests 
regally in the shadows. A swarm of bees hovers menacingly nearby. Wedric 
Vespertine, Lyne's Champion is here. He wields a sharpened quarterstaff in his 
You see exits leading north, south and southwest.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
You slump down dejectedly.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
parry head
outc kola
eat kola
outc echinacea
eat echinacea
You will now attempt to parry attacks to your head.
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]
Parhelion tells you, "Conner just killed Koron, come to the city."
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]Your vision sharpens with light as you gain night
H:3926 M:3704 B:100% [eb]You listen intently for an instant of silence. 
 Finding it, you focus on it and
its clarity, protecting your mind against corruption.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 kola nut, bringing the total in the cache
 to 51.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You eat a kola nut.
An instant feeling of excitement and edginess overcomes you.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You remove 1 echinacea, bringing the total in the
 cache to 3.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]You eat an echinacea root.
You now possess the gift of the third eye.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [-b]
You have recovered equilibrium.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [eb]
touch cloak
drink levitation
drink speed
drink frost
drink venom
outc sileris
apply sileris
apply caloric
You caress the tattoo and immediately you feel a cloak of protection surround 
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a Syssin venom vial.
Your body begins to feel lighter and you feel that you are floating slightly.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a chestnut vial.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a multicoloured,
 mother-of-pearl vial.
A chill runs over your icy skin.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You take a drink from a poisonous venom vial.
You feel a momentary dizziness as your resistance to damage by poison 
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You remove 1 sileris, bringing the total in the
 cache to 19.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You apply a sileris berry to yourself.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your
A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
H:3926 M:3604 B:100% [c -b]