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"Project Writers Unite"
Future Plans

This section is the place where we tell what Project Writers Unite would like to do in the future. These are ideas for events and projects that will help all writers invovled in our group.

Pen Pal Writing Program
There are members in the Yahoo Group version of Project Writers Unite that can not make physical meetings because they do not live in the area. This program would pair up members attending the physical meeting with the members that don't. The goal would be that the pairing could keep each other interested in writing and in the club.

Collaborations With Other Groups
Working with other groups is a wonderful way to get your work out to people. By collaborating with other groups, we not only satisfy one of our own club objectives, but we also get a great opportunity to network with other group and get some much needed exposure.

Writing Workshops
I would like to get guest lecturers to hold workshops on topics that are important top writers today. Along with workshops on different mediums (i.e., poetry short story, plays, etc.), I would also like to have workshops on things like copy-writing, pitching your work to professionals, contests and festivals, etc...

This would be a 1/2 or full day writers workshop covering many different aspects of writing, publishing, copyrighting, etc...

This would be a 1/2 or full day event that would showcase different writers from different mediums. This would also be an opportunity to invite other writers and performing arts groups to help accentuate our work, which will be the driving force of the festival.

Reader's Theater Group
This group would put on staged/unstaged readings and small productions from work submitted by the members of PWU. In addition, creating new theatrical works from submissions from members and other writers.

Literary Competition
These competitions will be in several different categories based on the mediums that PWU is focused on. With the winners in each category being featured in a public reading of their work.

Dated: 7/10/05

For a look at our most current project, click over to PWU Special Projects!

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