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Why do we need the Moraine for Future Generations?

As you already know, the main reason is WATER! . If we destory the Moraine now, our water will never be as clean in the future. When people drink and bathe in unclean water, they may expreience health problems. Over time, more and more people will become sick because of the water they are drinking. If a large number of people in our area become sick, this will definitely lower the overall quality of life. If more and more people become sick, the quality of life in our region will go down. Clean water is essential for a healthy environment.
The Moraine also keeps the water moving, by fitering it. If all the precipitaion just stayed in one place, a flood would start, and bring devestation to the area.

The Moraine is home to many species of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, insects, plants, etc. If we tear it all down, this wildlife goes with it! If all this wildlife is gone, we will eventually die too (well, eventually). It's called the food chain:

Natural Resources
Wood, gravel, soil, and other bulding materials all come from the Moraine. If the Moraine is destroyed in the future, builders will have to obtain these materials from a different source.


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Poll #1
Now, do you think development on the Oak Ridges Moraine should stop?

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